1. Пугачев бежал, преследуемый Михельсоном. (Пушкин) 2. Жители привыкли к ядрам, залетавшим (to fall) на их дворы... (Пушкин) 3. Шедший мимо раненый офицер обратился к нему [Ростову]. (Л. Толстой) 4. Его приятно поразила чистота отведенной (to assign) ему комнаты. (Тургенев) 5. Уже вечерело, солнце скрылось за небольшую осиновую рощу, лежавшую в полверсте от сада. (Тургенев) 6. Темная, мягкая ночь глянула в комнату с своим почти черным небом, слабо шумевшими деревьями и свежим запахом вольного (open) чистого воздуха. (Тургенев) 7. Она [Катя] держала в руках корзину, наполненную цветами. (Тургенев) 8. Одетая в легкое белое платье, она [Фенечка] сама казалась белее и легче... (Тургенев) 9. Он [Степан Аркадьевич] прочел письма. Одно было очень неприятное — от купца, покупавшего лес в имении жены. (Л. Толстой) 10. Это была просторная, высокая комната, убранная (to furnish) довольно роскошно. (Тургенев) 11. Но доктор, знаменитый петербургский доктор, находившийся в приятельских отношениях к Алексею Александровичу, занял много времени. (Л. Толстой) 12. Вслед за доктором, отнявшим так много времени, явился знаменитый путешественник. (Л. Толстой) 13. Он [Каренин] прошел в кабинет... подписать некоторые бумаги, принесенные правителем дел (chief secretary). (Л. Толстой) 14. Вронский часто видел устремленный на него внимательный и недоумевающий (bewildered) взгляд ребенка... (Л. Толстой) 15. В это время один офицер, сидевший в углу комнаты, встал и... окинул всех спокойным и торжественным взглядом. (Лермонтов)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. Pugachev fled, pursued by the Mihel′sonom. (Pushkin) 2. residents accustomed to cores, zaletavšim (to fall) in their yards. (Pushkin) 3. Bound by a wounded officer turned to him [Rostova]. (L. Tolstoy) 4. Its nice struck clean (to assign) assigned him a room. (Turgenev) 5. it has already been emphasized, the Sun hides behind a small Grove of osinovuû, lying in polverste from the garden. (Turgenev) 6. Dark, soft night she looked into the room with its almost black sky, weakly šumevšimi trees and fresh odor free (open) pure air. (Turgenev) 7. She [Katie] kept in the hands of a basket filled with flowers. (Turgenev) 8. Wearing a light white dress, she [Friendship Bracelet] itself seemed whiter and easier ... (Turgenev) 9. He [Stepan Arkadyevich] read the letter. One was a very unpleasant — from merchant, pokupavšego forest in behalf of the wife. (L. Tolstoy) 10. It was spacious, high room, removed (to furnish) pretty luxurious. (Turgenev) 11. But the doctor, the famous St. Petersburg doctor who was in friendly relations to Alexei Alexandrovich took a lot of time. (L. Tolstoy) 12. Following the doctor so much time otnâvšim was a famous traveler. (L. Tolstoy) 13. He was held in the [Karenin] Cabinet ... to sign some paper made ruler of the Affairs of (chief secretary). (L. Tolstoy) 14. Vronsky is often seen looking at him friendly and which will confuse (bewildered) view of a child. (L. Tolstoy) 15. One officer, who was sitting in the corner of the room stood up and ... looked all calm and solemn look. (Lermontov)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. Pugachev fled, pursued by Michelson. (Pushkin) 2. Residents are accustomed to the nuclei fly (to fall) in their backyards ... (Pushkin) 3. Walked past the wounded officer spoke to him [Rostov]. (Leo Tolstoy) 4. His pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness allocated (to assign) his room. (Turgenev) 5. It was already evening, the sun disappeared behind a little aspen grove, lying in half a mile from the garden. (Turgenev) 6. The dark, soft night looked into the room with its almost black sky, faintly rustling trees, and the fresh smell of the free (the open) clean air. (Turgenev) 7. She [Kate] was holding a basket filled with flowers. (Turgenev) 8. Dressed in a light white dress, she [Fenitchka] itself seemed whiter and lighter ... (Turgenev) 9. He [Stepan Abramovich] read the letter. One was very unpleasant - from a merchant who was buying a forest on his wife. (Leo Tolstoy) 10. It was spacious, high room cleaned (to furnish) is quite luxurious. (Turgenev) 11. But the doctor, celebrated Petersburg doctor, who was on friendly terms with Alexei Alexandrovich, took a lot of time. (Leo Tolstoy) 12. Following the doctor, who had taken so much time, came the famous traveler. (Leo Tolstoy) 13. He [Karenin] ... went to the office to sign some papers brought ruler Affairs (chief secretary). (Leo Tolstoy) 14. Vronsky often saw looking at it closely and bewildered (bewildered by) views of the child ... (Leo Tolstoy) 15. At this time, an officer, who was sitting in the corner of the room stood up and looked around all the calm ... and a solemn look. (Lermontov)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. пугачев fled, pursued михельсоном. (pushkin) 2. people are accustomed to the kernels, залетавшим (to fall) in their yards. (pushkin) 3. travelling past the wounded officer asked him [its]. (l). fat) 4. it"s a nice hit purity is to him assign) room. (turgenev) 5. already вечерело, the sun disappeared behind a осиновую grove, was out in the полверсте from the garden. (turgenev) 6. dark night in a room with a soft look almost black sky, weak шумевшими trees and fresh smell free (open) of clean air. (turgenev) 7. [kate] holding the basket filled with flowers. (turgenev) 8. dressed in a white dress, she [friendship bracelet] itself seemed more and more easily. (turgenev) 9. he [stepan arkadyevich] read the letter. one was a very unpleasant from the merchant, покупавшего forest at the wife. (l). fat) 10. it was spacious, high room, убранная (furnish) is quite splendid. (turgenev) 11. but doctor, famous saint petersburg doctor was in приятельских relations to alexei александровичу, took a lot of time. (l). fat) 12. after the doctor отнявшим so long, came the famous traveler. (l). fat) 13. he [karenin] was in the office. to sign some papers, is the ruler of affairs (chief secretary). (l). fat) 14. vronsky was often seen in order to him the недоумевающий (bewildered) view the child. (l). fat) 15. at this time, one officer, sitting in the corner of the room, stood up and... with all the calm and solemn eyes. (pick)
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