9. Джим открыл дверь и впустил мокрую от дождя собаку. 11. "Вы сегодня в плохом настроении, не так ли?" - "Да, что-то мне не по себе. Я, пожалуй, лучше останусь дома и почитаю". 13. Джон поMor жене снять пальто и усадил ее в кресло у камина. 15. Разве вы не знаете, что контрольную работу не пишут карандашом? 17. Мы сошли с поезда и отправились на поиски гостиницы. 19. Говорите шепотом. Анна, кажется, заснула. 20. Джордж отрезал кусок хлеба, намазал его маслом и принялся за еду. 21. Этот студент уверен в своих знаниях и немного рисуется. 23. Краска не отходит от пальто, я не Morу ее соскоблить.
28. "Вы не знаете, как у него дела с книгой, которую он пишет?" - "Я его давно не видел, мы не ладим с ним".- "Но почему? По-моему, вы придираетесь к нему. При. всех своих недостатках он очень порядочный человек".
Результаты (
английский) 1:
9. Jim opened the door and let the wet from the rain dog. 11. "you're in a bad mood today, isn't it?"-"Yes, something I didn't feel right. I think it is better to stay at home and read. 13. John poMor wife remove coats and sat her in a Chair by the fireplace. 15. Do you not know that the reference work does not write with a pencil? 17. We got off the train and went to search for hotels. 19. speak in a whisper. Anna seems to be asleep. 20. George cut off a piece of bread, spread like oil and started eating. 21. The student is confident in their knowledge and a bit drawn. 23. Paint does not depart from coats, I don't scour it Moru.28. "you don't know how he is doing with the book, which he wrote?"-"I have not seen it, we did not get along well with him."-"But why? In my opinion, you're picking him. When. all his shortcomings he is a very decent man. "
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
9. Jim opened the door and let the wet dog. 11. "You're in a bad mood today, are not you?" - "Yes, something I was not alone. I think I'd rather stay home and count them." 13. John poMor wife take off my coat and sat her down in a chair by the fireplace. 15. Do not you know that the control work is not written with a pencil? 17. We got off the train and went in search of the hotel. 19. Speak in a whisper. Anna seems to have fallen asleep. 20. George cut off a piece of bread smeared with oil, and began to eat. 21. This student is confident in their knowledge and a little drawn. 23. Paint does not depart from the coat, I do not scrape it Moru.
28. "You do not know how he's doing with the book that he wrote?" - "I have not seen him, we do not get along with him" .- "But why? In my opinion, you find fault with him. At. All his faults, he is a very decent man."
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
9. Jim opened the door and brother wet from rain dog. 11. "You are now in a poor mood, don't you think?" - "Yes, that I do not on their own. I, perhaps, better to stay home and shewed me". 13.John поMоr wife remove coats and verbal support her in the armchair in front of the fireplace. 15. Don't you know that a test work is not written with a pencil? 17. We fade away from the train and went to the search for a hotel. 19. Speak whisper. Anna, it seems,Authors. 20. George cuts a piece of bread, намазал it with oil and firefighters for their food. 21. This student is confident in their knowledge and a little bow. 23. Paint does not depart from my coat, i do not Mоrу its scrape.
28. "You do not know,
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