Томас привет!!!!Все хорошо!!Спасибо за цветы, они есть красивые!! В Мо перевод - Томас привет!!!!Все хорошо!!Спасибо за цветы, они есть красивые!! В Мо английский как сказать

Томас привет!!!!Все хорошо!!Спасибо

Томас привет!!!!Все хорошо!!Спасибо за цветы, они есть красивые!! В Молдавии сейчас цветут лилий, они пахнут очень очень сильно!! Но я люблю этот запах!!!!Я не знаю что есть с моим носом...но он очень очень чувствует запахи...запахи играют большую роль в моей жизни))))Иногда я имею интересные ситуации и я могу знать маленькие тайны некоторых людей))))
Утром я пила кофе, ела грецкие орехи и кунжут с медом)))...В Швеции растут кедровые орехи "cedar nuts"??? Это есть очень очень вкусный и полезный орех!!!!

В Кишиневе есть жара, но есть дождь вечером...Сегодня я плавала с 12 до 15 !!!! В бассейне было несколько человек, потому что есть понедельник)))...Моя подруга не пришла плавать ((((.....Она есть переводчик итальянского языка...я надеюсь, что итальянец не похитил ее!!!!!))))
Сегодня я работала мало, я покупала продукты, лекарство, газеты, платила счета....
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Thomas Hello! All is well! Thanks for the flowers, they are beautiful! In Moldova now blooming lilies, they smell very very much! But I love this scent! I don't know what to eat with my nose. but he feels the smells ... scents play a big role in my life)))) I sometimes have interesting situations and I know the little secrets of some people))))In the morning I drank coffee, ate walnuts and sesame seeds with honey))) ... In Sweden grow pine nuts "cedar nuts"? This is very very delicious and healthy nut!In Chisinau there are heat, but there is rain in the evening ... Today I sailed with 12 to 15! There were several people in the pool, because there's a Monday))) ... My girlfriend came to swim ((((. .... She is the translator of the Italian language. I hope that the Italian was not kidnapped her!))))Today I was little, I was buying food, medicine and newspapers, paid account ...
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thomas Hello !!!! Everything is good !! Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful !! In Moldova, is now blooming roses, they smell very very much !! But I love the smell !!!! I do not know what is with my nose ... but it is very very smell ... smells play a big role in my life)))) Sometimes I have an interesting situation and I know a little secrets of some people))))
In the morning I drank coffee, ate walnuts and sesame seeds with honey))) ... In Sweden, grow pine nuts "cedar nuts" ??? It is very very tasty and healthy nuts !!!! Chisinau have heat, but there is rain in the evening ... Today I swam from 12 to 15 !!!! The pool had a few people, because there is a Monday))) ... My friend did not come to swim ((((..... She is the translator of the Italian language ... I hope that is not an Italian kidnapped her !!!! !)))) Today I worked a little, I bought food, medicine, paper, paying bills ....

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Thomas hi quoting or copying all is well!!) Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful!! In the Republic of Moldova is now bloom lilies, they end very very much!! But I love this smell quoting or copying I do not know that there is a with my nose ... but he is very very feels smells ...Smells play a great role in my life))))sometimes i am interesting situation and i can know the small secrets some people))))
this morning I saw coffee, eating with them walnuts and sesame with медом))) ...Rise in Sweden pine nuts "cedar cove, regulatory foreigners"??? This is a very delicious and useful in walnut and quoting or copying lord in Chisinau there is heat, but there is a rain in the evening ... i am an octahedral cage with 12 15 Encrypt In the Caribbean it was several people,Because there is a понедельник))) ... my girlfriend is not found to fly (((( ..... it is a translator Italian language ... i hope that Italian is not stole her!!!!! ))))
today I worked very little, i bought products, medicine, newspapers,Paid account ....
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