Казахская национальная одежда имеет многовековую историю, отражает нац перевод - Казахская национальная одежда имеет многовековую историю, отражает нац английский как сказать

Казахская национальная одежда имеет

Казахская национальная одежда имеет многовековую историю, отражает национальный опыт трудовой деятельности. На протяжении веков казахская национальная одежда отличалась простотой и рациональностью. Для нее были характерны общность форм для всех слоев населения, но с определенной социальной и возрастной регламентацией. Нарядность одежде придавали отделка мехом, вышивкой, украшения. Традиционными материалами для нее были кожа, мех, тонкий войлок, сукно, которые казахи изготовляли сами. Одежду шили и из привозных материалов – шелка, парчи, бархата, являвшихся своеобразным мерилом обеспеченности ее обладателей. Широко использовались также и хлопчатобумажные ткани.

Из мехов и шкур шили шубы, нагольных тулупы, головные уборы, безрукавки, зимние шаровары и нарядную верхнюю одежду. Пользовались в основном шкурами домашнего скота, козьими, жеребячьими, коровьими, овечьими. Снятую шкуру просушивали, затем смазывали кислым молоком (айраном), смешанным с отрубями или мукой, иногда просто заваренными отрубями. Зимой айран заменяли разведенным в воде казахским сыром (куртом). Потом шкуру свертывали мездрой внутрь, а через три-четыре дня обмывали ее и укладывали в крепко подсоленную воду. После очередной просушки мездру соскабливали специальным ножом, кожу разминали вручную, и она приобретала белый цвет. Для придания большей белизны ее поливали разведенным в воде мелом. Выделанная кожа использовалась в одежде в сочетании с тканями.
Для изготовления нагольных тулупов и шаровар кожу подвергали дублению и окраске с помощью различных красителей. Например, желтую окраску получали путем использования измельченного корня таранового растения, сваренного в кипятке, или корня ревеня, листьев и наплывов дикой яблони и др., красный – из корня растения уйран бояу, оранжевый – из сушеных корок граната.
Большое место среди материалов для казахской одежды занимала шерсть домашних животных. Ее использовали в качестве утепляющей подкладки для верхнего платья (халатов, бешпентов) и головных уборов. Многие виды одежды шили из войлока. Для его изготовления шла преимущественно белая шерсть, особенно ценным считался тонкий пух с шеи овец.
Казахи издавна умели изготовлять и грубое сукно из верблюжьей или бараньей шерсти. Лучшая ткань получалась из шерсти молодых верблюдов. Сукно из овечьей шерсти употребляли для одежды неимущие люди. Использовалось оно и там, где мало разводилось верблюдов.
Наряду с домоткаными, изготовляемыми на примитивных горизонтальных станках, еще в древности в обиход казахов-кочевников вошли привозные хлопчатобумажные, шелковые и шерстяные ткани. Основным потребителем привозных тканей была феодальная знать. Остальная масса казахов довольствовалась меховыми, кожаными, самодельными шерстяными изделиями.

По мере сближения с Россией русские товары, в том числе и ткани, стали вытеснять среднеазиатские, фабричные материалы заменяли ткани домашнего производства, что было связано с общим процессом разрушения натурального хозяйства.,
В конце Х1Х – начале ХХ в. казахи в основном шили одежду из хлопчатобумажных тканей фабричного производства: ситца, бязи, кумача, коленкора, миткаля. Богатые покупали бархат, шелка, атлас, парчу, тонкие сукна. Использовались и среднеазиатские ткани ремесленного производства: мата, бязи, полушелковые ткани (адрас, бекасаб, падшаи и др.)
Женская одежда и головные уборы
Койлек (рубаха-платье) – древнейший вид нательной женской одежды туникообразного покроя. Позднее под койлек стали носить нижние рубашки без рукавов (иш койлек), которые шили из легкой белой ткани без рукавов, с узкими плечами и широким вырезом горловины, реже – с маленьким вырезом под горло и разрезом спереди, который завязывался тесемками. Рубаху-платье шили из разных тканей: для повседневной носки из дешевых, праздничную – из дорогих . Платье выполнялось из цельного куска ткани сложенного пополам. От подмышек до линии низа оно сшивалось по боковым срезам. Иногда в них вшивали треугольные клинья. Рукава также выполнялись из прямоугольного куска ткани, сложенного пополам. Их делали прямыми, широкими. Платье имело глухой ворот, отложной или стоячий воротник и прямой разрез спереди, закрывающийся к рукавам и низу пришивали два-три ряда оборок.
К концу Х1Х в. возник новый покрой платья, постепенно вытеснивший старый. Платье стали делать отрезным по линии талии. Лиф шили по прежнему туникообразным в ширину одного полотнища, и к нему пришивали прямую, очень широкую юбку, собранную в сборку или заложенную в складки, Горловина оформлялась стоячим воротником с разрезом, который иногда обшивали планкой и делали застежку на три-четыре пуговицы с прорезными петлями.
В начале ХХ в. в покрое платьев казашек появились новшества, характерные и для остальных видов одежды: скошенное плечо, выкройная пройма, манжет, на который собирался низ рукава, вытачки или складки на спине и плечах, делавшие лиф более облегающим фигуру, юбка из косых расширяющихся клиньев. По новому покрою чаще шили нарядные платья для молодых женщин, а по-старому – платья для пожилых и повседневные.

Камзол (кемзал) – легкая распашная одежда, сшитая по фигуре с сширяющимися книзу полами. В зависимости от того, шилась ли она с рукавами или без, к ее названию добавлялись соответствующие слова. Например, камзол без рукавов назывался женсиз кемзал, с рукавами – женди кемзал или шолак жен кемзал (с коротким рукавом). Камзолом иногда называли безрукавную одежду, а с рукавами – бешметом. Известны и другие наз
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Kazakh national dress has a long history, reflects the national employment experiences. For centuries, the Kazakh national dress was simplicity and rationality. It was characterized by common forms for all segments of the population, but with a certain social and age regulations. Elegance garments attached fur trim, embroidery, jewelry. Traditional materials for her were leather, fur, thin felt, cloth, which the Kazakhs themselves. Clothing was made from imported materials, silk, Brocade, velvet, were a kind of measure of its owners. Were also used extensively and cotton fabrics. Of furs and skins sewed coats, nagol′nyh coats, hats, vests, winter bloomers and elegant clothes. Used mainly for livestock, goat's skins, žerebâč′imi, cow's, oveč′imi. The removed skin goods, then smeared with a sour milk (airan), mixed with bran or meal, sometimes just zavarennymi bran. In winter, the Ayran replaced divorced in water Kazakh cheese (Kurt). Then mezdroj rolled up inside the skin, and after three or four days washed it and put in the hard salted water. After drying the wrong've scoured with a special knife, the skin razminali manually, and it became white. To give greater whiteness it is doused with water diluted with chalk. Crafted of leather used in clothing, in conjunction with the tissues.For the manufacture of nagol′nyh and breech of the skin been tulupov tanning and colouring by using different dyes. For example, a yellow coloring received through the use of the crushed root of taranovogo plants, cooked in boiling water, or rhubarb root, leaves and flows of wild apple trees and Red-root plants uyran boâu, Orange-from dried crusts grenade.Great place for the Kazakh outfit held pet hair. It was used as a warming linings for the top dresses (dressing gowns, bešpentov) and hats. Many types of clothing sewn from felt. For its production was a predominantly white coat was particularly valuable, slim down the neck of sheep.The Kazakhs have long been able to produce and rough cloth made of camel or sheep's wool. Best fabric produced from wool young camels. Cloth wool used for clothing the poor people. It was used and where the little razvodilos′ camels.Along with the small, manufactured at the primitive horizontal looms, even in ancient times in the everyday life of Kazakhs-normads consisted of imported cotton, silk and wool fabrics. The main consumer of imported fabrics was the feudal nobility. The rest mass of the Kazakhs was satisfied with fur, leather, handmade woolen crafts. As rapprochement with Russia Russian goods, including steel and textiles, displace Central, factory-made materials have replaced home-produced fabrics that were linked to the overall process of destruction of the natural economy.,In the late Xix-early XX century Kazakhs are mostly sewed clothes from cotton fabric manufactured: cotton, sheeting, kumach, kolenkora, muslin. Rich bought the Velvet, silk, satin, Brocade, delicate cloth. Used and Central Asian fabric crafts: Mata, biasi, half-silk fabrics (adras, bekasab, padšai, etc.)Women's clothing and hatsKojlek (shirt dress-up) is an ancient type of natel′noj women clothing tunic type. Later under kojlek steel wear sleeveless undershirts (ish kojlek) which was made from lightweight white fabric sleeveless, with narrow shoulders and a wide neckline, rarely with a small cut under throat and slit in front, which tie tapes. Shirt dress was made from different fabrics: for everyday wear cheap holiday is expensive. The dress was performed from a single piece of fabric folded in half. From the armpit to the bottom of it sšivalos′ to side hem. Sometimes a geometrical triangular wedges. Hoses also were executed from a rectangular piece of fabric, folded in half. They were made straight, wide. The dress had a gate, turndown or stand-up collar and placket front, closing to sleeves and bottom were two-three rows of frills.By the end of Х1Х century emerged a new breed has gradually old dresses. The dress began to make cutting through the waist. The bodice is sewn on one panel width tunikoobraznym and sewed a straight, very wide skirt gathered in an Assembly or laid in folds, Neck gave standing collar with a cut that sometimes edged with strap and buckle have three or four buttons with slitting loops.At the beginning of the 20th century in the cut of dress hats appeared innovations characteristic of all types of clothing: a beveled shoulder, armhole, vykrojnaâ cuff, which was going to bottom of sleeves, Tuck or folds on the back and shoulders, which have done more fitting bodice, skirt shape of the oblique expanding wedges. New style more often sewed dresses for young women, and in the old-age and dress casual. Camisole (kemzal)-easy swing clothes tailored by the figure of the sširâûŝimisâ downwards floors. Depending on whether it is made with or without sleeves, its name is added to the relevant words. For example, sleeveless Camisole was called žensiz kemzal, žendi kemzal-sleeves or sholak wives kemzal (short sleeve). Camisole was sometimes called bezrukavnuû clothes and jackets-bešmetom. Other known Naz
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Kazakh national dress has a long history, reflects the national experience of work. For centuries, the Kazakh national dress is simple and rational. It was characterized by the common forms for all segments of the population, but with a certain social and age regulations. Raiment gave fur trim, embroidery, jewelry. Traditional materials for it were leather, fur, thin felt, cloth, which produced the Kazakhs themselves. Clothes were made ​​from imported materials - silk, brocade, velvet, is a kind of measure of the availability of its owners. Also widely used and cotton fabrics. From furs and skins sewed fur coats, nagolnyh coats, hats, vests, trousers and elegant winter outerwear. Used mainly cattle hides, goat, coltish, cows, sheep. Skinning dried, then smeared with sour milk (ayran) mixed with bran or flour, sometimes brewed bran. Winter Ira replaced diluted in water Kazakh cheese (Kurt). Then the skin rolled into flesh side, and three or four days washed it and put in salted water tight. After another dry scrapings were scraped with a special knife, skin kneaded by hand, and it becomes white. To make the most of her white watered diluted in water with chalk. Dressed leather used in clothing, combined with fabrics. For the manufacture of sheepskin coats and trousers nagolnyh skin was tanned and painting using different dyes. For example, the yellow color is obtained by the use of crushed root TARANOVA plants, cooked in boiling water, or rhubarb root, leaves and wild apple sagging et al., Red - from plant roots uyran boyau, orange - from the dried peels of pomegranate. A great place among the materials for the Kazakh clothes occupied pet hair. It was used as a warming lining for top dresses (gowns, beshpentov) and hats. Many types of clothing sewn from felt. For its production was predominantly white coat, was considered particularly valuable thin fluff neck sheep. The Kazakhs have long been able to produce and coarse cloth made ​​of camel or sheep's wool. The best fabric obtained from the wool of young camels. Cloth of wool were used for clothing the poor people. It was used and where there is little breed camels. Along with homespun, produced on primitive horizontal looms, in ancient times into use Kazakh nomads entered imported cotton, silk and wool fabrics. The main consumer of imported fabrics was the feudal nobility. The rest mass of the Kazakh content with fur, leather, handmade woolen products. As a rapprochement with Russia Russian goods, including fabrics, began to force the Central Asian, factory materials replaced fabric home production, which was associated with the general process of destruction of subsistence farming., At the end of H1H - early twentieth century. Kazakhs mainly sewed clothes made ​​of cotton factory production: calico, calico, calico, calico, muslin. Rich bought velvet, silk, satin, brocade, fine cloth. Used and the Central Asian handicraft cloth: mat, calico, half-silk fabrics (adras, bekasab, padshai et al.) Women's clothing and headgear Koylek (shirt dress) - an ancient type of underwear women's clothing tunic cut. Later, under koylek began wearing vests sleeveless (ish koylek), which was made ​​of a light white cloth sleeveless, with narrow shoulders and wide neckline, at least - with a little cut-throat and cut in front, which is tied ribbons. Shirt-dress was made ​​of different fabrics: for everyday wear cheap, lively - from expensive. Dress performed from a single piece of fabric folded in half. From the armpits to the bottom line of the cross-linking it to the side of the slice. Sometimes they sewed triangular wedges. The sleeves are also carried out from a rectangular piece of fabric folded in half. They were made ​​straight, wide. The dress was a dull gate, turn-down or stand-up collar and straight cut front, closed to the sleeves and bottom sewn two or three rows of frills. By the end of 1 in. there was a new style dresses, gradually displacing the old. Dress began to make cutting through the waist. The bodice is sewn tunic still in the width of one piece of cloth and sewed him straight, very wide skirt, gathered in assembly or inherent in the folds, neck shaped by stand-up collar with a cut, sometimes trimmed strap and buckle made ​​of three or four buttons with cut loops . At the beginning of the twentieth century. in the cut dresses kazashek appeared innovations characteristic for other types of clothing: sloping shoulder, vykroynaya armhole, cuff, which was going to the bottom of the sleeves, tucks or pleats on the back and shoulders, which made ​​a fitting bodice shape skirt of oblique expanding wedges. Under the new cut of more sewing elegant dresses for young women, and the old - dress for the elderly and everyday. camisole (kemzal) - easy swing clothing made ​​with the figure sshiryayuschimisya down floors. Depending on whether it is sewed with or without sleeves, its name added to the corresponding word. For example, a sleeveless coat called zhensiz kemzal sleeves - zhendi kemzal or Sholak wives kemzal (short sleeve). The camisole is sometimes called sleeveless clothes, and with sleeves - beshmet. There are other called

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

Kazakh national clothing has a centuries-long history, reflects the national work experience. Over the centuries Kazakh national clothing was characterized by simplicity and reasonable.This dress has become to do clipping on waist line. Leaf gown still туникообразным width in one season, and the Kurdu is a banded sleeveless women clothe direct, very wide skirt, gathered in the assembly or marked by the wrinkles,For it had been characterized by common forms for all segments of the population, but with a certain social and age regulations. Pride clothing attached fur trim, embroidery, jewelry.Which were a kind of sustainability measure its mandate-holders. It is widely used as well as furs and fabrics.

the stylishness and skins Schily Shuba, нагольных тулупы, headgear, there was none,
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