Несколько особо чувствительных мамочек закричало.
- И я выяснила, что мама Оли училась в этой школе. Она получила кубок за успехи в химии. Этот кубок до сих пор стоит на полке в коридоре. Кто не верит – может сходить посмотреть. Там значится Вера Безделова. Помните, Оля нам сама хвасталась? Я покопалась в архивах и обнаружила, что она является дочерью нашей директрисы! И вот, Оля увидела, как Света ссорится с нами. У нее в голове родилась идея…
- Вы все дураки! Если бы не ты, Алексеева, то мы бы выиграли Кубок…
- …И она рассказала ее своей бабушке. Та выпытала у Светы про платья и приказала их выкрасть. Это у Светы получилось, но тогда в коридоре она появилась за нашими спинами. Значит, она пряталась в классе декораций пока Рома туда заходил. Она подумала, что все ушли, вышла – а там мы! Отступать уже было поздно, и она прокралась к комнате хранения и отперла шкаф ключом директрисы.
- А я вас считала честной женщиной – покачала головой возмущенная Воронова.
- И обернула в обрывки газеты наши платья. Мы увидели обрывок возле шкафа в кабинете директрисы. Рома попросил у уборщицы ключи, и мы вернули пропажу!
Это был фурор!
Все до вечера танцевали. Света, директриса и Оля ушли с позором.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Several sensitive mothers zakričalo.And I found out that mom Oli studied in this school. She got the Cup for his achievements in chemistry. The Cup still stands on a shelf in the hallway. Who does not believe can go take a look. There is a belief for November. Remember, Olya us boasted itself? I pokopalas′ in the archives and discovered that she is the daughter of our ceo! Lo and behold, Olya saw Light quarrels with us. In her head she was born an idea ...-You are all fools! If not you, Alexeeva, then we would have won the Cup.- … And she told her grandmother. Ta vypytala do Sveta about dresses and ordered them to steal. It is the Amy have turned out, but then in the hallway she appeared behind our backs. So, she hid in the classroom decorations while Roma went there. She thought that everyone had gone, came out-and there we are! Retreat it was already too late, and she crept to the storage room and closet otperla key directress.-I thought you fair woman shook her head and shoves the Voronov.And wrapped in scraps of newspaper our dresses. We saw a piece near the closet in the Office of directress. Roma asked the cleaners, keys and we returned the missing!It was a furor! All until the evening dancing. Light, headmistress and Olya have left in disgrace.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Several highly sensitive mothers cried.
- And I found out that my mother Olga studied at this school. She received a cup for achievements in chemistry. This cup is still standing on a shelf in the hallway. Who does not believe - can go and see. There appears Faith Bezdelova. Remember, we Olga herself boasted? I rummaged in the archives and discovered that she is the daughter of our headmistress! And now, Olga saw Light confronts us. Her idea was born in my head ...
- You're all fools! If not for you, Alexeyeva, we would have won the Cup ...
- ... And she told it to her grandmother. That elicited Sveta about the dress and ordered them to steal. It Sveta happened, but then she appeared in the hallway behind us. So she hid in the classroom decorations while Roma to sign. She thought that everyone had gone, went out - and there we are! Retreat it was too late, and she crept to the storage room and unlocked the cupboard key headmistress.
- I thought you an honest woman - her head perturbed Voronov.
- And wrapped in scraps of paper our dresses. We saw a piece near the closet in the headmistress's office. Roma asked the janitor keys and we returned missing!
It was a sensation!
All the evening dancing. Light, headmistress and Olga left in disgrace.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
a highly sensitive mothers закричало.and i found out that my mother has studied in this school. she won the cup for the achievements in chemistry. the cup is still standing on the shelf in the hallway. who do not believe, can go to see. there is a belief безделова. remember, olga us bragging? i"ve been going through the archives and found out that she is the daughter of the principal. and when she saw the world confronts us. her head was born the idea...- you"re all fools! if not for you, a 1994 amendment to the regulations was unlawful, then we would have won the cup.and she told her grandmother. the выпытала have lights about dress, and ordered them to steal. it lights work, but then in the corridor she appeared behind our backs. so she hid in the classroom decorations while roma go in there. she thought all went out, and there we are! it was too late to retreat, and she slipped into the room and отперла storage closet key principal.- i thought you were an honest woman is возмущенная воронова shook her head.and wrapped in pieces of the paper our dresses. we saw this in the closet in the principal"s office. roma asked her keys, and we stuff back!it was a blast!all night dancing. light, principal and olga left in disgrace.
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