Также в преподавании технологий различных, но для обеспечения вечной ж перевод - Также в преподавании технологий различных, но для обеспечения вечной ж английский как сказать

Также в преподавании технологий раз

Также в преподавании технологий различных, но для обеспечения вечной жизни, нужно любую технологию двигать в направлении и в реализации обеспечения вечной жизни. Любые технологии, любые предметы, любые знания должны быть изложены именно в транскрипции, в определённой целевой направленности по обеспечению вечной жизни всем. Таким образом, исходя из такого обозначенного сейчас посыла, за каждым учеником существует последовательность этих сфер, которые можно регулировать в бесконечное время. И преподаватель, когда преподаёт конкретное знание сейчас, обязательно должен во всё бесконечное время стараться помочь ученику контролировать какие-то процессы, которые могли бы ему помочь в любой из следующих сфер.
Так возникает общее единение в бесконечности, именно там, где вечная жизнь обеспечена всем. И вот это вот определённое чувство вечной жизни, состояние вечной жизни тогда объединяет всех, и все являются реально вечноживущими с помощью образовательного процесса.
На этом я данную лекцию заканчиваю, спасибо большое за внимание.

И хотел бы сразу перейти к плану создания Университета Григория Грабового.
В предварительной рассылке информации по Университету ясно, что речь идёт о множестве факультетов. Обозначенные в сегодняшней лекции принципы образовательного процесса соответственно распространимы на все факультеты данного Университета. Важным аспектом развития данного Университета является то, что по различным предметам будет преподаваться одновременно и Учение, которое направляет на обеспечение вечной жизни.
Создание учебных заведений различного уровня, включая университеты, в общем-то, не является сложной задачей. Такие учебные заведения можно создавать повсеместно во всех странах мира. Целесообразно получать государственную аккредитацию для таких учебных заведений. Такая аккредитация позволяет достаточно быстро определить, что учебное заведение соответствует социальным нормам конкретной данной страны, где университет или какое-либо учебное заведение организовано. Любой из лицензиатов или сублицензиатов может начать самостоятельно организацию такого учебного заведения или заявить о том, чтобы был филиал какого-либо университета, где распространяется Учение, так как у лицензиатов и сублицензиатов есть все точные материалы, которые им передаются с оригиналами.
В частности, организация Университета Григория Грабового в Сербии началась на основе юридического лица GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO. В Сербии даже каждый факультет может быть самостоятельным юридическим лицом, поэтому организация на базе юридических лиц таких факультетов достаточно известный в законодательном плане механизм. На данный момент образование по программе Университета Григория Грабового производится через платформу сайта www.grigori-grabovoi.world. Нужно обратить внимание, что образование производится по образовательному направлению одного факультета Учения Григория Грабового, так как применяются материалы программы обучения Учения. Факультет Учения Григория Грабового более в настоящее время подготовлен для ведения образовательной деятельности, так как сформирована программа обучения и есть преподаватели.
В организационном плане образовано структурное подразделение юридического лица GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO под названием «Университет Григория Грабового», через которое и производится образовательный процесс. В настоящее время преподаватели Учения производят обучение в определённые дни недели, и планируется также уже в реализацию произведения длительных курсов образовательных.
Так как лицензиаты и сублицензиаты во многом подготовлены к ведению образовательной деятельности, то с удовольствием «Университет Григория Грабового» в Сербии приглашает на преподавательскую деятельность. Здесь также можно получить определённое повышение своеобразное уровня квалификации преподавания Учения, обменяться опытом с другими преподавателями ну и целом систематизировать знания, которые необходимы для всех людей. Поэтому могут быть направлены заявки на преподавательскую деятельность, соответственно это в рассылке было прописано. Все желающие могут участвовать в этом образовательном процессе и при достаточных основаниях будет производиться государственная аккредитация Университета.
Так как у всех, кто работает по лицензионному направлению, есть достаточный круг знакомых различного уровня образования, Вы можете также им предложить работать преподавателями в Университете в связи с тем, что Университет международный. Особо желательно выделить преподавателей из среды учеников, которые получили хорошие результаты. Здесь важно отметить, что преподавание возможно также при наличии, в общем-то, любого образования при хороших результатах. Этот принцип связан с тем, что, так как мы обеспечиваем реальность именно в вечной жизни через технологии, нам важны результаты в этом направлении.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Also in the teaching of various technologies, but to ensure eternal life, need any technology moving towards the realisation of collateral and eternal life. Any technology, any items any knowledge must be spelled out precisely in the transcription, in particular targeting to achieve eternal life to everyone. Thus, proceeding from such designated now promise, every disciple there is a sequence of these areas, which can be adjusted in infinite time. And when the teacher teaches specific knowledge now, necessarily in infinite time to try to help the learner to control any processes that could help him in any of the following areas. So there is total unity in infinity, exactly where the everlasting life is assured to all. And this is a certain feeling of eternal life, eternal life status then unites all and all are really večnoživuŝimi with the help of the educational process. I this lecture finish, thank you very much for your attention. And would like to go directly to the plan of establishing the University of Grigory Grabovoi.Preliminary information on the mailing list for the University, it is clear that we are talking about a lot of faculties. Outlined in today's lecture the principles of educational process respectively effective due impossibility at all faculties of the University. An important aspect of the development is that on a variety of subjects will be taught at the same time and teaching which aims at ensuring the eternal life.The establishment of educational institutions of different levels, including universities, in General, is not a difficult task. You can create such institutions in all countries throughout the world. It is advisable to receive State accreditation for such schools. This accreditation allows to quickly determine that the institution complies with social norms specific to a given country, where University or any educational institution organized. Any of the licensees or sub-licensees can begin independently organizing such educational institution or declare that any branch of the University, where Teaching is spreading, as licensees and sub-licensees have all the exact materials that are sent to them with the originals.In particular, the Organization of the University Gregory Grabovoi in Serbia began on the basis of a legal entity GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO. In Serbia, even each Department can be a separate legal entity, therefore, on the basis of legal persons of such faculties known enough legislative mechanism. At the moment the program education University of Grigory Grabovoi is made through the platform of the site www.grigori-grabovoi.world. It is necessary to pay attention that the education is done on one faculty educational Teachings of Grigory grabovoi, as applied materials training program. Grigory Grabovoi's teachings more faculty currently prepared for conducting educational activities as training program was formed and there are teachers.Institutionally established structural unit of a legal person GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO titled "University of Grigory Grabovoi, through which produced educational process. Currently, teachers produce Exercises training in certain days of the week, and also planned already in implementation works long educational courses.Because licensees and sub-licensees would in many ways prepared to conduct educational activities, gladly "University of Grigory Grabovoi" in Serbia invites for teaching activities. Here you can also get a certain kind of increase the qualification level of teaching, share experiences with other teachers well and whole systematize knowledge that are required for all people. Therefore, applications may be directed to teaching, this was written in the mailing list. Everyone can participate in this educational process and when sufficient grounds will be State University accreditation. Because everyone who works under a license, there are enough circle of acquaintances of various levels of education, you can also offer them work as teachers at the University in connection with the fact that the International University. Particularly desirable to select teachers from among the students who got good results. Here it is important to note that teaching may have, in fact, any education, with good results. This principle is that, since we provide the reality it is in eternal life through technology, results are important to us in this direction.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Also in the teaching techniques of different, but for eternal life, need any technology to move in the direction and implementation of the provision of eternal life. Any technology, any object, any knowledge must be set out precisely in the transcription, in particular target orientation to ensure eternal life to all. Thus, on the basis of such a designation is now sending, for each student there is a sequence of these areas, which can be adjusted in an infinite time. And the teacher, when teaching specific knowledge of today, must in all the endless time to try to help the student to control what - the processes, which could help him in any of these areas. So there is total unity in infinity, it was there, where eternal life is guaranteed to all. And this here's a certain sense of eternal life, the state of eternal life then unites all, and all are really Undying through education process. At this point I this lecture finish, thank you very much for your attention. And I would like to go directly to the plan of establishing the University of Gregory Grabovogo. In the preliminary dissemination of information on the University is clear, that we are talking about a variety of departments. Marked in today's lecture the principles of the educational process, respectively, prevalence all the faculties of the University. An important aspect of the development of the University is, that in different subjects will be taught at the same time and the Doctrine, which aims to ensure eternal life. The creation of educational institutions of different levels, including universities, in general - is, not a difficult task. Such institutions can be created everywhere around the world. It is advisable to receive state accreditation for such schools. This accreditation allows you to quickly identify, that the institution complies with social norms particular of the country, where the university or any - any institution organized. Any of the licensees or sub-licensees can start their own organization of that institution and declare, that was a branch of - or the University, where to spread the teachings, since licensees and sub-licensees have all the finest materials, which they passed with the originals. In particular, the organization of the University of Gregory Grabovogo Serbia started on the basis of a legal entity GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO. In Serbia, even each department can be a separate legal entity, so the organization on the basis of legal entities such faculties sufficiently known in law mechanism. At the moment, education program of the University of Gregory Grabovogo made ​​through the platform site www.grigori - grabovoi.world. It is necessary to note, that the education is carried out on the educational direction of the Teaching Faculty Gregory Grabovogo, since the materials used courses of the Teaching. Faculty teachings of Gregory Grabovogo more are being prepared for conducting educational activity, since the program is formed education is the teachers. In organizational terms, formed a structural unit of a legal entity GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO titled "University Gregory Grabovogo", through which you and the educational process. At present, the teachers Teachings produce training on certain days of the week, and it is also planned in the realization of a work Longer courses of education. Since the licensees and sublicensees largely prepared to conduct educational activities, with pleasure, "University Gregory Grabovogo" Serbia invites you to teaching. It is also possible to obtain a certain increase in a kind of skill level teaching teachings, share their experiences with other teachers well and generally organize knowledge, are essential for all people. So may be sent an application for teaching, respectively, is in the newsletter has been registered. Everybody can participate in the educational process and reasonably will be state accredited University. Since all, who work under the license to the direction, there's enough circle of friends of different levels of education, you can also offer them work as teachers at the University in connection with the fact, that the international university. Especially desirable to select teachers from among the students, who have had good results. It is important to note, that the teaching also possible in the presence of, in general - is, any entity with good results. This principle stems from the fact, that, as we provide the reality is eternal life through technology, we are important results in this direction.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the teaching of technology of different, but for the eternal life, to move in the direction of any technology and realization of eternal life. any technology, any objectsany knowledge must be indicated in the transcription in a target direction to achieve eternal life. thus, on the basis of such a set is посыла,every student is a sequence of these spheres, which can be adjusted in an infinite time. and the teacher that teaches the knowledge nowhave to do endless time to help the student to control any processes that could help him in any of the following areas. it is the overall unity of
at infinity, it is therewhere eternal life is all. and this is a feeling of eternal life, the eternal life that is all and all are real вечноживущими through the educational process.
in this lecture i finish, thank you very much for your attention.

and i wish to proceed immediately to the planned establishment of the university, грабового.
in the preliminary distribution of information across clearlythere are many students. today's lecture the principles identified in the educational process, respectively распространимы in all faculties of the university.an important aspect of the development of the university is that the various subjects will be taught at the same time and the message, which is to achieve eternal life. "the establishment of educational institutions at various levels, including universities, in fact, is not difficult. such institutions can be set widely throughout the world.appropriate to receive state accreditation of educational institutions. such accreditation allows fast enough to determinethat the institution complies with the social norms of a particular country, where a university or an institution organized.any of the licenses or сублицензиатов can begin to self organize the educational institution or to declare that a branch of a university, where the subject teachingas the licensees and сублицензиатов have all the materials that have been transferred from the original. in particular,the university, грабового started in serbia on the basis of the legal person GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO. in serbia, even every faculty may be a separate and independent legal entity.therefore, the organization on the basis of legal persons such faculties quite well known in the legislative plan of the mechanism.at this time, the university education, грабового is made through the platform site www.grigori-grabovoi.world. need to pay attention.education is one of educational direction, грабового doctrine, as applied materials training exercises.faculty of exercise, грабового more currently being prepared for the conduct of educational activities, as a curriculum and teachers. "in terms of organization, established a unit of legal person GRIGORI GRABOVOI DOO entitled "university, грабового», through which and produced the educational process.currently, teachers are training exercises at certain days of the week, and is also in the works of long courses of education.as licensees and сублицензиаты largely prepared to conduct educational activities, to the university, грабового» in serbia and in the teaching activities.there can also be obtained if the unique skills of teaching exercises, exchange experiences with other teachers and general systematize knowledgerequired for all people. however may be submitted applications for teaching, accordingly this list was written.anyone can participate in the educational process and the sufficient grounds will be the state accreditation of university.
as allwho works on the license area is a circle with different level of education, you can offer them work of teachers in university in thewhat university international. particularly desirable for teachers of students who have received good results. it is important to note here that the teaching may also be subject to, actually,any education, with good results. the principle is that, as we provide the reality is eternal life through technology, we are important results in this direction.
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