Я сегодня ещё не обедал, но хорошо позавтракал и пока не голоден. Почему Петр давно к нам не приходит? Боюсь, что он заболел.- Нет, я встретил его на днях, так что не думаю, что с ним что-нибудь случилось. Где вы с ней познакомились?- Это случилось в Крыму. У меня сегодня болит голова, я плохо спал. 5) Где моя тетрадь? Я помню, что положил её на парту. Где же ключ? - Думаю, ты потерял его в автобусе. Все эти интересные сведения я узнал сегодня на лекции. В полицейском участке он сразу всё рассказал. Байрон так и не закончил свою последнюю поэму. У них в квартире есть пианино? - НЕ знаю, я не заметил там пианино. Ты не знаешь, сколько опер написал Моцарт? Извини, что я тебя обидел на том вечере. - Да я всё уже забыл.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Today I haven't had dinner, but good, and have not splurged hungry. Why Peter doesn't come to us for a long time? I'm afraid he got sick.-No, I met him the other day, so I do not think that anything happened. Where you met?-this happened in the Crimea. Today I have a headache, I slept badly. 5) where's my notebook? I remember that put it on the desk. Where is the key? I think you lost it in the bus. All these interesting information I learned today at a lecture. At the police station, he told all at once. Byron never finished his last poem. They have the apartment there is a piano? I don't know, I never noticed there's piano. You do not know how many of the operas Mozart wrote? I'm sorry that I offended you on that evening. -Yes I already forgot.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Today I have not had dinner, but breakfast is good and is not hungry. Why did Peter for a long time does not come to us? I'm afraid that he zabolel.- No, I met him the other day, so I do not think something happened to him. Where did you meet her? - It happened in the Crimea. I now have a headache, I did not sleep well. 5) Where is my notebook? I remember that I put it on the desk. Where is the key? - I think you lost it in the bus. All of these interesting facts I learned . today at a lecture at the police station, he immediately told everything. Byron never finished his last poem. they have in the apartment have a piano? - I do not know, I did not notice it the piano. You do not know how many operas wrote Mozart? Sorry I hurt you on that night. - Yes, I had forgotten everything.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i haven"t had lunch, eat a good breakfast and still not hungry. why peter long doesn"t come to see us? i"m afraid he заболел. - no, i met him the other day, so i don"t think anything happen to him. where did you meet her? it happened in the crimea. today i have a headache, i didn"t sleep very well. (5) where"s my notebook? i remember i put it on the desk. where"s the key? - i think you lost it on the bus. all these interesting information i learned today in class. at the police station, he immediately told me everything. byron never finished his last poem. they had in the apartment have a piano? - i don"t know, i didn"t notice there"s a piano. you don"t know how many operas written by mozart? i"m sorry that i hurt you that evening. - yeah, i forgot.
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