1. Если бы она была более терпеливой, с ней легче было бы иметь дело.  перевод - 1. Если бы она была более терпеливой, с ней легче было бы иметь дело.  английский как сказать

1. Если бы она была более терпеливо

1. Если бы она была более терпеливой, с ней легче было бы иметь дело. 2. Я бы никогда не подумал, что он твой брат, если бы он не представился мне. 3. Никто бы из нас не обратил внимания на связь между этими двумя фактами, если бы он не указал на это. 4. Если бы здесь было больше света, я бы непременно сфотографировал этих туристов. 5. Если бы фары были в исправности, мы бы смогли продолжать путь ночью. 6. Если бы вы не были так рассеяны, вы не сделали бы столько ошибок. 7. Если бы он сразу предложил нам взять такси, мы бы не потеряли столько времени. 8. Если бы не дожди, мы все время были бы на палубе. 9. Если бы он не схватил меня за руку, я бы прошла мимо, не заметив его.10. Было бы неплохо поговорить о современной живописи с художником. 11. Этот фильм стоило бы посмотреть только после того, как вы прочтете книгу. 12. Если бы фильм был цветной, он бы производил большее впечатление. 13. Если бы вы дали ей знать, что вы хотите поговорить с ней, она бы зашла к вам. 14. Он подумал, что он тоже не знал бы, как бы он поступил, если бы он был на ее месте. 15. Мы считали, что бесполезно говорить с ним на эту тему, он все равно поступил бы по-своему.
1. Если бы он не поднял свой голос на нее, ребенок послушался бы его. 2. Если бы работа не была скучной, он бы не отказался от нее. Если бы радиоприемник был включен, я бы не пропустил прогноз погоды. Если бы он не нарушил свои обещания, они верили бы ему. Если бы директор был в городе, они могли бы решить проблему. Если бы эксперт посмотрел на портрет не так внимательно, он бы не заметил дефект. Если они не примут приглашение, мы будем разочарованы. Машина не попала бы в аварию, если бы двигатель был в порядке.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. If it had been more patient, it would be easier to deal with. 2. I would never have thought that it's your brother, if he had not introduced himself to me. 3. No one would of us drew attention to the relationship between these two facts, if he had not pointed this out. 4. If there was more light, I would definitely have photographed these tourists. 5. If the lights were OK, we could continue the path at night. 6. If you were not so scattered, you would not make so many mistakes. 7. If he immediately suggested we take a taxi, we wouldn't have lost so much time. 8. If it were not for the rain, we would have been on the deck. 9. If he hadn't grabbed my arm, I'd passed by without noticing him. 10. It would be nice to talk about modern painting with the artist. 11. This film would be worth a look once you read the book. 12. If the film was color, it would have made a greater impression. 13. If you have to know what you want to talk to her, she'd gone to you. 14. He thought that he did not know how he would have acted if he were in her place. 15. We thought that it is useless to talk with him on this topic, he still would have acted differently.1. If he had not raised his voice at her, the child obeyed him. 2. If the work was not boring, he would not have abandoned it. If the radio was turned on, I would not have missed the weather forecast. If he had not violated its promises, they would believe him. If the Director was in town, they could solve the problem. If the expert has looked at the portrait is not so carefully, he would not have noticed the flaw. If they do not accept an invitation, we will be disappointed. The machine has not got into an accident, would be if the engine was in order.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. If it has been more than patient, it would be easier to deal with. 2. I would have never thought he was your brother, if he had not given me. 3. None of us would have paid no attention to the connection between these two facts, if he had not pointed it out. 4. If there was more light, I would certainly have photographed these tourists. 5. If the headlights are in good condition, we would be able to continue the path at night. 6. If you had not been so scattered, you would not have made so many mistakes. 7. If he immediately invited us to take a taxi, we would not have lost so much time. 8. If it does not rain, we are all the time would be on the deck. 9. If he had not grabbed my hand, I would have passed by without noticing ego.10. It would be nice to talk about modern painting with the artist. 11. The film cost to look only after you have read the book. 12. If the film was a color, it would make a great impression. 13. If you give her know that you want to talk to her, she would have gone to you. 14. He thought that he, too, would not know what he would do if he were in her place. 15. We thought that it was useless to talk to him about it, he still would have done differently.
1. If he had not raised his voice to her, the child would have obeyed him. 2. If the work was not boring, he would not have refused it. If the radio was turned on, I would not have missed the weather forecast. If he had not broken their promises, they would have believed him. If the director was in town, they could solve the problem. If the expert looked at the picture is not so closely, he would have noticed the defect. If they accept the invitation, we will be disappointed. The car did not get to an accident, if the engine has been fine.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. if she had been more patient with her, it would be easier to deal with. 2. i never thought that he is your brother, if he hadn"t told me. 3. none of us paid no attention to the connection between the two facts, if he hadn"t said that. 4. if there was more light, i would take the tourists. 5. if the lights were fixed, we would be able to continue the way at night. 6. if you weren"t there, you wouldn"t have made so many mistakes. 7. if he just suggested that we take a taxi, we would not have lost so much time. 8. if not for the rain, we were always on the deck. 9. if he hadn"t grabbed my hand, i would have passed, not realising его.10. it would be good to talk about the contemporary art with the artist. 11. this movie is worth to see only after you read the book. 12. if the film was in color, he would have made a bigger impression. 13. if you let her know that you want to speak with her, she would come to you. 14. he thought that he did not know what he would do if he were in her shoes. 15. we thought that it"s useless to talk with him about this, he still would have done differently.1. if he hadn"t raised his voice at her, the child listened to him. 2. if the work was not boring, he would have refused it. if the radio was on, i would not have missed the weather forecast. if he had not broken his promise, they would trust him. if the director was in the city, they could solve the problem. if he looked at the picture carefully, don"t so, he wouldn"t have noticed the defect. if they won"t accept the invitation, we will be disappointed. the car wouldn"t have gotten in a car accident, if the engine was fine.
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