Создание сайта после покупки домена.Часть 1. Работа с хостингомВойти в перевод - Создание сайта после покупки домена.Часть 1. Работа с хостингомВойти в английский как сказать

Создание сайта после покупки домена

Создание сайта после покупки домена.

Часть 1. Работа с хостингом
Войти в аккаунт https://cp.hostnine.com
Открыть раздел List Accounts
У нас сейчас 8 аккаунтов на каджом аккаунте есть основной домен и до 20 addon domains.
Чтобы создать сайт на одном из существующих аккаунтов сначала нужно
a)На выбранном аккаунте создать новый addon domain.
Для этого заходим в cPanel выбранного аккаунта,
в cPanel заходим в раздел Addon Domains и указываем в поле New Domain Name наш новый купленный домен
Создание addon domains закончено

b)Затем создаем nameservers для нового домена, для этого заходим в cPanel в раздел Advanced Zone Editor
Выбираем в раскрывающемся списке Select a Domain наш новый addon domain

Появится форма
Нам нужно создать два nameservers
Add a Record заполняем так.

Первая запись
Type: A
Name: ns1(или любое другое например dns1 домен добавится автоматически получится имя ns1.mydomain.com)
TTL: 14400
Нажимаем Add Record

Вторая запись
Type: A
Name: ns2(или любое другое например dns2 домен добавится автоматически получится имя ns2.mydomain.com)
TTL: 14400
Нажимаем Add Record

Это мы создали nameservers для нашего нового доменного имени, у нас получилось два уникальных nameservers
ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com

c)Затем создаем базу для нового сайта, для этого в cPanel заходим в раздел MySQL Databases.
В поле New Database вводим имя базы, обычно как название домена, нажимаем кнопку Create Database.
Создаем пользователя к этой базе, в поле Add New User вводим имя, обычно как название домена, нажимаем кнопку Create User.
Назначаем права созданному пользователю для доступа к созданной базе, для этого в Add User To Database
выбираем нашу базу и выбираем нашего пользователя и нажимаем кнопку Add.
Создание базы закончено.

д) Затем нужно привязать наш новый домен к нашему хостингу
Для этого заходим в аккаунт godaddy.com
Заходим в manager domains, выбираем наш новый домен, для этого нажимаем на Domain Name

Шаг 1. Создаем два Host Names
На вкладке Settings находим Host Names и напротив него нажимаем ссылку Manager
Здесь нажимаем add host name и записываем все то же что писали для этого домена на reseller hosting из пункта первого
HOSTNAME: ns1(или любое другое например dns1 домен добавится автоматически получится имя ns1.mydomain.com)
и второй
HOSTNAME: ns2(или любое другое например dns2 домен добавится автоматически получится имя ns2.mydomain.com)

Шаг 2. Назначаем Nameservers
На вкладке Settings находим Nameservers и напротив него нажимаем ссылку Manager
Выбираем Setup type: Custom
И добавляем два Nameservers которые мы создали в первом пункте
ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com

На этом этап создания addon domain закончен.
Ждем когда Nameservers вступит в силу (до 24 часов, но обычно сайт уже доступен через 1-2 часа)
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Creation of a site after purchasing a domain.Part 1. Work with hostingSign in https://cp.hostnine.comOpen the topic List AccountsWe now have 8 accounts on kadžom account has the primary domain and up to 20 addon domains.To create a site on one of your existing accounts, you must first (a)) on the selected account create a new addon domain. To do this, go to the cPanel account, you selected in the cPanel Addon Domains section go in and set in the New Domain Name our new bought domain Create addon domains is finished (b)) Then create nameservers to the new domain, so go in the cPanel section Advanced Zone Editor Select from the drop-down list, Select a Domain our new addon domain The form appears We need to create two nameservers Add a Record to fill up so. The first record Type: AName: ns1 (or any other for example dns1 domain will be added automatically succeed ns1.mydomain.com name)TTL: 14400Address: Add Record The second entryType: AName: ns2 (or any other such as domain dns2 succeed ns2.mydomain.com name will be added automatically)TTL: 14400Address: Add RecordThis we created nameservers for our new domain name, we've got two unique nameserversns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com c) Then create a base for your new site, to do this go into the section in cPanel MySQL Databases. In the New Database, enter the database name, usually the name of the domain, click the Create Database button. Create a user for the database, Add New User field enter a name, usually the name of the domain, click the Create User button. Assign rights to the newly created user to access created database for this in Add User To Database choose our database and select our user and click the Add button. Creation of the base has been completed. d) Then you want to bind our new domain to our hosting To do this, go to the godaddy.com account Go to manager domains, select our new domain, for this click on the Domain Name Step 1. Create two Host Names On the Settings tab find the Host Names, and click a link ManagerHere click add host name and write all the same stuff that's been written for this domain in reseller hosting from item firstfirstHOSTNAME: ns1 (or any other for example dns1 domain will be added automatically succeed ns1.mydomain.com name)HOST IP ADDRESSES: the secondHOSTNAME: ns2 (or any other such as domain dns2 succeed ns2.mydomain.com name will be added automatically)HOST IP ADDRESSES: Step 2. Assign Nameservers On the Settings tab, find the Nameservers and opposite to it, click the link Manager Select the Setup type: Custom And add two Nameservers which we created in the first paragraph ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com At this stage the creation of addon domain is finished. Looking forward to when the Nameservers will enter into force (up to 12:00 am, but generally the site is already available through the 1-2 hours)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Creating a site after the domain purchase. Part 1. Work with hosting Sign in https://cp.hostnine.com Account Open Section List Accounts We now have 8 accounts on Kaji account is the main domain and to 20 addon domains. To set up a website on the same existing accounts you must first a) on the selected account to create a new addon domain. to do this, go to cPanel selected account in cPanel go to the section addon domains and specify in the new domain Name our new bought the domain create addon domains finished b) Then create nameservers for the new domain, so go to cPanel section Advanced Zone Editor Select the drop-down list Select a domain our new addon domain screen appears We need to create two nameservers the Add a the record fill so. The first record of the Type: A the Name: ns1 (or any other dns1 such domain will be added automatically ns1.mydomain.com name) the TTL: 14400 Address: Click Add record second record the Type: A the name: ns2 (or any other such dns2 domain will be added automatically ns2.mydomain.com name) the TTL : 14400 Address: Click Add Record This is what we have created our new nameservers for the domain name, we've got two unique nameservers ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com c) Then create a base for the new site, for this go to cPanel in MySQL databases section. in the New database field, enter the database name, usually as a domain name, click Create database button. Create a user to the database, in the Add New user field, enter a name, usually as a domain name, click Create user button. Assign the right to create the user to access the established base for this in the Add user to database choose our database and choose our user and click the Add button. Creating a database is completed. d) Then you need to tie our new domain to our hosting so go to godaddy.com account go in manager domains, we choose our new domain, for this click on the domain name Step 1. Create two Host Names on the Settings tab, and find the Host Names in front of him push Manager link you click add host name and write all the same that has been written for this domain on reseller hosting from the first first HOSTNAME: ns1 (or any other such dns1 domain name will be added automatically ns1.mydomain.com) the HOST the IP ADDRESSES: and second HOSTNAME: ns2 (or any other such dns2 domain will be added automatically ns2 name .mydomain.com) the HOST the IP ADDRESSES: Step 2. Assign Nameservers On the Settings tab and click find Nameservers Manager link next to it Select Setup type: Custom and add two Nameservers that we created in the first paragraph ns1.mydomain.com ns2. mydomain.com in this phase of the addon domain is over. We are waiting for when Nameservers come into force (up to 24 hours, but usually the site is already available in 1-2 hours)

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the establishment of the site after the purchase of the domain.part 1. work with hostingenter the account https: / / cp.hostnine.comopen section list accountsright now we have 8 accounts for каджом account is the main domain and to 20 is disguised as a german one domains.to create a website for one of the existing accounts to(a) on the selected account to create a new domain is disguised as a german one.for that we"re in the cpanel accountin cpanel from the section time domains and set into the new domain name is new in the domain.the establishment is disguised as a german one domains over(b) then create new nameservers for the domain for the use in cpanel section advanced zone editorselect from the drop-down list select a domain, our new is disguised as a german one domaina formwe need to create two nameserversadd a record fill.the first recordtype: aname: ns1 (or any other such program can automatically dns1 domain name ns1.mydomain.com)ttl: 14400address: the add recordthe second recordtype: aname: ns2 (or any other such program can automatically dns2 domain name ns2.mydomain.com)ttl: 14400address: the add recordwe have created our new nameservers for the domain name, we have two unique nameserversns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com(c) then create the base for a new site for the cpanel from the section of mysql databases.in the new database through the database name, usually as a domain name, press the create database.create user to the database, add new user in the field, enter the name, usually as a domain name, press the create user.put the rights created by the user to access the database to add user to databasewe choose our base and select the user and click the add button.the base is completed.d) then you need to tie our new domain for our hostingto take account godaddy.comwe"re in the same domains, we choose our new domain for this click on the domain namestep 1. create two host namesthe tab settings, find the host names and in front of him, click the link managerhere, click add host name and write down all the same that wrote to this domain reseller hosting of the first paragraphthe firstHOSTNAME: ns1 (or any other such program can automatically dns1 domain name ns1.mydomain.com)host ip ADDRESSES: the secondHOSTNAME: ns2 (or any other such program can automatically dns2 domain name ns2.mydomain.com)host ip ADDRESSES: 2. as Nameserversto find the settings and click the link manager Nameservers opposite himchoose the setup type: customand we add two Nameservers that we created in the first paragraphns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.comat this stage a is disguised as a german one domain is over.waiting for the Nameservers enters into force (up to 24 hours, but usually the site is available in 1 - 2 hours)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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