Не бывает безопасных видов спорта. Вы думаете, что барышня, которая пришла в фитнес-клуб и тут же бросилась таскать двадцатикилограммовую штангу в надежде немедленно похудеть, рискует меньше, чем профессиональный альпинист? Между прочим, самый травматичный вид спорта, насколько я знаю, это баскетбол. Но никому и в голову не приходит назвать его экстремальным. У футболистов плохо с коленями, у гимнастов под угрозой позвоночник, и даже если вы вышли на утреннюю пробежку, вы рискуете умереть от инфаркта, особенно если последний раз занимались спортом, будучи в школе. Люди, которые занимаются прыжками с парашютом, дайвингом или паркуром, заботятся о своей безопасности больше, чем те, кто надрывается в спортзалах. Да и подход у экстремалов более профессиональный. Они действительно могут оценить уровень опасности, у них профессиональное снаряжение, они прекрасно знают, на что способен их организм. Конечно, несчастные случаи бывают. Но, поверьте, в горах или под водой гибнет гораздо меньше народу, чем за рулем автомобиля. Просто мы почему-то привыкли считать, что в обыденной жизни с нами ничего не может случиться
Результаты (
английский) 1:
There is no safe sport. Do you think that young lady that came in a fitness club and immediately rushed to drag dvadcatikilogrammovuû Rod hoping to lose weight immediately, risking less the professional Mountaineer? Among other things, the most traumatic kind of sport, as far as I know, this is basketball. But nobody comes to call it extreme. Players have bad knees, the gymnasts under the threat of the spine, and even if you went out on the morning jog, you run the risk of dying from a heart attack, especially if the last time sports, being in school. People, engaged in parachute jumping, diving or Parkour, care about their security than those who, toiling in the gyms. The extreme approach and more professional. They can really assess the level of danger they have professional outfit, they know very well what is their body. Of course, accidents do happen. But, believe me, in the mountains or under water killed far fewer people than driving a car. Just for some reason we are accustomed to think that in everyday life with us, nothing can happen
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
There is no safest sports. Do you think that the young lady who came to the fitness club and immediately rushed to pull dvadtsatikilogrammovuyu post hoping to lose weight immediately, risking less than professional climber? Incidentally, the most traumatic sport, as far as I know, it's basketball. But anyone and would not come to call it extreme. Do players with bad knees, gymnasts threatened spine, and even if you went out for a morning jog, you run the risk of dying from a heart attack, especially if the last time doing sports, being in school. People who engage in parachuting, diving or parkour, care about their safety more than those who are toiling in the gym. And in extreme approach more professional. They can actually assess the level of danger they professional equipment, they know what their body is capable of. Of course, accidents do happen. But believe me, in the mountains or underwater killed far fewer people than driving a car. Just for some reason we tend to think that in everyday life with us nothing can happen
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
There is no safe types of sport. Do you think that Valkyries, which concluded in a fitness club and immediately rushed relize двадцатикилограммовую bar in the hope immediately even skinnier, less risk,than a professional mountain climber? Among other things, the most traumatic sport, as far as I know, this is basketball. But no one and in the head does not come call the extreme. The football players were poorly with his knees,The gymnastic display under the threat spine, and even if you have a morning jog, you won't die from a heart attack, especially if the last time engage in sports, as in the school. People,Who are involved in scuba diving with the parachute, scuba diving or паркуром, care about their security more than those, who breaks the champion. Yes and the approach will have a more professional.They really can evaluate the hazards, they have professional equipment, they are fully aware that their body is capable. Of course, accidents are. But, believe me,In the mountains or under water killed far less people than behind the wheel of a car. It is just that we have become accustomed, that it is commonplace life with us nothing could happen
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