Значение этого человека в судьбе России столь велико, а знают о нем настолько мало, что это даже обидно. Именно Парвус был учителем и наставником Ленина, первым гениально угадав в Ильиче того человека, чья безумная энергия сокрушения позволит осуществить его, Парвуса, глобальные планы фантастического обогащения. Ибо, надо честно признать, черной работы Парвус не любил, хотя ему и пришлось ею заниматься в 1905 году. Парвус закончил Базельский университет по курсу экономики и финансов, после чего несколько лет проработал в различных банках Германии и Швейцарии. Увлекся Марксом. Видимо, первым понял возможность использования марксистской фразеологии для прикрытия каких угодно политических и военных преступлений.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The value of this person in the fate of Russia is so great and know so little about it that it's even insulting. It is Alexander Parvus was a teacher and mentor of Lenin, the first brilliant guessing in il'ich person whose insane energy blast would allow it, Parvusa, global plans of fantastic enrichment. Because, I must honestly admit black work Parvus disliked, although he had to do it in the year 1905. Parvus graduated from the University of Basel in economics and finance, and then spent several years in various banks of Germany and Switzerland. Fascinated By Marx. Apparently, first realized the opportunity to use Marxist phraseology to cover any political and military crimes.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
The value of this man in the fate of Russia is so great, and they know about it is so small that it is even insulting. It was Parvus was a teacher and mentor of Lenin, the first genius in Ilyich guessing the man whose manic energy contrition will allow for it, Parvus, global plans of fantastic enrichment. For we must honestly admit black Parvus did not like the work, even though he had to deal with it in 1905. Parvus graduated the University of Basel at the rate of economy and finance, and then worked for several years in various banks in Germany and Switzerland. I got carried away by Marx. Apparently, the first to understand the use of the Marxist phraseology to cover any desired political and military crimes.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The value of the rights in the fate of Russia is so great, and are aware of it is so low that it is not even annoying. It is Парвус was a teacher and mentor Lenin, the first Pushkin Ильиче Georgian population in the rights,Whose insane energy God will make it possible to implement it, Парвуса, global plans fantastic enrichment. Because, to be quite honest to recognize black work Парвус not loved, although it had to be dealing with it in 1905.Парвус graduated from Basel University in economics and finance, and since then a few years in various banks Germany and Switzerland. Judo is Gramsci once said. Apparently,The first was the possibility of using marxist phraseology to cover what you want political and military crimes.
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