Штат Оахака – это и родина мексиканского спиртного напитка мекскаль (mescal). Здесь есть много маленьких фабрик, которые производят этот крепкий напиток и вкуснейшие ликеры на его основе.
Oaxaca is the birthplace of Mexican liquor mekskal′ (mescal). There are many small factories that produce this strong drink and delicious liqueurs based on it.
Oaxaca - this is the birthplace of the Mexican liquor mekskal (mescal). There are many small factories that produce this strong drink and delicious liqueur based on it.
the state of oaxaca, and the mexican liquor мекскаль (mescal). there are many small factories that produce the крепкий drink and вкуснейшие liqueurs on its basis.