It’s Friday evening. Denis is walking in the centre of Moscow to the m перевод - It’s Friday evening. Denis is walking in the centre of Moscow to the m английский как сказать

It’s Friday evening. Denis is walki

It’s Friday evening. Denis is walking in the centre of Moscow to the metro station. He meets his friend Igor, who going in the same direction.
Denis — Hallo, Igor. Where are you hurrying to?
Igor — I am going to my uncle’s place. I am going there once a month to take the money which my father sending me.
D. — Why your father not sends it to you?
I. — He is not want to send it by post, as my father and my uncle’s son working together in the country, so my father always giving him some money for me.
D. — Shall we take a bus? I am see that you are limping 1.
I. — I usually (go) by bus. But today I not (have) any money left.
D. — Oh, usually I not (use) public transport very much. My mother (say) that I (get) too fat, so I (try) to take more exercise. And by the way, why you (wear) shoes that not (fit)?
I. — They (be) new. And the left one (rub) a lot, that’s why I (limp).
D. — You can’t walk like that. Let’s take the bus. It usually (come) at about this time.
I. — It (come) now, look. But I not (have) any money.
D. — Well, not (worry)! I can lend you some. Come on, not (argue). The driver (wait) for us.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It's Friday evening. Denis is walking in the centre of Moscow to the metro station. He meets his friend Michael, who's going in the same direction.Denis-Hallo, Igor. Where are you hurrying to?Igor — I am going to my uncle's place. I am going there once a month to take the money which my father sending me.D. — Why your father not sends it to you?I. — He is not want to send it by post, as my father and my son working together uncle's in the country, so my father always giving him some money for me.D.-Shall we take a bus? I am see that you are limping 1.I. — I usually (go) by bus. But today I not (have) any money left.D. — Oh, I usually not (use) public transport very much. My mother (say) that I (get) too fat, so I try to take more exercise. And by the way, why you (wear) shoes that not (fit)?I. — They (be) new. And the left one (us) a lot, that's why I (limp).D. — You can't walk like that. Let's take the bus. It usually (come) at about this time.I. is It (come) now, look. But I not (have) any money.D. — Well, not (worry)! I can lend you some. Come on, not (argue). The driver (wait) for us.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It's Friday evening. Denis is walking in the centre of Moscow to the metro station. A His friend E meets the He of Igor, the who going in the Same direction.
Denis - old Hallo, of Igor. Are you hurrying for Where to?
Of Igor - I of am going to up my reply uncle's PLACE. I am going there I of once recording a month to take the money to the which up my father sending me.
D. The - Why not your father Sends IT to you?
I. The - The He is not want the send to IT by the post, as with up my father and up my reply uncle's son is working-together in the country, SO up my father the always giving scene HIM some money for me.
D. The - Shall we take a bus? Am I see That I of you are limping 1.
I. The - I usually (go) by bus . I of today has been not But (have) the any money left.
D. The - Oh, usually I not (use ) public transport very much. My mother (say) that I ( get) too fat, so I (try) to take more exercise. By the way And, why you (wear) shoes That not (of fit)?
I. The - They (be) new. The left one's And (rub) a lot, That's why I of (a limp).
D. The - You can not walk like that. Let's take the bus. Usually It (have come) AT about the this time.
I. The - It (come) now, look . I of not But (have) the any money.
D. The - Well, not (worry)! I can lend you some. Come on, not (argue). The driver (wait) for us.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
it"s friday evening. denis is walking in the centre of moscow to the metro station. he meets his friend igor, and going in the same direction.denis - hello, igor. where are you hurrying to?igor - i am going to my uncle"s place. i am going there once a month to take the money which my father sending me.d. why your father not sends it to you?1. - he is not want to send it by post, as my father and my uncle"s son working together in the country, so my father always giving him some money for me.d. - shall we take a bus? i can see that you are limping 1.i - i usually (go) by bus. but today i not (have) any money left.d. oh, is i not use) public transport very much. my mother (say) that i (get) too fat, so i (try) to take more exercise. and by the way, why you (wear) shoes and not (fit).i. they (be) new. and the left one (where) a lot, that"s why i (limp).d - you can "t walk like that. let"s take the bus. it is (as) at about this time.i - i (come) now, look. but i not (have) any money.d: well, not (worry). i can make you some. come on, not (argue). the driver (wait) for us.
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