1. Ты мог бы перевести этот текст?2. Эту книгу можно купить в любом ма перевод - 1. Ты мог бы перевести этот текст?2. Эту книгу можно купить в любом ма английский как сказать

1. Ты мог бы перевести этот текст?2

1. Ты мог бы перевести этот текст?
2. Эту книгу можно купить в любом магазине.
3. Он мог бы сделать это на прошлой неделе. Он был не особенно занят.
4. Он не мог показать нам расчеты, так как они не были готовы.
5. В комнате темно. Я не могу найти свои вещи.
6. Не может быть, чтобы она ошиблась.
7. Неужели они ждали нас все это время?
8. Не может быть, чтобы вас послали ко мне. Я не имею к этому никакого отношения.
9. Можно мне чашечку чая?
10. Он сказал, что мы можем идти.
11. Я не могу вернуться автобусом.
12. Я мог бы вернуться автобусом.
13. Морис уставился на письмо. «И откуда оно могло прийти?»
14. Эванс был настолько неграмотным, что он просто не мог бы написать ни одного слова этого доклада.
15. «Она не поняла тебя», - вскричал Филипп. – «Она поняла меня достаточно хорошо». «Вряд ли она тебя поняла», - повторил он упрямо.
16. Дорога пешком обратно в гостиницу оказалась очень длинной, и он никогда не проделал бы ее без карты.
17. У нее было квадратное лицо, которое, вероятно, никогда не выглядело молодым.
18. «На что ты смотришь, Билли?» - «Ни на что, дорогая». – «Нельзя смотреть ни на что».
19. Она сказала более громким голосом: «Ты слышишь меня?»
20. Никто не смог бы произвести на меня большее впечатление, чем это сделал ты.
21. В тот момент я мог бы убить его.
22. Ему не могло быть больше тридцати лет, когда мы с ним познакомились.
23. Я умел плавать, когда мне было пять лет. Папа научил меня.
24. Они очень милы со мной. Просто невозможно быть более вежливым и услужливым.
25. Уже темнеет. Сколько же сейчас может быт времени.
26. Ты храбрый, раз работаешь с этими людьми. Я бы не мог с ними работать.
27. Он взял меня и сказал: «Ну, я полагаю, что ты проголодалась. Давай посмотрим, что мы можем поесть».
28. А как щенки? Можно мне посмотреть на них?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. you could translate this text? 2. This book you can buy in any store . 3. Could have done The the He IT for last week. The He WAS not particularly busy. 4. He could not show us calculations because they were not ready. 5. Room is dark of The. I of CAN not the find up my stuff. 6. May not be that it made ​​a mistake . 7. Do they were waiting for us all this time? 8. Not the BE That May you sent to me. I of do not have the any relation to IT. 9. I'd like a cup of tea? 10. He said that we can go. 11. I can not come back by bus. 12. I could come back by bus. 13. Stared the AT of Maurice letter-. "And IT where clause of might have come from?" 14. Evans was so illiterate that he simply could not write a single word of that report. 15. DID not Understand She you, "Cried by Philip. -" She Understood me a well enough. "It is Unlikely That she Understood you," he obstinately Repeated. 16. Road walk back to the hotel was very long, and he would never have done it without a map. 17. She had a square face that will probably never looked young. 18. "What are you looking, Billy?" - "No matter what, my dear." - "You can not look at anything." 19. She said in a louder voice: "Do you hear me?" 20. No one could make a greater impression on me than you did. 21. At that moment I could have killed him. 22. He could not have been more than thirty years, when we met him. 23. I learned to swim when I was five years old. Dad taught me. 24. They are very nice to me. It is simply impossible to be more polite and helpful. 25. It's getting dark. How many times can a life today. 26. You are brave, time to work with these people. I could not work with them. 27. He took me and said, "Well, I suppose you're hungry. Let's see what we can eat. " 28. And like puppies? Can I see them?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Could you google translate and 1. the this text? 2. This book CAN bought the BE in the any store. 3. the He Could have done The IT for last week. The He WAS not particularly busy. 4. the He Could not show For us the Calculations, since for They Were not the Prepared . 5. It's dark in the room. I of CAN not the find up my things. 6. It CAN not the BE That she WAS wrong. 7. Are the waiting for They for us all the this time? 8. It CAN not the BE That you sent me. I of not have to do do with IT. 9. the Can I of have a cup of tea? 10. the He Said That we CAN! go. 11. I of CAN not! go by bus. 12. I of of might! go back by bus. 13. of Maurice stared AT letter-the. "And how of IT Could have come?" 14. of Evans WAS SO illiterate That he Could not the write a the single word of the this report. 15. "She does not Understand you," - Cried by Philip. - "She Knew me a well enough . " " It is Unlikely That she Understood you, "- he stubbornly Repeated. 16. Road General Description a walk back to the hotel WAS very a long, and by never Would he have done the IT without a map. 17. She HAD a face-square-That will of Probably Looked young by never. 18. "for What are you looking, of Billy?" - "No matter what, up my dear." - "You CAN not look AT anything." 19. She Said in a louder voice: "the Do you hear me?" 20. No one's Could the make a is greater impression The on me than you DID . 21. the At That Moment I of Could have Killed HIM. 22. the He Could not have Been more than thirty years, the when we met HIM. 23. I of the learned to swim I of the when WAS a five years old. Dad Taught me. 24. for They are the nice to me very. It is Simply to impossible impossible to the BE more polite and helpful. 25. It's getting dark. How MANY times CAN today has been a life:. 26. You are brave, time to work with for These people. I of Could not work with Them. 27. the He took me and Said, "the Well, suppose I of you're hungry. for Let's see what we CAN eat." 28. and like puppies? the Can see I of Them?2. the CAN the book the BE This bought in the store the any. 3. the the He Could have done The for of The of IT for last week. Of The the He the WAS not particularly busy. 4. the the He Could not show For the Calculations For the us, since for for They Were not the Prepared the. 5. It's dark in the room. I of of the not the find the CAN up closeup up my things. 6. It the CAN not the the BE That she the WAS wrong. 7. Are the waiting for the for They for us all the time the this? 8. It not the the BE the CAN That you sent me. I of of do not have to do with of IT. 9. have a I of the Can of the cup of tea? 10. the the He Said is That we the CAN! ! go. 11. I of of the CAN not! by bus! go. 12. I of of of of might! by bus back! go. 13. of the letter-of Maurice stared-the AT. "And how of of of IT Could have have come?" 14. of the WAS of Evans of SO illiterate That he Could not the write a the the the single word of the the this report. 15. " does not Understand She you, "- Cried's by by Philip. -" She Knew me a a well enough ". It is Unlikely That she Understood you," "- he stubbornly the Repeated. 16. Road General Description of General the Description a a walk back to the hotel the WAS very a long a, by and by never Would he have done the the of IT without a map. 17. She a face-of HAD-square-That-will of of Probably by by never Looked young. 18. "for for What are you looking, of Billy?" - "No matter what, up closeup up my dear ". -" You the CAN not look the AT anything ". 19. She Said is in a louder voice:" the the Do you hear me "? 20. No one's's Could the the make is a is greater impression the of the on me than you DID in. 21. the the At That Moment I of of Could have Killed the HIM. 22. the the He Could not have Been more than thirty years, the the when we met the HIM. 23. I of the of the learned to swim I of the of the when the WAS a five years a old. Dad Taught me. 24. for the for They are the nice to me very. It is to the Simply to impossible impossible to impossible impossible to the BE the more polite and helpful. 25. It's getting dark. How MANY times the CAN has today has been a life: Been :. 26. are brave You, time to work with for for These people. I of of Could not work with Them. 27. the the He took me and Said is, "the the Well, suppose I of of you're hungry. for for Let's see what the CAN we eat." 28. and like puppies? the I of the Can see of Them?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. could you translate this text?2. this book you can buy at any store.3. he could have done it last week. he was not particularly busy.4. he couldn "t show us the calculations, as they were not ready.5. the room is dark. i can "t find my stuff.6. can it be that she was wrong.7. are they waiting for us all this time?8. can "t be that you sent to me. I don" t have anything to do with this.9. can i have a cup of tea?10. he said we could go.11. i can "t go back to the bus.12. i could come by bus.13. maurice looked at the letter. "And where would it be?"14. evans was so illiterate, he just couldn "t say a single word of that report.15. "she doesn" t understand you, cried philip. "She got me pretty good." I don "t think you understand», - he repeated stubbornly.16. the road to walk back to the hotel was very long, and he never did it without a map.17. she has a square face, which probably never looked young.18. "what are you looking at, billy?" - "No matter what, my dear». "You can" t look at what.19. she said a loud voice, "can you hear me?"20. no one could make me a better impression than you did it.21. at that moment, i could kill him.22. he could not have been more than 30 years, when we met him.23. i learned to swim when i was five years old. my dad taught me.24. they are very nice to me. is impossible to be more polite and helpful.25. it "s getting dark. How many now might be the time.26. you "re brave, again working with these people. I can" t work with them.27. he picked me up and said, "well, i guess you" re hungry. let "s see what we can, winner, chicken dinner.28. how puppies? can i see them?
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