Во многих странах сельские жители страдают от недостатка (lack of ) ин перевод - Во многих странах сельские жители страдают от недостатка (lack of ) ин английский как сказать

Во многих странах сельские жители с

Во многих странах сельские жители страдают от недостатка (lack of ) информации.
В среднем женщины живут на шесть лет дольше мужчин.
Из скольких глав состоит последний роман этого популярного писателя?
Искусство лидера заключается в том, чтобы сплотить народ (to consolidate) против врага. Постоянным (regular) клиентам не нужно подписывать новый договор.
Майкл сказал, что он не хотел причинить никакого вреда и извинился.
Популярность президента не зависит от рейтинга членов его администрации.
Скоро Аманда поняла, что не может прожить на жалование медсестры.
Почему любовь иногда причиняет столько страданий?
Учебники соответствуют европейским стандартам, определенным Болонской декларацией (set out in the Bologna declaration).
В среднем, мне требует около 30 минут, чтобы добраться до университета.
Элайза имела твердое намерение улучшить свое произношение.
Эта компьютерная программа предназначена для учеников старших классов.
Я принял предложение друга и согласился начать работу на следующей неделе.
Центр был создан с целью объединить молодых писателей.
Вы взрослый человек и должны быть готовы отвечать за последствия своих действий. Спасатели (rescue teams) продолжают поиск выживших после урагана.
Венесуэла (Venezuela) — первая южноамериканская страна, получившая независимость от Испании.
Актерская игра в новом голливудском блокбастере (Hollywood blockbuster) ниже среднего.
Постарайся не попадать в неприятности.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Villagers in many countries suffer from a lack of (lack of) information.On average women live six years longer than men.How many chapters is the last novel of this popular writer?The art of the leader is to unite the people (to consolidate) against the enemy. Permanent (regular) customers do not need to sign a new contract.Michael said he did not want to cause any harm and apologized.The President's popularity does not depend on the ranking members of his administration.Amanda soon realized that he could not survive on the salary of a nurse.Why love sometimes causes so much suffering?Textbooks meet European standards defined by the Bologna Declaration (set out in the Bologna declaration).On average I takes about 30 minutes to get to the University.Eliza had a commitment to improve your pronunciation.This computer program is designed for high school students.I took the suggestion of a friend and agreed to start work next week.The Centre was established in order to unite the young writers.You are an adult and must be prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. The rescuers (rescue teams) continue to search for survivors after hurricane.Venezuela (Venezuela) is the first South American country, which gained independence from Spain.Acting in a new Hollywood blockbuster (Hollywood blockbuster) below average.Try not to get into trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

In many countries, rural people suffer from a lack of (lack of) information.
On average, women live six years longer than men.
How many chapters is the last novel of the popular writer?
Leader Art is to unite the people (to consolidate) against the enemy. Permanent (regular) customers do not need to sign a new contract.
Michael said that he did not want to cause any harm and apologized.
President's popularity does not depend on the rating of the members of his administration.
Soon, Amanda realized that she could not live on the nurse salary.
Why is love sometimes causes so much suffering?
Textbooks meet European standards as defined by the Bologna Declaration (set out in the Bologna declaration) .
On average, it takes me about 30 minutes to get to the university.
Eliza had a strong commitment to improve their pronunciation.
This computer program designed for high school students .
I accepted the offer of a friend and agreed to start work next week.
The center was established with the aim to bring young writers.
you are an adult and should be ready to bear the consequences of their actions. Rescuers (rescue teams) continue to search for survivors of the hurricane.
Venezuela (Venezuela) -. The first South American country to gain independence from Spain
. Acting in a new Hollywood blockbuster (Hollywood blockbuster) below average
Try not to get into trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in many countries, rural residents suffer from a lack of (lack of) information.on average, women live in the six years longer than men.how many chapters of the novel, it is последний popular writer?the art of leadership is to bring people to consolidate) against the enemy. permanent (regular) clients do not have to sign новый contract.майкл said he didn't want to cause no harm and apologized.the president's popularity does not depend on the рейтинга members of his administration.amanda soon realized that cannot survive on a nurse.why love sometimes hurts so much страданий?books are европейским standards as defined болонской декларацией (set out in the bologna declaration).on average, it takes about 30 minutes to get to the university.элайза had strong intention to improve their pronunciation.this computer program is designed for high school students.i accepted the proposal and agreed to begin work on other следующей week.the centre was established to bring together young писателей.you взрослый man and should be ready to answer for the consequences of their действий. rescue (rescue teams continued to search for survivors after the hurricane.venezuela (venezuela) - the first south american country with independence from spain.acting in a new hollywood blockbuster (hollywood blockbuster) below average.постарайся didn't get in trouble.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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