Новые проблемы и новые надежды были характерны для конца XX века. Угро перевод - Новые проблемы и новые надежды были характерны для конца XX века. Угро английский как сказать

Новые проблемы и новые надежды были

Новые проблемы и новые надежды были характерны для конца XX века. Угроза ядерной и экологической катастроф, экономическая отсталость стран «третьего» мира, акты международного терроризма, увеличение числа локальных войн - и это лишь далеко не полный спи¬сок «вызовов» мировому сообществу. Одновременно происходили подписание многочисленных договоров в области разоружения, шли поиски решений различных региональных конфликтов, осуществлялось развитие сотрудничества в области науки и культуры, происходил
рост роли и значения антивоенных, демократических, общественных движений. Становление взаимозависимого целостного мира требует от человечества нового решения вопросов, что, несомненно, повышает значение международного права и роль внешней политики отдельных государств на международной арене. В целостном мире внешняя политика государств и международное право всегда взаимодействуют и влияют друг на друга. Международное право и международные организации являются регуляторами как международной жизни, так и внешней политики государств. Ядром всей системы международного права является общее международное право. Многие общечеловеческие ценности уже нашли свое нормативное воплощение в основных принципах международного права, которые заключаются в праве народов на самоопределение, запрещении обращаться к силе или угрозе ее применения, вмешиваться во внутренние дела государств. Прочный правопорядок в мире возможен в случае признания примата международного права в политике.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
New challenges and new hope were typical for the end of the 20th century. The threat of nuclear and environmental disasters, underdevelopment of the third world, acts of international terrorism, the increasing number of local wars and it just is not a complete IPN ¬ juice "calls" to the world community. The signing took place at the same time many disarmament treaties, went searching for solutions to the various regional conflicts, the development of cooperation in science and culture, camethe growth of the role and importance of anti-war, democratic, social movements. Becoming interdependent holistic peace requires from humanity's new deal with issues that undoubtedly enhances the value of international law and the role of the foreign policy of the individual States in the international arena. In the whole world the foreign policy of States and international law always interact and affect each other. International law and international organizations are regulators as international life and foreign policy. The core of the whole system of international law is a general international law. Many human values have already found its embodiment in the basic legal principles of international law, namely the right of peoples to self-determination, the prohibition of recourse to the threat or use of force, interference in the internal affairs of States. Durable law and order in the world is possible in case of recognition of the primacy of international law in politics.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
New challenges and new hopes were characteristic of the late XX century. The threat of nuclear and ecological disasters, economic backwardness of the "third" world, acts of international terrorism, the proliferation of local wars - and this is just not a complete spi¬sok "call" to the world community. At the same time there were the signing of numerous agreements in the field of disarmament, were searching for solutions to the various regional conflicts, carried out the development of cooperation in the field of science and culture, came
the growth of the role and importance of anti-war, democratic, social movements. Becoming a holistic interdependent world requires that humankind new address, which undoubtedly increases the importance of international law and the role of the foreign policy of individual states in the international arena. In the holistic world of foreign policy and international law always interact and influence each other. International law and international organizations are regulators of both international affairs and foreign policy. The core of the whole system of international law is the general international law. Many human values ​​has found its normative expression in the basic principles of international law, which is to the right of peoples to self-determination, Ban handle to force or threat of force to interfere in the internal affairs of States. Durable law and order in the world is possible in the case of recognition of the primacy of international law in politics.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
New problems and new hopes were characterized for the end of the XX century. The threat of nuclear and environmental disasters, economic backwardness of the "third" of the world, acts of international terrorism,The increase in the number of local wars, and this is not only far from full Boi¬juice "calls" the world community. The signing took place at numerous treaties in the field of disarmament,It was the search for solutions to the various regional conflicts, there has been development of cooperation in the field of science and culture, took place
growth the role and values educated, democratic, social movements.
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