Растительность долины Сары-Джаз хорошо приспособилась к суровым услови перевод - Растительность долины Сары-Джаз хорошо приспособилась к суровым услови английский как сказать

Растительность долины Сары-Джаз хор

Растительность долины Сары-Джаз хорошо приспособилась к суровым условиям. На высоте около 3000 м в долине Сары-Джаз кончается граница высокогорного степного пояса, где растет в основном типчак, полынь и ковыль. Выше 3500 м в долине Сары-Джаз злаки совсем исчезают. Их вытесняют растения высокогорной пустыни, представленные, в основном, подушковидными полукустарниковыми ксерофитами и бродячими лишайниками. Еще выше располагается каменистая тундра. Этот тип ландшафта распространен лишь небольшими пятнами на самых высоких хребтах Тянь-Шаня в отметках 3900-4300 м над уровнем моря. Таким растениям в долине Сары-Джаз легче противостоять неблагоприятным условиям - холоду, ветру, засухе и гибельным ультрафиолетовым лучам.
Во время автомобильного путешествия по долине Сары-Джаз можно увидеть много интересного. Советуем посетить удивительный по красоте Сары-Джазский каньон, который находиться недалеко от слияния реки Сары-Джаз и его правого притока Ак-Шийрак. В 7 км к востоку от поселка Эчкили-Таш на высоте 3150 м в известковом утесе на правом берегу Сары-Джаза расположена пещера Ак-Чункур ("белая яма") длиной около 70 м и шириной 4 м, вход в которую возвышается над водой на 130 м. В ней обнаружены следы пребывания доисторического человека. Недалеко от пещеры раскинулось небольшое озеро.
В верховьях реки Сары-Джаз около пестрой мраморной скалы Кара-Ала-Таш имеются горячие источники с температурой около 60 градусов. Около поселка Энильчек можно увидеть наскальные рисунки (1-2 тыс. лет до н. э).
В царстве горных теснин и пиков, обвешанных свисающими языками снежников, обитает много козерогов, горных баранов и архаров.
Долина Сары-Джаз связана с городом Каракол автомобильной дорогой длиной 140 км. Для посещения долины Сары-Джаз необходимо получить пропуск в погранзону в отделении милиции.
На южном берегу озера Иссык-Куль зеленым мягким ковром раскинулась живописная, но суровая долина Сары-Джаз. Она простирается до самого подножья хребта Терскей Ала-Тоо и горного массива Сары-Джаз. По высоте долина занимает территорию от 2700 м до 3600 м. По каменистому рельефу всей долины протекает горная бурная река Сары-Джаз, по имени которой и называется сама долина, а чуть поодаль впадает в сары-джазские воды основной приток реки – Ак-Шийрак. Питание рек происходит за счет талых вод горного ледникового образования Музтаг, а цвет речных вод в этих места необычно насыщенный, с ярко выраженным зеленоватым оттенком. 

Маршрут, который выписывает быстротечная река по склонам, идет сначала вдоль Сары-Джазского хребта, а потом резко меняя свое русло, сворачивает своими водами на юг. Длина реки составляет почти 200 км и тянется на территории всей Кыргызской Республики. По причине суровых климатических условий и больших высот, полюбоваться красотами этой долины могут только опытные туристы, привыкшие к перепадам температур и давления. Организовать и проделать столь сложный и многодневный маршрут является не простым делом, справится с которым под силу только опытным, бывалым спортсменами и альпинистам. Но те, кому удается осилить столь сложный и долгий путь навсегда очаровываются многообразием и насыщенностью гордых и неприступных альпийских лугов. Вокруг возвышаются небольшие еловые рощи, заросли арчи и редкие одинокие березы, непонятно как врастающие в скальные разлом. Русло самой реки тоже словно изранено бесконечными трещинами и надломами, что создает впечатление острого, зазубренного рельефа. Ниже начинается высокотравная степная зона, а выше, почти в поднебесном пространстве - устрашающе возвышаются мощные снежные вершины, с которых стремятся в Сары-Джазскую долину ледниковые лавины. Прорываясь сквозь этот грубый, осколочный рельеф, река Сары-Джаз протекает через хребет Какшаал-Тоо и несет свои закаленные воды в теплый Китай. 

Как и сама река, так и растительный мир долины умело адаптировался к суровому климату и негостеприимному рельефу. Начиная с низовьев реки и до высоты 3000 м, в долине царствует степной пояс с привычными для этих мест непривередливыми травами типчаком, полынью и ковылем. Но чем ближе подбирается территория высокогорной пустыни, тем меньше встречается злаковых трав на здешних каменистых почвах и скалистых уступах. Зато в изобилии появляются полукустарниковые лишайники и мхообразные и подушковидные растения. Еще выше господствует зона каменистой тундры, но превалирует такой вид природной зоны только на высотах от 3900 до 4300 метров. Практически все растения Сары-Джазской долины засухоустойчивы и адаптировано переносят мощные ультрафиолетовые солнечные лучи, ветреную погоду и холодные погодные условия. 

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sary-Jaz Valley vegetation is well adapted to the harsh conditions. At an altitude of 3000 m in Sary-Jaz Valley ends border alpine steppe zone, where mainly fescue, sagebrush and grass. Above 3500 m in the Valley of the Sary-Jaz cereals quite disappear. Their plants are ousting Alpine desert, presented mainly poduškovidnymi polukustarnikovymi kserofitami and stray lichens. Higher still lies the Rocky tundra. This type of landscape circulated only in small patches on the highest ridges of the Tien Shan mountains in elevations 3900-4300 m above sea level. Such plants in the Valley of the Sary-Jaz easier to withstand adverse conditions-cold, wind, drought and destructive ultraviolet rays.During road travel Sary-Jaz Valley you can see many interesting things. Visit the awesome beauty of the Sary-Džazskij Canyon, which is located near the confluence of the river Sary-Jaz and his right AK-shiyrak. In 7 km East from the village of Èčkili-Tash at an altitude of 3150 m limestone cliff on the right bank of the Sary-Jazz is the cave of AK-Čunkur ("white hole") with a length of about 70 m and a width of 4 m, the entrance of which rises above the water at 130 m it found traces of prehistoric man. Near the cave lies a small lake.In the upper reaches of the river Sary-Jaz about Motley marble Cliff Kara-Tash-hot springs with a temperature of about 60 degrees. Near the village you can see the Enilchek rock carvings (1-2 thousand years BC).In the realm of the mountain gorges and peaks, hanged round by dangling tongues hanging tongues, many capricorns snowfields, mountain sheep and argali.Sary-Jaz Valley linked to Karakol city highway with a length of 140 km. To visit the Valley of Sary-Jaz, you must obtain an identification badge at the border in the militia Department.On the southern shore of Lake Issyk Kul green soft carpet stretched picturesque but harsh Sary-Dzhaz. It stretches to the foot of Ridge Terskey Ala-too mountain range and Sary-dzhaz. Height Valley covers an area of 2700 m to 3600 m, on rocky terrain across the Mountain Valley Wild River Sary-Jaz, on behalf of which and is called the Valley itself, but from a distance it flows into the Sary-džazskie water the main tributary rivers-Ak-Shiyrak. Feeding the rivers is due to meltwater glacial mountain education Muztagh river water, and the color in these places is unusually intense, with marked greenish white. The route, which checks out on the slopes, River accepted goes first along the Sary-Džazskogo Ridge, and then abruptly changing course, collapses its waters to the South. The length of the river is nearly 200 km and stretches throughout the Kyrgyz Republic. Because of the harsh climatic conditions and high altitude, admire the beauty of this Valley can only experienced hikers accustomed to extremes of temperature and pressure. Organize and do so complex and multi-day itinerary is not easy to cope with which only experienced, seasoned athletes and mountaineers. But those who can afford such a complex and lengthy path forever enchanted by the diversity and richness of proud and forbidding Alpine meadows. Around Tower small spruce groves, Juniper and rare single birch, as vrastaûŝie in rock fracture. The mainstream of the River, too, as if offended by endless cracks and nadlomami that creates the impression of a sharp, jagged terrain. Below begins the vysokotravnaâ steppe zone and above, almost celestial space-eerily powerful towering snowy peaks, which seek to Sary-Džazskuû Valley Glacier avalanche. Breaking through this rough, sharding relief, Sary-Jaz River flows through the Kakshaal-too Ridge and carries its hardened water warm China. Like the river itself, and the flora of the Valley skillfully adapted to the harsh climate and terrain negostepriimnomu. Since the lower River and up to 3000 m altitude in the Valley of the reigns of the steppe zone with familiar to these places nepriveredlivymi herbs wormwood, blossoming valleys and feather-grass. But the closer the selected territory mountainous desert, the less meets cereal grasses on these rocky soils and rocky ledges. But in abundance appear sub-shrub lichens and mhoobraznye and poduškovidnye plants. Still above stony Tundra dominates, but prevails such kind of natural area only at altitudes from 3900 up to 4300 meters. Almost all plants of Sary-Džazskoj Valley and adapted species carry powerful ultraviolet rays, windy and cold weather conditions.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The vegetation of the valley Sary Jaz well adapted to the harsh conditions. At an altitude of about 3000 m in the valley of Sary-Jazz end the border mountain steppe belt, which grows mainly fescue, feather grass and wormwood. Above 3500 m in the valley of Sary-Jazz grains disappear altogether. They are dislodged by the high desert plants represented mainly cushion suffrutescent xerophytes and vagrant lichens. Even higher is the rocky tundra. This type of terrain is common only in small patches on the highest ridges of the Tien Shan in the elevations of 3900-4300 m above sea level. Therefore plants in the valley Sary Jaz easier to withstand adverse conditions - cold, wind, drought and disastrous ultraviolet rays.
During the car journey through the valley of the Sary-Jaz, you can see a lot of interesting things. We recommend to visit the amazing beauty of the Sary-Jaz canyon, which is located near the confluence of the river Sary-Jaz and the right tributary of the Ak-Shiyrak. 7 km east of the village Echkili-Tash at a height of 3150 m in a limestone cliff on the right bank of Sary-Jazz is the cave of Ak-Chunkur ("white hole") length of about 70 m and a width of 4 m, the entrance to which rises above the water 130 m. It found traces of prehistoric man. Not far from the cave lies a small lake.
In the upper reaches of the river Sary-Jaz about variegated marble rock Kara- Ala-Tash are hot springs with temperatures around 60 degrees. Near the village Enilchek can see petroglyphs (1-2 thousand. BC. E).
In the realm of mountain gorges and peaks, snowfields hung with dangling tongues, populated by many ibex, mountain sheep and argali.
The valley Sary Jaz connected with the city of Karakol car road length of 140 km. To visit the Valley of Sary-Jazz need to get a pass to the frontier at the police station.
On the south shore of Lake Issyk-Kul green soft carpet stretched picturesque, but the harsh valley of Sary-Jaz. It stretches to the foot of Terskey Ala-Too mountain range and Sarah-Jaz. At the height of the valley covers an area of 2700 m to 3600 m. In the rocky terrain of the valley flows the mountain turbulent river Sary-Jaz, the name of which is called the valley itself, and a bit further flows into the Sary-Jaz water main tributary - the Ak-Shiyrak. The rivers is due to meltwater mountain ice formation Muztagh, and the color of the river water in these places an unusually full-bodied, with a pronounced greenish tinge.  The route, which prescribes swift river on the slopes, going first along the Sary Jaz Range, and then abruptly changing its channel, turns its waters to the south. The river is almost 200 km long and stretches throughout the Kyrgyz Republic. Due to the harsh climatic conditions and high altitudes, to admire the beauty of this valley can only experienced tourists, accustomed to temperature and pressure. Organize and perform such a complex and multi-day itinerary is not a simple matter, which will cope with only by experienced, seasoned athletes and climbers. But those who are able to master such a difficult and long way forever fascinated by the diversity and richness of the proud and inaccessible alpine meadows. Around the tower small spruce trees, juniper bushes and rare lonely birch, clear as growing into the rock fracture. The bed of the river also has holes like endless cracked and broke down, giving the impression of sharp, jagged terrain. Here begins tall-steppe zone, and above, nearly the celestial space - eerily powerful towering snow-capped peaks, from which seek to Sary-Jaz valley glacier avalanches. Cutting through this rough, splinter relief, Sary-Jaz river flows through the ridge Kakshaal Too and carries its hardened in the warm water to China.  As the river itself, and the flora of the valley skillfully adapted to the harsh climate and inhospitable terrain. Starting from the lower reaches of the river and up to an altitude of 3000 m in the valley reigns steppe belt with the usual for these places picky fescue grasses, sagebrush and feather. But the closer the selected area alpine desert, the less common grasses on the local rocky soils and rocky ledges. But there are an abundance of lichens and subshrub mhoobraznye and cushion plants. Still above the rocky tundra dominated area, but this kind of prevailing natural zone only at altitudes of 3,900 to 4,300 meters. Virtually all plants Sary-Jaz valley adapted drought-resistant and carry the powerful ultraviolet rays of the sun, windy and cold weather conditions. 

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
vegetation of sarah - jazz fine adjusting to the harsh conditions. at an altitude of about 3000 m in the valley of sarah - jazz end border of степного belts, which is mainly типчак, wormwood and stipa.vegetation of sarah - jazz fine adjusting to the harsh conditions. at an altitude of about 3000 m in the valley of sarah - jazz end border of степного belts, which is mainly типчак, wormwood and stipa.above 3500 m in the valley of sarah - jazz grain completely disappear. they are desert plants walks by, mainly, подушковидными полукустарниковыми ксерофитами and troupe of lichens.still above a rocky tundra. this type of terrain is distributed only small patches on the higher ridges of tian shan in отметках 3900 - 4300 metres above sea level.during a road trip to the valley's jazz, you can see a lot of interesting things. recommend to visit the beautiful sarah джазский canyonsuch plants in the valley of sarah - jazz easier to withstand adverse conditions - the cold, wind, drought and disastrous to follow the ultraviolet rays.which is located near the confluence of the rivers from jazz and his right of ak шийрак.7 km to the east of the village эчкили tash at an altitude of 3150 m in известковом cliff on the right bank of sarah - jazz is the ak чункур ("white hole") of about 70 m and a width of 4 meters, the entrance to which is above the water at 130 m.upstream from the mottled marble rocks about kara - al tash, there are hot springs, with a temperature of about 60 degrees. you can see some of энильчек rock carvings (1 - 2). years bc. uh).
it found traces of prehistoric man. not far from the cave раскинулось small lake.
to visit the valley of sarah - jazz must obtain a погранзону in the police station. on the southern shore of lake issyk kul green soft carpet sits a picturesque, but суровая долина sarah - jazz.it extends to the foot хребта терскей ala тоо и mountain range from jazz. high valley covers an area of 2700 m to 3600 m. on the stone relief of the valley is the rough river sary jazzon behalf of which is called the valley, and flows into a main flow of water from джазские river, ak шийрак. food comes at the expense of талых waters of river ice education muztagh,and the color of river water in these places an unusually rich, with a strong зеленоватым оттенком. 

route, who writes the быстротечная river on the slopes is the first along the sarah джазского ridgein the realm of теснин and mountain peaks, обвешанных hanging tongues снежников, found many capricorns, mountain sheep and архаров.
valley sarah - jazz is linked to the town el caracol automobile road length of 140 km.admire the beauty of this valley can only experienced hikers accustomed to the swings of temperature and pressure. to organize and to so complex and many days route is not easyhandle which, under the force of only experienced, heck of athletes and climbers. but thosewho can stand such a complex and long way forever очаровываются diversity and saturation of the proud and opaque alpine meadows. around the tower, small pine trees.and then suddenly changing their direction, shifting its waters to the south. the length of the river is 200 km and passes on the whole territory of the kyrgyz republic. due to harsh climatic conditions and heightclumps of archie and rare single birch, understand how врастающие fissure in rock. mainstream of the river, like a wounded infinite cracks and надломами that creates the impression of acute, зазубренного elevation.below is высокотравная steppe zone and above, nearly поднебесном space - books are the snowy peaks, which are в сары - джазскую долину ледниковые avalanches.rushing through the rough, a terrain, the river flows through the range from jazz какшаал too and has its tempered water to warm китай. 

as the riverand the flora of well adapted to harsh climate and негостеприимному relief. since the river river and up to an altitude of 3000 m,in the open steppe belt paid for these places непривередливыми herbs типчаком, sage and ковылем. but as the high - desertthe less is the cereals grasses on the rocky soils and rocky уступах. but in abundance appear полукустарниковые lichens and мхообразные and подушковидные plants.above is a mountainous area the tundra, but is a kind of natural zone at altitudes from 3900 to 4300 meters.almost all the plants from джазской valley засухоустойчивы and adapted carry powerful ultraviolet solar rays, windy weather and cold weather условия. 

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