Did you know that there are cars which do not need traditional energy  перевод - Did you know that there are cars which do not need traditional energy  английский как сказать

Did you know that there are cars wh

Did you know that there are cars which do not need traditional energy sources like petrol or diesel? They are solar powered cars, using the energy of the sun. They are ecologically friendly as they are free of exhaust fumes but their speed is not as high as that of conventional petrol and diesel fuel cars. Solar powered cars have been developed and driven around the world of years, but almost exclusively in contest or research programmes just to show that cars could travel without petrol. In most cases, the cars have been small capsules designed to hold only the driver. Today Ford has developed a concept model solar car for everyday use. A concept vehicle or show vehicle is a car made to demonstrate new styling and new technology. They are often shown at motor shows to see how customers react to new and radical designs which may or may not be mass-produced. Concept cars are often radical in have a unique look,3 or 5 wheels, or special abilities not usually found on cars. Many concept cars never get past small models, or even drawings in computer design. Concept cars never go into production directly. Gower, many of the features and technologies we see in current vehicle were once shown for the first time in concept models years ago.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Did you know that there are cars which do not need traditional energy sources like petrol or diesel? They are solar powered cars, using the energy of the sun. They are ecologically friendly as they are free of exhaust fumes but their speed is not as high as that of conventional petrol and diesel fuel cars. Solar powered cars have been developed and driven around the world of years, but almost exclusively in contest or research programmes just to show that cars could travel without petrol. In most cases, the cars have been small capsules designed to hold only the driver. Today, Ford has developed a concept model solar car for everyday use. A concept vehicle or show vehicle is a car made to demonstrate new styling and new technology. They are often shown at motor shows to see how customers react to new and radical designs which may or may not be mass-produced. Concept cars are often radical in have a unique look, 3 or 5 wheels, or special abilities not usually found on cars. Many concept cars never get past small models, or even drawings in computer design. Concept cars never go into production directly. Gower, many of the features and technologies we see in current vehicle were once shown for the first time in concept models years ago.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
did you know that there are cars which do not need traditional energy sources like petrol or diesel? they are solar powered cars, using the energy of the sun. they are ecologically friendly as they are free of exhaust fumes but their speed is not as high as that of conventional petrol and diesel fuel cars. solar powered cars have been developed and driven around the world of years, but almost exclusively in contest or research programmes just to show that cars could travel without petrol. in most cases, the cars have been small capsules designed to hold only the driver. today, ford has developed a concept model solar car for your use. a concept vehicle or show vehicle is a car made to demonstrate new entries and new technology. they are often shown at motor shows to see how customers react to new and radical bedrooms which may or may not be mass produced. concept cars are often radical in have a unique look, 3 or 5 wheels, or special abilities not usually found on cars. many concept cars never get past small models, or even drawings in computer design. concept cars never go into production directly. Gower, many of the features and technologies we see in current vehicle it has shown for the first time in concept) years ago.
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