Весьма прогрессивным следует считать введение процедуры добровольной с перевод - Весьма прогрессивным следует считать введение процедуры добровольной с английский как сказать

Весьма прогрессивным следует считат

Весьма прогрессивным следует считать введение процедуры добровольной сертификации логистических услуг (СТБ 2306-2013 «Услуги логистические. Общие требования и процедура сертификации», вводится в действие с 1.11.2013 г.). Добровольная сертификации логистических услуг, позволит определить логистических операторов, которые оказывают логистические услуги, как на собственных объектах, так и на арендуемых складских помещениях и других объектах инфраструктуры логистического центра. Насколько удастся повысить качество, оказываемых услуг логистическими центрами путем введения добровольной сертификации покажет время.
В дополнение к добровольной сертификации логистических услуг, необходимо создать реестр объектов логистической инфраструктуры, что позволит четко разделить объекты логистической инфраструктуры по категориям (склад, складской комплекс, терминал, логистический центр, транспортно-логистичсекий центр, торгово-логистический центр и т.д.), а значит и выделить возможности центра по аутсорсингу и, следовательно, приблизить уровень отечественной инфраструктуры к европейским стандартам, исключить несоответствие тех или иных объектов национальным стандартам. Функцию ведения реестра объектов логистической инфраструктуры необходимо возложить на Министерство торговли Республики Беларусь, так как именно этот орган является координатором работы по развитию логистической системы Республики Беларусь, формированию инфраструктуры логистического обслуживания, строительству и вводу в эксплуатацию логистических центров согласно Программе развития логистической системы Республики Беларусь на период до 2015 года [25, с.28-33].
Таким образом, в целях повышения эффективности функционирования национальной логистического аутсорсинга необходимо решить ряд важных задач:
1.Создать единую транспортно-логистическую систему, включающую структуры как государственной, так и частной форм собственности.
2.Обеспечить государственную поддержку притока иностранных инвестиций в этот сектор услуг, в частности через строительство логистических центров. Появление транснациональных корпораций с их передовыми стратегиями и технологиями поможет создать стабильный и успешный рынок логистических услуг.
3.Значительно расширить комплекс транспортно-логистических услуг (включая планирование, контроль, менеджмент и доставку) при активном использовании аутсорсинга логистических услуг (технологии 3PL) на международном рынке.
4.Открыть за рубежом многофункциональные логистические центры, представляющие комплексы объектов, обеспечивающих управление товарными, сервисными и информационными потоками, предназначенные для управления продвижением товаров, в том числе белорусского производства, их реализации в стране назначения.
5.Формировать положительный имидж национальных поставщиков логистических услуг на международном рынке, используя опыт международных логистических компаний в области клиентоориентированного маркетинга.
6.Принять соответствующую нормативно-правовую базу, в частности по межгосударственным интермодальным перевозкам, по унификации документооборота.
7.Сформировать систему подготовки высококвалифицированных специалистов в сфере 3PL и 4PL технологий и транспортных услуг в рамках – постоянно действующего краткосрочного семинара, курсов по подготовке и переподготовке кадров по логистике, подготовки менеджеров по специальности «Логистика» в ведущих вузах Беларуси.
8. Реструктуризация логистических систем стран - членов Таможенного союза и их объединение в Евразийскую логистическую систему [23].
9. Повышение уровня вузовской подготовки кадров по логистическим специальностям, а также налаживание тесных связей академических кругов с профильными ассоциациями (БАМЭ, БАМАП), провайдерами логистических услуг.
Исходя из вышесказанного, для развития логистического аутсорсига необходимы координация государственной политики развития отечественной логистики, формирование централизованного института управления системой логистики. Комплексное решение отмеченных задач с учетом тенденций развития мирового рынка логистических услуг позволит компаниям Республики Беларусь завоевать устойчивые позиции по аутсорсингу в отечественной и международной логистике. Развитая логистического аутсорсинга страны стимулирует приток иностранных инвестиций, значительный рост объемов транзитных перевозок.
Таким образом, был рассмотрен логистический аутсорсинг на национальном уровне, теперь же предлагаю рассмотреть его на примере конкретного логистического центра предприятия ООО «Компании ФСК Логистик».

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Very progressive should be considered the introduction of a voluntary certification procedure of logistics services (STB 2306-2013 logistics services. General requirements and the certification procedure will enter into force on 1.11.2013). Voluntary certification of logistics services, will identify logistic operators who provide transportation services, both on its own and leased warehousing facilities and other infrastructure and Logistics Center. How will be able to improve the quality of services by introducing the logistics centres of voluntary certification.In addition to voluntary certification for logistics services, it is necessary to establish a register of objects of logistics infrastructure, that will clearly separate the objects of logistics infrastructure (warehouse, warehouse facility, Terminal, transport-logistic center, logističsekij Center, trade and Logistics Center, etc.), and thus highlight the capability of the Centre for outsourcing and, hence, bring the level of domestic infrastructure to European standards, eliminate the inconsistency of those or other objects of national standards. The function of the register of objects of logistic infrastructure should be entrusted to the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus, because this body is the Coordinator of the work on the development of logistics system of the Republic of Belarus, the formation of logistics infrastructure, construction and commissioning of logistic centres in accordance with the programme for the development of logistics system of the Republic of Belarus for the period till 2015 [25, p. 28-33].Thus, in order to improve the functioning of national logistics outsourcing must solve a number of important tasks:1. Create a single transport and logistics system, including structures, both public and private forms of ownership.2. Ensure that public support for foreign investment in the services sector, in particular through the construction of logistic centers. The emergence of transnational corporations, with their advanced technology and strategies to help create a stable and successful logistics services market.3. Increase significantly the range of transportation and logistics services (including planning, monitoring, management, and delivery) with the active use of outsourcing logistics services (3PL) on the international market.4. Open multifunctional logistics centres abroad, represent complexes of objects that manage product, service and information flows, designed to control the promotion of products, including Belarus, implement them in the destination country.5. Forming of positive image of national suppliers of logistics services on the international market, drawing on the experience of international logistics companies in the consumer-driven marketing.6. The adoption of an appropriate legal and regulatory framework, in particular on inter-State intermodal transport, on the standardization of workflow.7. create a system for training highly qualified specialists in the field of 3PL and 4PL technologies and transport services within-a permanent short seminar courses on training and retraining for logistics, training managers, majoring in logistics at the leading universities of Belarus.8. restructuring of the logistics systems of member countries of the Customs Union and Eurasian logistic system [23].9. improving University logistic training occupations, as well as the establishment of close links with relevant academic associations (BAIF, BAMAP), providers of logistics services.On the basis of the foregoing, for the development of logistics autsorsiga public policy coordination is required the development of logistics, the formation of centralized Logistics Management Institute. Complex solution of tasks marked with the trends of development of the world market of logistical services will allow companies of the Republic of Belarus to gain a stable position on outsourcing in the domestic and international logistics. Well-developed logistics outsourcing countries stimulates the inflow of foreign investment, significant growth in the volume of transit traffic.Thus, considered the logistics outsourcing at the national level, now propose to consider it on an example of a specific enterprise Logistics Center LLC «Company FGC logistics ".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Very progressive introduction of the procedure should be considered as voluntary certification of logistics services (STB 2306-2013 "logistics services. General requirements and certification procedure", entered into force on 01.11.2013, the). Voluntary certification of logistics services, will determine the logistics operators who provide logistics services on their own sites and on leased warehouses and other infrastructure of the logistics center. How it will be able to improve the quality of services provided by logistics centers through the introduction of voluntary certification of time will tell.
In addition to the voluntary certification of logistics services, it is necessary to establish a register of objects logistics infrastructure, which will clearly separate facilities and logistics infrastructure by category (storage, warehouse, terminal, a logistics center , freight logistichseky center, trade and logistics center, etc.), and thus provide an opportunity to center outsourcing and, therefore, bring the level of domestic infrastructure to the European standards, eliminate the disparity of those or other objects by national standards. The function of conducting the register of the logistics infrastructure necessary to assign to the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Belarus, since this organ is the coordinator of the work on the development of the logistics system of the Republic of Belarus, the formation of infrastructure of logistics services, construction and commissioning of the logistics centers under the Program of development of the logistics system of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2015 [25, s.28-33].
Thus, in order to improve the efficiency of the national logistics outsourcing is necessary to solve a number of important tasks:
1. Create a single transport and logistics system, including the structure of both public and private ownership.
2.Obespechit government support for foreign investment in the service sector, in particular through the construction of logistics centers. The emergence of transnational corporations with their cutting-edge strategies and technologies will help create a stable and successful market for logistics services.
3. Greatly expand the range of transportation and logistics services (including planning, monitoring, management and delivery) with the active use of outsourcing logistics services (technology 3PL) in the international market .
4.Otkryt abroad multifunctional logistics centers, a complex of objects providing management of trade, service and information flow for controlling the movement of goods, including manufactured in Belarus, their implementation in the country of destination.
5.Formirovat positive image of the national logistics providers in the international market, using the experience of international logistics companies in the area of customer-oriented marketing.
6.Prinyat relevant regulatory framework, in particular on interstate intermodal transport, to unify the document.
7.Sformirovat the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of 3PL and 4PL technology and transportation services within - the permanent short-term seminars, training courses and retraining of logistics, training managers, specialty "Logistics" in the leading universities of Belarus.
8. Restructuring of the logistics systems of the countries - members of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Association of logistics system. [23]
9. Improving university training in logistics specialties, as well as establishing close relations academics with professional associations (BAIF, BAMAP), providers of logistics services.
Based on the above, for the development of logistics autsorsiga need to coordinate state policy of development of domestic logistics, the formation of a centralized institution system management logistics. Integrated solution mentioned tasks, taking into account trends in the global logistics market will allow companies to the Republic of Belarus to win a strong position on outsourcing in the domestic and international logistics. The development of logistics outsourcing country encourages foreign investment, a significant increase in the volume of transit traffic.
Thus, logistics outsourcing has been considered at the national level, and now propose to consider it on the example of a specific logistics center OOO "Company calendar Services."

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
very progressive should consider the introduction of voluntary certification logistics services (stb 2306 2013 "logistics services. general requirements and certification procedure, the effective 1.11.2013 g.).voluntary certification, logistics services, will determine the logistics operators that provide logistics services, as on their own sites.and rented warehouses and other infrastructure, logistics centre. how can improve the quality of.service logistic centres through the introduction of a voluntary certification will show time.
in addition to a voluntary certification for logistics servicesneed to create a registry of logistics infrastructure that would clearly distinguish the objects of logistics infrastructure in categories (warehouse, warehouse complex, terminal, logistics center
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