Моя дипломная работа посвящена книжному жанру, который называется «кни перевод - Моя дипломная работа посвящена книжному жанру, который называется «кни английский как сказать

Моя дипломная работа посвящена книж

Моя дипломная работа посвящена книжному жанру, который называется «книга художника». Этот жанр появился благодаря торговцам антиквариатом и за более чем двухсотлетнюю историю обогатился новейшими способами печати.
У «книги художника» богатая история, и её главным принципом является это гармония всех элементов книги. Именно эта целостность, воздействуя на человеческое восприятие, помогает понять смысл самой книги. «Художественность» активирует наш природный дар мыслить образами. Она меняет наше представление о книге, так как мы начинаем видеть смысл не только в тексте.
Книжный рынок переживает сейчас непростые времена: в разные эпохи книга была и сакральным объектом, и предметом роскоши, и символом хорошего вкуса и образованности владельца. Теперь, в эпоху телевидения, интернета и больших тиражей, за внимание читателя приходится бороться. Читатели с интересом рассматривают книги, сделанные вручную, с объёмными иллюстрациями и кожаными обложками.
Изучив уникальное издание, как вид и проанализировав рынок его современных представителей, мы пришли к выводу, что необходимо поддержать растущий интерес людей к творчеству и самообразованию. Проект «Литературный блокнот» имеет черты как самоучителя по писательскому мастерству (статьи, отвечающие на основные вопросы новичков), так и артбука (сделанные вручную иллюстрации).
«Литературный блокнот» направлен, прежде всего, на повышение интереса к литературному творчеству. Главная цель книги – создать условия для планомерной работы над мастерством начинающего писателя.
Перед началом разработки концепции проекта мы описали целевую аудиторию по всем важнейшим параметрам. Исходя из этого издание и приобрело свои основные признаки.
Кратко говоря, «Литературный блокнот» – это творческий ежедневник. Его форма не случайна. Самый частый совет, который дают уже состоявшиеся писатели молодым – ведение блокнота идей, который позволит не забывать о хороших идеях и отбирать среди них лучшие. «Литературный блокнот имеет вид ежедневника, где можно записывать идеи, цитаты, интересные диалоги встретившихся за день людей. Не менее важно еженедельное творческое задание, которое поможет преодолеть «страх первой страницы», так как главная проблема молодых писателей – понять, с чего начать. Задания встречаются очень непохожие, что позволяет попробовать себя в разных стилях, научит решать возникающие у писателя литературные задачи. Еженедельная частота заданий выбрана не случайно: с одной стороны, не слишком часто, чтобы не мешать разрабатывать свои идеи. С другой стороны, это достаточная регулярность, чтобы добиться результатов – при выполнении заданий за год получится 52 работы на самые разные темы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
My thesis is devoted to book genre called "artist's book". This genre appeared thanks to antiques and dealers for more than two hundred year history was enriched with the latest printing methods."Artist's books" the rich history, and its main principle is a harmony of all elements of the book. It is this integrity, influencing human perception, helps to understand the meaning of the book. «Art» activates our natural gift to think in images. It changes our understanding of the book, as we begin to see sense, not only in the text.Book market is now challenging times: book was in different eras and sacred object, and a luxury item, and is a symbol of good taste and erudition of the owner. Now, in the age of television, the Internet and large runs, for the attention of the reader has to fight. Considering with interest the readers of the book, made by hand, with three dimensional illustrations and leather covers.Examining the unique Edition, as a species and analyze the market its modern representatives, we came to the conclusion that it was necessary to support the growing interest of people to creativity and self-education. The project "Literary Notepad has traits like writing skills for self-learning (articles that answer basic newbie questions), and different artbooks which contain (handmade illustrations). "Literary notebook is aimed primarily at raising interest in literary creation. The main purpose of the book is to create conditions for sustained work on skill a novice writer.Before starting the development of the concept of the project we describe the target audience on all critical parameters. On the basis of this Edition and acquired their essential characteristics.In short, the "Literary Notepad is a creative diary. Its shape is not random. The most frequent advice that give already held young writers notebook-keeping ideas that will not forget good ideas and select the best among them. "Literary Notepad has a kind of diary where you can write down ideas, quotes, interesting dialogs encountered people per day. No less important is a weekly creative task that will help overcome the fear of the first page ", since the main problem of young writers to understand where to start. Jobs are very dissimilar, that allows you to try different styles, teaches literary writer have to deal with emerging challenges. Weekly frequency assignments chosen at random: on the one hand, not too often, so as not to disturb to develop their ideas. On the other hand, is a sufficient regularity to achieve results-jobs for the year turn out 52 work on various topics.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My thesis is devoted to the genre of the book, which is called "the book of the artist." This genre has appeared thanks to antiques dealers and for more than two centuries has been enriched with the latest printing methods.
The "artist's book" a rich history, and its main principle is the harmony of all the elements of the book. It is this integrity by acting on the human perception, it helps us to understand the meaning of the book. "Art" activates our natural gift is to think in images. It changes our understanding of the book, as we begin to see not only the meaning of the text.
The book market is going through difficult times: at different times, and the book was a sacred object, and luxury, and a symbol of good taste and education of the owner. Now, in the era of television, internet and long runs, for the attention of the reader to have to fight. Readers with interest the book, made ​​by hand, with voluminous illustrations and leather covers.
After examining a unique publication, as a form of analyzing the market and its modern representatives, we concluded that it is necessary to support the growing interest of people for creativity and self-education. The "literary notes" has features as a tutorial on the Creative Writing (articles answering basic questions beginners) and artbook (hand made ​​illustration).
"The literary notes" is aimed primarily at increasing interest in literary work. The main purpose of the book - to create conditions for systematic work on the skill of the young writer.
Before the start of the development of the project concept, we describe the target audience on all important parameters. On this edition and has become their essential characteristics.
In short, "The literary notes" - a creative diary. Its shape is not accidental. The most common advice given to young writers have already taken place - keeping a notebook of ideas that will not forget the good ideas and select the best among them. "Literature has the form of a notebook diary where you can jot down ideas, quotes, interesting conversations encountered people per day. Equally important is a weekly creative task, which will help to overcome the "fear of the first page" as the main problem of young writers - to know where to start. Assignments are very diverse, allowing you to try yourself in different styles, learn to solve emerging writer literary task. Weekly frequency assignments not chosen by chance: on the one hand, not too often, so as not to interfere with to develop their ideas. On the other hand, it is quite regularly to achieve results - while performing tasks for the year received 52 works on various topics.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
my thesis is devoted to the book genre, which is called "the artist. this genre came from traders antiques, and for more than двухсотлетнюю history have gained new ways of printing.the book artist rich history, and its main principle is that the harmony of all the elements of the book. this integrity upon human perception helps to understand the meaning of the book."художественность» activates our natural gift of thinking images. it changes our view of the book, so we are beginning to see sense, not only in the text. "the book market is undergoing a hard time.in a different era, the book was сакральным object, and a symbol of luxury and good taste, and the level of the owner. now, in the age of television, the internet, and the big circulation.for the reader's attention is a struggle. readers with interest to see the book, made by hand, with объёмными illustrations and leather covers.
for a unique editionas a species, and analyzing the market of its modern representatives, we came to the conclusion that we should support the increasing interest of people to be creative and raising.the literary блокнот» has features of both a book on писательскому skill (article, answering the basic questions beginners) and артбука (made by hand illustrations).
"literary блокнот» is aimed primarily at increasing interest in creative writing. the main purpose of the book is to create the conditions for the smooth of the skill that a writer. "prior to the development of the concept of project, we describe the target audience on all key parameters. on the basis of this edition and became their main characteristics. in short,"literary блокнот» is a calendar. its shape is not accidental. the most frequent council, which provide for the young writers, the paper of ideaswho will not forget the good ideas and select among them the best. "a book is kind of a day planner, where you can write ideas, quotes, interesting dialogues encountered for the day.no less important is the weekly creative task, which would help to overcome the "fear of the first страницы», so as the main problem of young writers is to figure out where to start. tasks are very different.you can try different styles, will solve the writer literary tasks. weekly frequency assignments is not an accident: on the one hand, not too oftenin order to develop their ideas. on the other hand, it is a sufficient regularity to achieve results, the tasks for the year 52 can work on a variety of topics.
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