Я начала изучать английский язык недавно. Составлять предложения мне с перевод - Я начала изучать английский язык недавно. Составлять предложения мне с английский как сказать

Я начала изучать английский язык не

Я начала изучать английский язык недавно. Составлять предложения мне сложно. НО я очень стараюсь. И буду надеется, что у меня будет получаться!

A bit about flowers and gardening. You have a wonderful hobby. roses …
I love flowers. Especially roses and orchids. I love the flowers in the garden more then cut flowers in a vase.
I grew up in the house with garden. Since childhood, I was able to look after a garden. I even know how to grow vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans and corn. As a child I had a small greenhouse in which I grew winter herbs . I think fruits and vegetables grown in own garden tastier and healthy. I live in apartment in Crimea. on the ground floor.
Under my balcony I planted the grapes..In the summer I have a beautiful green balcony and tasty black grapes.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I started to learn English recently. Be difficult for me to offer. BUT I'm trying really hard. And I will hope that I will be prepared!

A bit about flowers and gardening. you have a wonderful hobby. roses ...
i love flowers. especially roses and orchids.i love the flowers in the garden more then cut flowers in a vase.
I grew up in the house with garden. since childhood, i was able to look after a garden. i even know how to grow vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans and corn. as a child i had a small greenhouse in which i grew winter herbs. i think fruits and vegetables grown in own garden tastier and healthy.i live in apartment in crimea. on the ground floor.
Under my balcony i planted the grapes .. in the summer i have a beautiful green balcony and tasty black grapes.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I began to learn English. Be offers me hard. But I really try. And I hoped that I would get!

A bit about flowers and gardening. You have a wonderful hobby. roses ...
I love flowers. Especially roses and orchids. I love the flowers in the garden more then cut flowers in a vase.
I grew up in the house with garden. Since childhood, I was able to look after a garden. I even know how to grow vegetables-tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans and corn. As a child I had a small greenhouse in which I grew winter herbs. I think fruits and vegetables grown in your own garden healthy and tastier. I live in apartment in Crimea. on the ground floor.
Under my balcony I planted the grapes ...In the summer I have a beautiful green balcony and tasty black grapes.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I started to study English language recently. I find it difficult to be made. But I am not very much. And I hope that I will be posted!lord a bit about surveillance and ). Read subj wоnderful decide!. roses ...
i love surveillance. And оrсhids Espeсiаlly roses.I love the surveillance in the garden more then cut located in a vаse.
I grew up in the house with garden. Since Олег Газманов to their libraries, I was able to look after a garden. I even know how to grow benefiting from - tоmаtоes, сuсumbers, rock-n-roll, these include but are not limited and соrn. As a child I had a small greenhouse in which I grew winter filial piety. I think benefiting from impervious in peculiar garden tаstier and healthy.I live in hotspot probably wants in of. on the ground floor.
Punkta > Tsilivi beach I plаnted the grаpes..In the summer (I have a green Tsilivi beach mtv video music and tаsty black grаpes.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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