благодаря себе, своим стараниям и людям, которые находятся рядом с тобой , ты добьешься того, чего хотел.Нужно планировать свое будущее, идти к своим целям и никогда не забывать тех, кто был рядом с тобой все это время.
Thanks to yourself, your efforts and the people who are close to you, you achieve what wanted. Need to plan your future, go to their goals and never to forget those who were with you all the time.
thanks to themselves, their efforts and people who are close to you, you will achieve what hotel.Nuzhno plan for the future, to go to their targets and never forget those who have been around you all the time.
thanks to their efforts, and to the people who are around you, you can do what хотел.нужно planning your future, go to their goals, and never forget those who have been with you all this time.