1. На молодом человеке был черный костюм с голубой рубашкой и галстуко перевод - 1. На молодом человеке был черный костюм с голубой рубашкой и галстуко английский как сказать

1. На молодом человеке был черный к

1. На молодом человеке был черный костюм с голубой рубашкой и галстуком в тон. Костюм сидел на нем как влитой.
2. Почему ты нарядился как клоун? Надень новый джемпер, сними эти старые ботинки.
3. Эта соломенная шляпа не подходит к этой юбке-джерси.
4. Такие блузки продаются в универмаге на Садовой улице. Я
только что купила желтую.
5. Вы всегда модно одеты. Как часто вы ходите на просмотры
модной одежды? - Каждый месяц.
6. На старике было старомодное коричневое пальто, резиновые
сапоги, потрепанные брюки.
7. Какой размер шляпы вы носите? - Не знаю, позвольте мне
примерить вон ту зеленую шляпу, она подходит по цвету к
моему плащу.
8. Платье так идет тебе! Купи его непременно. - Сколько оно
стоит, кстати? - Немного больше 200 рублей.
9. Я потратила все деньги. - А что ты купила? - Юбку с блуз-
кой из атласа, замшевые туфли и сумку в тон. - Сколько за-
платила? - Около 500 рублей. - Совсем недорого!
10. Могу я примерить вон ту шубу? - Конечно, это как раз ваш
размер. Она вам впору и очень к лицу. - Я ее возьму.
11. Блузка ей мала, дайте другую, на размер больше.
12. Туфли мне велики. Я бы хотела примерить вон те черные, на
высоком каблуке.
13. Покажите мне вон тот халат в цветочек. Я думаю, он моего
14. Из чего сделан блейзер? - Это смесь поплина и нейлона. По-
смотрите, как он вам идет.
15. Вы можете торговаться на рынке, а не в магазине.
16. Сколько вы заплатили за это? - 120 рублей - О, вы перепла-
17. Давайте купим ей пару сапог, ей нужны новые зимние сапоги.
18. Она любит ходить в магазин прицениваться и глазеть на вит-
19. У нас кончился сахар, пойди в бакалею и купи килограмм.
20. Если у вас кончился творог, идите в молочную и купите
молока, я научу вас, как делать творог.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The young man had a black suit with a blue shirt and tie. Costume sat on it as perfectly.
2. Why are you dressed up like a clown? Put on a new jumper, remove these old boots.
3. This Straw Hat does not fit this skirt Jersey.
4. These blouses are sold in department store in Sadovaya Street. I just bought a yellow
5. You always fashionably dressed. How often do you go to viewings
fashion? -Each month.
6. The bamboo was old-fashioned Brown coats, rubber boots, frayed pants
7. What size do you wear hats? I don't know, let me try out the
Green Hat, it is suitable for colour to
My cloak.
8. The dress is so you! Buy it. -How much it is worth, by the way?
-A little more than 200 rubles.
9. I spent all the money. -What do you got? -Skirt with blouse-
coy satin, suede shoes and bag in tone. -For-
paid? About 500 rubles. -Not expensive at all!
10. Can I try out the fur coat? -Of course, this is just your
size. It you just right and very. -I'll take it.
11. Her small blouse and let other, bigger size.
12. My shoes are great. I'd like to try out the black,
13. Show me the robe in the flower. I think he is my
14. What made Blazer? -A mixture of Poplin and nylon.
See, for as it is you.
15. You can bargain in the market rather than in a shop.
16. How much you paid for it? -120 rubles-about, you perepla-
17. Let's buy her a pair of boots, it needs new winter boots.
18. She likes to go to the store pricing and gawking at wit

19. Rina. We ran out of sugar, go to the grocery and buy a kilo.
20. If you ran out of cheese, milk and go to buy
milk, I will teach you how to make curds.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. On the young man had a black suit with blue shirt and tie to match. Suit sitting on it like a glove.
2. Why are you dressed up like a clown? Put on a new jumper, take off those old boots.
3. This straw hat does not fit into this skirt jersey.
4. These shirts are sold in a department store on Garden Street. I
just bought a yellow.
5. You always fashionably dressed. How often do you go to the views
of fashion clothing? - Each month.
6. On the old man was an old-fashioned brown coat, rubber
boots, frayed pants.
7. What size hat do you wear? - I do not know, let me
try out that green hat, she comes to the color of
my cloak.
8. The dress is so you! Certainly buy it. - How much is it
worth, anyway? - A little more than 200 rubles.
9. I spent all the money. - What did you buy? - Skirt with blouses-
Coy of satin, suede shoes and bag to match. - How many for-
pay? - About 500 rubles. - Very inexpensive!
10. Can I try out that coat? - Of course, this is just your
size. It will fit you and much to face. - I'll take it.
11. Her blouse small, let another one size larger.
12. Shoes are great to me. I would like to try out those black on
high heels.
13. Show me yonder flowered robe. I think he's my
14. What made ​​blazer? - This is a mixture of poplin and nylon. In
look, it suits you.
15. You can bid on the market, and not in the store.
16. How much you paid for it? - 120 rubles - Oh, you swam-
17. Let's buy her a pair of boots, it needs new winter boots.
18. She likes to go to the store asking prices and stare at vit-
19. We're out of sugar, go to the grocery store and buy a kilo.
20. If you ran out of cheese, milk and go to buy
milk, I'll teach you how to make cheese.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. The young man was black suit with a blue jacket and tie in the tone. Suit sat on it as only this latter characteristic.
2. Why don't you Kyoto's Gion Matsuri as a clown? Wear your new sweater, thememory these old shoes.
3.The straw hat is not suitable to this skirt jersey.
4. Such shirts are sold in a department store on Orchard street. I
only that bought yellow.
5. You always fashionable dressed. How often do you go to the screenings
fashionable clothes?- Each month.
6. The Halo was old fashioned brown coats, rubber
boots, worn trousers.
7. What size do you wear hats? - I don't know, let me
try won the green hat, it is suitable for the color of the
My cloak.
8. That dress is so you! Buy it necessarily. - How long does it
is, by the way? - A little more than 200 roubles.
9. I spent all the money. - And that you bought? - Skirt with fur-
koi from atlas, activity, products, services shoes and bag in the tone.- How much for the
paid? - About 500 roubles. - Very inexpensive!
10. Can I try it on won the umbrella? - Of course, this is the time your
size. You need it and a very potent danger to the person. - I'll take it.
11. This blouse it is small, let another, a size larger.
12.Shoes are great. I would like to try it on won the black, the
high heeled.
13. Show me won the bathrobe in floral. I think it my
14. From what made blazer? - This mixture in light summer poplin fabric and nylon. The
see,As it is you.
15. You can bargain in the market, and not in the store.
16. How much did you pay for this? - 120 rubles - about, you перепла-
17. Let's spend it a pair boots, it needed new winter boots.
18.She loves to go to the store and quit buying глазеть on Vit-
Olga Bezborodova.
19. We've run out sugar, went to бакалею and buy per kilogram.
20. If you have empty cottage cheese, go to dairy and buy
milk, khaki, how to make cottage cheese.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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