Да я тоже люблю тепло:) Но, к сожалению, я родился в России и никак не получается уехать. Хотя моя профессия везде нужна. Я инженер по телекоммуникациям и промышленный альпинист:)
Yes, I too love the warmth:) But, unfortunately, I was born in Russia and is unable to leave. Although my profession wherever needed. I am an engineer in telecommunications and industrial climber:)
Yes, I love the heat :) But, unfortunately, I was born in Russia and did not get to go. Although my profession is always needed. I am a telecommunications engineer and an industrial climber :)
i love warm, but, unfortunately, i was born in russia, and she won't leave. although my job's need. i'm an engineer on telecommunications and industrial climber:)