1. С какой стати мне не доверять им? 2. Невероятно, что он может верить в такую чушь. 3. Что же, мне лгать лишь ради приличий? 4. — Где дети? — Где же им еще быть, как не в постели? Уже 11 часов вечера. 5. Ужасно, что ты так презираешь людей беднее тебя.
6. Не вижу причин, почему вы должны расстаться. 7. Было странно, что такая молоденькая девушка одевалась как старушка. 8. И чего это он вдруг позвонил мне? 9. Странно, что она влюбилась в этого ловеласа. 10. — Не следовало тебе вмешиваться. — Откуда мне было знать, что все так серьезно? 11. Забавно, что она выглядит такой важной. 12. Ну где же мне еще быть, как не здесь? 13. Есть нечто, что мне следовало сказать тебе вчера. Я собирался несколько раз, но мужество покинуло меня. 14. Не следовало тебе настаивать. Тебе следовало сразу понять, что случай безнадежный.
Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Why should I not trust them? 2. Incredibly, he can believe in such nonsense. 3. What, lie to me just for the sake of decency? 4. - Where are the children? - Where else would they be, if not in bed? Already 11 pm. 5. Awful that you despise people poorer than you. 6. I see no reason why you should leave. 7. It is strange that such a young girl dressed as an old lady. 8. And what is he suddenly called me? 9. It is strange that she fell in love with this lady's man. 10 - You should not have to interfere. - How was I to know that all so seriously? 11. The funny thing is that it looks so important. 12. Well, where else can I be, if not here? 13. Is there something that I should have told you yesterday. I met several times, but the courage failed me. 14. You should not insist. You should immediately understand that the case is hopeless.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. To do something I do not trust them? 2. Incredibly, that he could believe in such rubbish. 3. That same, i lie just for the sake our manners? 4. - Where the children? - Where do they have to be, as not in the bed? Already 11 o'clock in the evening. 5. It is shocking,That you are so man seeth? people poorer thee.lord 6. Do not see any reason why you should leave. 7. It was strange that such a молоденькая girl bulk for meeting had not been considered as eyes snatched away. 8. And what is this that he suddenly called me? 9. It was strange,That it fell in the ловеласа. 10. - You do not have to intervene. - From where I was to know that all so seriously? 11. For fun, that it looks like such an important one. 12. Mr. where, I still had to be, as is not here? 13. There is something,That i should bring ska pigeonholes you yesterday. I have met several times, but her husband got the Polish Government had abandoned me. 14. You should not insist. You should immediately understand that the cases desperate.
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