4. Напуганный словами и жестами грабителей, Оливер сидел в углу, едва  перевод - 4. Напуганный словами и жестами грабителей, Оливер сидел в углу, едва  английский как сказать

4. Напуганный словами и жестами гра

4. Напуганный словами и жестами грабителей, Оливер сидел в углу, едва -сознавая (to know), где он находится и что происходит вокруг него. 5. Выпив немного виски, грабители легли отдохнуть. 6. Проспав час или два, они вышли из дома, приказав мальчику следовать за ними. 7. Грабители молчали, когда шли по главной улице городка. 8. Пройдя около четверти мили, они подошли к большому красивому дому, обнесенному (to surround), стеной. 9. Один из грабителей вскарабкался на стену, окружавшую дом. 10. Когда Оливер понял, что его спутники (companions) собираются ограбить дом, он упал на колени, умоляя их отпустить его. 11. Проклиная Фегина, пославшего Оливера на такое дело (errand), Сайке приказал мальчику залезть в дом через окно и открыть дверь. 12. Решив, что он поднимет в доме тревогу (to raise an alarm), мальчик повиновался. 13. Услышав шум, слуги, спавшие наверху, начали стрелять и ранили Оливера.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
4. Funky words and gestures of robbers, Oliver sat in the corner, barely-conscious (to know), where it is and what's going on around him. 5. After drinking a little whiskey, the robbers lay down to rest. 6. Having slept an hour or two, they came out of the House, ordering the boy to follow them. 7. The robbers were silent when walking through the town's main street. 8. After going through about a quarter mile, they came to a big beautiful home on (to surround), wall. 9. One of the robbers scrambled on the wall surrounding the House. 10. When Oliver realized that his companions (companions) were going to Rob a House, he fell to his knees, begging them to let him go. 11. Cursing Fegina, sent Oliver on this thing (errand) COD ordered the boy to climb into the House through the window and open the door. 12. Having decided that he would raise alarm bells in the House (to raise an alarm), the boy obeyed. 13. Upon hearing the noise, servants, while sleeping upstairs, opened fire and wounded Oliver.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
4. Funky words and gestures robbers, Oliver sat in a corner, barely -soznavaya (to know), where it is and what's going on around him. 5. After drinking some whiskey, the robbers went to rest. 6. After sleeping an hour or two, they left the house and ordered the boy to follow them. 7. The robbers were silent as they walked down the main street of the town. 8. After about a quarter of a mile, they came to a big beautiful house, surrounded (to surround), a wall. 9. One of the robbers climbed the wall surrounding the house. 10. When Oliver realized that his companions (companions) are going to rob the house, he fell to his knees, begging them to let him go. 11. Cursing Fegina, who sent Oliver to such a thing (errand), Sykes told the boy to get into the house through the window and open the door. 12. Having decided that he would raise the alarm in the house (to raise an alarm), the boy obeyed. 13. Hearing the noise, the servants slept upstairs, opened fire and wounded Oliver.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
4. the frightened words and gestures, robbers, oliver sat in the corner, barely conscious (to know) where he was and what was happening around him. 5. drink some whiskey, the robbers went to rest. 6. and had slept through an hour or two.they left the house, i ordered the boy to follow them. 7. the silent, when walking on the main street of the town. 8. after about a quarter of a mile, they came to a beautiful house, обнесенному (surround), wall. 9.one of the robbers made it up on the wall, окружавшую house. 10. when oliver realized that his companions (companions) are going to rob the house, he fell to his knees, begging them to let him go. 11. doing фегина,- oliver's story (errand), сайке ordered the boy to climb in through the window and open the door. 12. deciding that he would raise the alarm in the house (to raise an alarm), the boy obeyed. 13. upon hearing the noise, the servants dormant.opened fire and wounded oliver.
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