Он сказал: «Я собирался навестить тебя пару недель назад, но, к сожалению, не смог найти времени зайти к тебе.» Все время, пока он говорил это, я пытался вспомнить что-то, что хотел сказать ему.
He said: "I planned to visit you a couple of weeks ago, but unfortunately could not find time to visit you." all the time, until he mentioned it, I tried to remember what I wanted to tell him.
He said: "I'm going to visit you a few weeks ago, but unfortunately could not find the time to come to you." All the time he was saying this, I tried to remember something I wanted to tell him.
he said: "i was going to see you in a couple of weeks ago, but, unfortunately, could not find the time to come for you! every time he said it, i was trying to think of something to say to him.