Но дело не в том, что я не хочу ехать. Я хочу встретиться с тобой, ты мне нравишься, ты интересный собеседник, я многому у тебя могу поучиться и я думаю, что ты все-таки серьезно к этому относишься.
But it's not that I didn't want to go. I want to meet with you, I like you, you're an interesting conversationalist, I learn a lot from you can learn and I think you're still serious about this the way you feel.
But it's not that I do not want to go. I want to meet with you, I like you, you are an interesting conversationalist, I much you can learn and I think you're still serious about this.
but it"s not that i don"t want to go. i want to meet with you, i like you, you are an interesting person, i can learn a lot from you and i think you"re taking this seriously.