Я пыталась не обращать на это внимание, но наступил момент, когда я уж перевод - Я пыталась не обращать на это внимание, но наступил момент, когда я уж английский как сказать

Я пыталась не обращать на это внима

Я пыталась не обращать на это внимание, но наступил момент, когда я уже больше не могла не реагировать и хотела поговорить с тобой, чтобы разобраться в ситуации и понять: Что ты ко мне чувствуешь? Какими ты видишь наши отношения в будущем?
И тут я пообщалась с твоим другом и мне после разговора многое стало понятно, но чтобы разобраться до конца, мне необходимо было с тобой поговорить. Сразу хочу сказать, что это не блеф, как ты подумал, но не назову тебе его имени, потому что не хочу вас сталкивать лбами это, во-первых, потому что он здесь не при чем, а во-вторых, разговаривая со мной, он совершенно не думал о том, что делится со мной какой-то информацией. Это был совершенно обычный разговор ни о чем и твой друг даже не догадывается о том, что он дал мне какую-то информацию. Он ведь не подозревает о том, что между нами есть отношения, поэтому ему не было смысла мне что-то рассказывать про тебя. Поэтому и здесь ты понял меня неправильно. Твой друг специально со мной ни о чем не разговаривал и уж тем более у меня не было цели кого-то из твоих друзей оговорить и поссорить с тобой. Они мне ничего плохого не сделали и потом я действительно хочу, чтобы твои друзья стали моими друзьями, они тоже очень интересные личности, каждый по-своему.
Что касается информации, которую я получила, если тебе будет интересно, я конечно расскажу, но только думаю, что ты и так прекрасно знаешь о чем я говорю, просто думаешь, что я в силу своего возраста не в силах буду разобраться. Я действительно не сразу разобралась, просто обстоятельства помогли. А когда разобралась мне сразу стали понятны твои просьбы заблокировать временно мои фотографии из Франции, хотя я объяснила, что там нет изображения твоего дома и тебя, но ты упорно настаивал и сказал, что там есть даты, а я действительно не понимала, зачем и при чем здесь даты. Если бы ты мне сам все рассказал, почему ты хочешь, чтобы я так сделала, то я бы тебя поняла, а так просто стало очень неприятно. Также мне было очень неприятно слышать на вечеринке, как Наталья рассказывает всем, что она спала на твоей кровати с балдахином.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I tried not to pay attention to it, but reached a point where I could no longer do not react and wanted to talk to you, to sort out the situation and understand what I feel? What do you see our relationship in the future? And then I talked to your friend and me after the talk a lot became clear, but to get to the end, I had a great time. Just want to say that this is not a bluff, as you thought, but not to you his name because I don't want you push against it, first, because he is not here, and second, talking with me, he had not thought about what shares with me some information. It was a perfectly normal conversation about anything and your friend has no idea of what he gave me some information. He is unaware that there is a relationship between us, so he was not meaning to tell me something about you. So here, you understood me wrong. Your friend is with me talking about nothing and certainly it was not my purpose to someone of your friends and make enemies with you. I have done nothing wrong, and then I really want to make your friends are my friends, they are very interesting individuals, each in their own way. With regard to the information which I received, if you would be interested, I of course will tell you, but just think that you are so beautiful and you know what I'm talking about, just think that I have because of their age can not be sorted out. I really did not immediately cracked down, just the circumstances helped. And when I sorted out immediately became clear to your request to block temporarily my pictures from France, even though I explained that there is no image of your home but you persistently insisted and said that there is a date, and I really didn't understand why and what date. If you had me alone all told, why do you want me to I'm so done, I would have understood, and so you just became very unpleasant. Also I was very sorry to hear at the party, as She tells everyone that she was sleeping on your bed with a canopy.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I tried not to pay attention to it, but the time came when I could no longer respond and do not want to talk to you, to understand the situation and understand: What do you feel me? What do you see our relations in the future?
And then I talked to your friend and I talk a lot after it became clear, but to sort through, I had to talk to you. Just want to say that this is not a bluff, as you thought, but you will not call his name, because I do not want you to bang their heads is, firstly, because he is not to blame, and secondly, talking to me, he did not think that shares with me some information. It was quite a normal conversation about anything and your friend did not even realize that he gave me some information. He did not suspect that there is a relationship between us, so it did not make sense to me something to talk about you. Therefore, here you have understood me wrong. Your friend specifically to me about anything not talk and even more so I did not have the goal of someone of your friends to stipulate and quarrel with you. They told me not done anything wrong, and then I really want to be your friends have become my friends, they are also very interesting personalities, each in their own way.
As for the information that I have received, if you might be interested, I certainly tell you, but I think you're so fine and you know what I mean, just think I'm in because of their age can not'll understand. I really did not immediately understood, just circumstances helped. And when I figured out once it became clear your request to temporarily block my photos from France, though I explained that there is no image of your house and you, but you stubbornly insisted and said that there is a date, but I really do not understand why and when than the date hereof. If you had told me himself all, why do you want me to do so, then I would have understood, and so easy to become very unpleasant. Also, it was very unpleasant to hear at a party as Natalia tells everyone that she was sleeping on your bed with a canopy.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I have tried to pay no attention to this, but just at that moment, when I was no longer could not respond to and would like to talk with you, to understand the situation and to understand: that thou to me feel?What do you see our relationship in the future?
AND i am population assists with thy friend and me after a conversation has become much more understandable, but to get to the end, I need to be with you talk to. As soon as I would like to say,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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