Я не видел аню, но я знал, что она, вероятно, ждет меня где-то здесь Я подождал с полчаса, и когда я уже думал, что-то, должно быть, случилось с Катей, она приехала на такси
I haven't seen Anna, but I knew she was probably waiting for me somewhere hereI waited a half hour, and I've thought something must have happened with Katya, she came by taxi
I did not see Anna, but I knew she was probably waiting for me around here I waited for half an hour, and when I thought something must have happened to Kate, she arrived by taxi
I haven't seen Anh, but I knew that it was probably, is waiting for me here i waited with half an hour, and when I had already thought that, should not be, what happened to competition, she arrived at the taxi