1. 25 июня из Москвы отбыла делегация Национального Конгресса Боливии. перевод - 1. 25 июня из Москвы отбыла делегация Национального Конгресса Боливии. английский как сказать

1. 25 июня из Москвы отбыла делегац

1. 25 июня из Москвы отбыла делегация Национального Конгресса Боливии. Она находилась в нашей стране с официальным визитом по приглашению правительства России.
2. Во время визита главы государств провели переговоры, в ходе которых они затронули вопросы, представляющие взаимный интерес Российский премьер-министр выразил удовлетворение развитием российско-индийских отношений, углублением сотрудничества между ними.
3. Российский премьер-министр выразил удовлетворение развитием российско-индийских отношений, углублением сотрудничества между ними.
4. По сообщениям прессы, в ходе заключительной встречи председателя Государственного Совета КНР с президентом Пакистана стороны подтвердили желание укреплять двусторонние отношения во всех областях.
5. "Мы удовлетворены результатами бесед с российскими руководителями" - заявил глава делегации на пресс-конференции. "Состоялся широкий обмен мнениями по актуальным вопросам современности. Обе стороны подтвердили свое желание развивать двусторонние отношения и сотрудничество".
В ходе беседы болгарский и Китайский лидеры проинформировали друг друга о положении в своих странах и высказались за развитие взаимных связей, расширение взаимного обмена опытом в экономическом строительстве
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. June 25 from Moscow delegation departed for the National Congress of Bolivia. She was in our country for an official visit at the invitation of the Government of Russia.2. During the visit of the heads of State held talks during which they raised questions of mutual interest Russian Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the development of Russian-Indian relations, deepening cooperation between them.3. Russian Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the development of Russian-Indian relations, deepening cooperation between them. 4. According to press reports, during the final meeting of the Chairman of the State Council of CHINA with the President of Pakistan, the parties reiterated the desire to strengthen bilateral relations in all fields.5. "We are satisfied with the results of talks with Russian leaders," the head of the delegation said at a press conference. "Held an extensive exchange of views on topical issues. Both sides confirmed their desire to develop bilateral relations and cooperation. "During the meeting, Bulgarian and Chinese leaders briefed each other on the situation in their countries and expressed their support for the development of mutual ties, the expansion of mutual exchange of experience in economic construction
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. June 25 departed from Moscow delegation of the National Congress of Bolivia. She was in the country on an official visit at the invitation of the Russian government.
2. During the visit, the heads of state held talks during which they discussed issues of mutual interest, the Russian Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with the development of Russian-Indian relations, the deepening of cooperation between them.
3. Russian Prime Minister expressed his satisfaction with the development of Russian-Indian relations, the deepening of cooperation between them.
4. According to press reports, during the final meeting of the chairman of the State Council to the President of Pakistan, the sides reaffirmed the desire to strengthen bilateral relations in all fields.
5. "We are satisfied with the results of talks with the Russian leaders" - said the head of the delegation at the press conference. "There was a broad exchange of views on topical issues of our time. Both sides reaffirmed their willingness to develop bilateral relations and cooperation."
During the meeting, Bulgarian and Chinese leaders informed each other about the situation in their countries and called for the development of mutual relations, expansion of mutual exchange of experience in economic construction
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. On 25 June from Moscow departed the delegation of the National Bolivian Congress. It was in our country with the official visit on the invitation of the government of Russia.
2. During the visit of the head of states held talks,In the course of which they have raised issues of mutual interest in the Russian prime minister expressed his satisfaction with the development our Indian, deepening of cooperation between them.
3.Russian prime minister expressed his satisfaction with the development our Indian, deepening of cooperation between them.
4. According to press reports,During the final meeting between the President of the State Council of the PRC with the President of Pakistan the parties reaffirmed the desire to strengthen their bilateral relations in all fields.
5."We are satisfied with the results of the interviews with the Russian leaders" - said head of delegation at the press conference. "There was a broad exchange of views on topical issues of our times.The two sides reaffirmed their desire to develop bilateral relations and cooperation" .
During the conversation the Bulgarian and Chinese leaders have informed each other of the situation in their respective countries and expressed their support for the development mutual ties, the mutual exchange of experience in economic construction
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