Я всегда буду помнить тот день, когда я

Я всегда буду помнить тот день, ког

Я всегда буду помнить тот день, когда я "провалился" на своем первом экзамене. Профессор попросил меня рассказать о законодательной системе США. Я начал довольно бодро: "Основной инстру­мент судебной власти США — это Верховный Суд. Кроме того, Конресс США утверждает 11 федеральных судов..." Но профессор перебил меня и попросил подробно остановиться на системе судов Великобритании. Я покраснел: я ничего не мог вспомнить."Вот суровое наказание за мою лень", — подумал я."В соответствии с английскими законами дети старше 8 лет могут^предстать перед судом", — промямлил я."Нет, не верно", — сказал профессор. — "Вы ошиблись".
В течение получаса я не мог вспомнить ничего ни о суде присяжных, ни о правонарушениях, подлежащих рассмотрению в суде, ни предварительных расследованиях и обвинительных актах. Я даже
не знал, кто председательствует на квартальных сессиях. Последние
Английский для юристов 22 слова профессора прозвучали как заключительная речь судьи к при­сяжным: "Вы не заслуживаете даже неудовлетворительной оценки".Когда я попросил профессора задать мне пару дополнительных вопросов, он посмотрел на меня, как прокурор на преступника.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I will always remember the day when I "failed" on their first exam. The professor asked me to tell you about the United States legal system. I started quite cheerfully: "the main instrument of the judiciary is a United States Supreme Court. In addition, Konress United States claims 11 federal courts. " But Professor interrupted me and asked to elaborate on the Uk court system. I blushed: I couldn't remember. " Here is a severe punishment for my laziness, "I thought." In accordance with English laws, children over 8 years old can ^ be brought before a court, "I mumbled." No, not true, "said the professor. — "You're wrong".Within half an hour I couldn't remember anything about the jury, nor on delinquences to be justiciable nor preliminary investigations and indictments. I evenHe did not know who presides at quarterly sessions. Latest English for lawyers 22 Professor sounded like summing-up to the jury: "you do not deserve even unsatisfactory evaluation." when I asked Professor ask me a couple of additional questions, he looked at me as a Prosecutor on the criminal.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I will always remember the day when I "fell" on their first exam. The professor asked me to talk about the US legal system. I started quite cheerfully: "The basic tool of the US judiciary - the Supreme Court is also, from the US Congress approves the 11 federal courts ...." But the professor interrupted me and asked me to expand on the UK court system. I blushed: I could not remember "This severe punishment for my laziness" - I thought, "In accordance with English law, children over 8 years old may ^ be brought to justice," - I mumbled, "No, not true,"... - the professor said. - "You are mistaken."
For half an hour I could not remember anything about a jury, or of offenses subject to judicial review or preliminary investigations and indictments. I even
did not know who presides at quarterly sessions. Recent
Legal English 22 words sounded like a professor closing speech the judge to the jury: "You do not deserve even a poor evaluation" .When I asked the professor to ask me a few more questions, he looked at me as a criminal prosecutor.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i will always remember the day when i "failed" on its first test. the professor asked me to talk about the legal system of the united states. i started pretty relaxed, "the main инстру­мент judicial authority is the supreme court of the united states. in addition, конресс usa claims 11 federal courts... "but the professor interrupted me and asked me to elaborate on the system of great britain. i blush, i couldn't remember. "this is the punishment for my laziness, i thought." in accordance with the english law of children older than 8 years can ^ be brought to justice, "промямлил me." no, not right, "said the professor. "you are wrong".in half an hour. i couldn't remember anything about the jury or offences subject to judicial review or preliminary investigations and indictments. i evendon't know who shall preside at the quarterly sessions. the lastenglish for the legal profession on the words of professor was as the speech judge to при­сяжным: "you don't deserve even unsatisfactory assessment" that i asked the professor to ask me a few additional questions, he looked at me as prosecutor in the criminal.
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