Изучив все предложенные варианты инвестороны пришли к выводу, что наиб перевод - Изучив все предложенные варианты инвестороны пришли к выводу, что наиб английский как сказать

Изучив все предложенные варианты ин

Изучив все предложенные варианты инвестороны пришли к выводу, что наибольшую отдачу от инвестиций принесет компания занимающаяся (продажа одежды онлайн). Т.к. проблемы существующей данной компании не являются трудно разрешимыми и т.к не предполагают больших финансовых вложений. А именно улучшить качество доставки, за счет увеличения количества курьеров и обеспечении их транспортным средством.
Дополнительно арендовать места для хранения товаров.
Есть перспектива внедрения бизнеса в другие регионы и страны.
обучить персонал организации и методом логистики.
так же можно увеличить ассортимент товара не только для женщин определенной категории возраста, но выпускать мужские и детские товары всех возрастов. В дальнейшем можно будет продавать не только одежду, аксессуары, но и товары для дома.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Having examined all the proposed options investorony have come to the conclusion that will bring the greatest return on investment company (selling clothing online). Because the company's existing problems are not intractable, etc. to do not involve large financial investments. Namely, improve delivery quality by increasing the amount of couriers and their vehicle.Additional rent storage space for goods. There is the prospect of the introduction of business in other regions and countries. train the staff of the Organization and method of logistics.You can also increase the range of goods not only for women of a certain age category, but releasing the men and goods for children of all ages. Later, you will sell not only clothes, accessories, but also homeware.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
After reviewing all the proposed options investorony came to the conclusion that the best return on investment will bring the company engaged (selling clothes online). Because the existing problems of the companies are not difficult to resolve, and because it does not require large financial investments. Namely improve the quality of delivery, by increasing the number of couriers and providing them with means of transport.
In addition to rent space for storage of goods.
There is the prospect of the introduction of business in other regions and countries.
To train the personnel of the organization and method of logistics.
You can also increase the range of goods not only for women of a certain category of age, but men and children to produce goods of all ages. In the future it will be possible to sell not only the clothing, accessories, and household goods.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
by studying all the options инвестороны came to the conclusion that the highest return on investment will bring the company a (the sale of clothing online). since. the problems existing in the company are not as difficult and do not require large financial investments. namely, to improve the quality of delivery, by increasing the number of mules and providing them to the vehicle.lease space for the storage of the goods.there is the prospect of the business in other regions and countries.to train the personnel organization and the mode of logistics.you can increase the range of goods not only for women of a certain category of age, but to produce men"s and children"s products for all ages. in the future you will sell not only clothes, accessories, and products for the home.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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