О да, мистер Флетчер действительно был чудаком.- сказал он вслух.Если  перевод - О да, мистер Флетчер действительно был чудаком.- сказал он вслух.Если  английский как сказать

О да, мистер Флетчер действительно

О да, мистер Флетчер действительно был чудаком.- сказал он вслух.
Если ты имеешь в виду то, что у него никогда не было семьи...- протянула она.
Нет, не только. Я слышал, что этот старик участвовал в какой-то войне, где его нехило контузило. После этого он стал очень замкнутым.- его голос будто дрожал.
Он не старик. Ему было всего лишь 35 лет.- закатив глаза, сказала она.
Они спустились в подвал. Здесь очень сильно пахло сыростью и крысами. Паутина была в каждом углу, комья пыли летали в воздухе. Жуткая комнатушка. Но что-то непонятное будто светилось в дали подвала.
Что это? Там что-то блестит.
Я туда не пойду!
Не думала, что мой друг такой трус. Сама схожу, а ты стой тут с фонариком и дрожи от страха дальше. И вообще, если бы тут было какое-то убийство, то следы крови по-любому где-нибудь бы остались.- она.
ты знаешь, знакомая девушка моей тети тоже пришла сюда со своим парнем, потом они пропали! Не вышли отсюда, из этого адского дома!
Вздор! Если ты о Джули, то она, как я слышала, переехала...
Не успела она подойти, как дверь приоткрылась.
Что за дерьмо...- не успел сказать он, как из двери вывались забальзамированный труп с праздничным колпаком на голове и закаменелым лицом.
Вот дерьмо! Валим, Джес!!!
Не успели они двинуться с места, как дверь подвала захлопнулась, а сзади стоял он... Мистер Флетчер, улыбаясь во весь рот своим зеленым и грязным лицом.
Гости? Ко мне? Я так рад!
Застыв от страха как вскопанные, они не смогли издать ни звука. Больше им это не понадобится.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Oh yes, Mr. Fletcher was indeed an oddball. "he said aloud.If you mean that he never had a family ...-stretched it.No, not just. I heard that this old man participated in any war where he was contused during design. After that he became very introverted.-his voice though shivering.He's not an old man. He was only 35 years.-rolling his eyes, "she said.They descended into the cellar. Here very strongly smelled and rats. The Web has been in every corner, clods of dust flew up in the air. Creepy room. But something strange if that was shining in the basement.What is this? There's something glistens.I won't go there!Never thought that my friend is such a coward. Itself going, and you stand there with a flashlight and shivering from fear further. And anyway, if there was some kind of murder, traces of blood on anyone anywhere would be left.-it.you know, girl friend of my aunt also came here with her boyfriend, then they are gone! Did not come from here, from this infernal House!Nonsense! If you are the Julie, she, as I heard, she moved ...No sooner had she come up as the door afterwards. That shit ...-no time to say it like out door vyvalis′ embalmed corpse with a festive cap on his head and face zakamenelym.Oh shit! Walim, Jess!No sooner had they move from places like the basement door slammed shut, and he stood ... Mr Fletcher, smiling in their entire mouth green and dirty face.Guests? To me? I'm so glad!Frozen with fear as vskopannye, they were unable to publish any sound. They don't need anymore.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Oh, yes, Mr. Fletcher was really chudakom.- he said out loud.
If you mean that he never had a family ...- she drawled.
No, not only. I heard that this old man was involved in some kind of war, where his robust design concussion. After this he became very zamknutym.- though his voice was trembling.
He was not an old man. He was only 35 years.- rolling her eyes, she said.
They went down to the basement. There is very damp and smelled of rats. The web has in each corner, clumps of dust flying in the air. Creepy little room. But something strange if light was given in the cellar.
What is this? There's something shiny.
I will not go there!
I never thought that my friend such a coward. The very similar, and you stand there with a flashlight and a shiver of fear further. And in general, if there's been a murder, the bloodstains in anyone anywhere would ostalis.- it.
You know, a girl friend of my aunt also came here with her ​​boyfriend, then they were gone! We do not come out of here, out of this hell home!
Nonsense! If you are about Julie, it is, as I've heard, moved ...
Before she could come up as the door opened.
What a shit ...- did not have time to say he is out of the door of the fall embalmed corpse with a celebratory cap on his head and zakamenelym face.
Shit! Valim, Jess !!!
Before they move to places like the basement door slammed shut, and stood behind him ... Mr. Fletcher, grinning mouth with his green and dirty face.
Guests? To me? I'm so happy!
Froze in fear as a dug up, they could not make a sound. More they do not need.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
oh, yes, mr. fletcher was чудаком. - he said aloud. "if you mean what he never had a family... - had it. - no, not only. i heard that the man was involved in a war.where's concussed. after that, he became very замкнутым. - like his voice trembled.
he not old. he was only 35 years - закатив eyes, "she said." they went down into the basement.it's very hard to smell сыростью and rats. it was in every corner stones of the dust flying in the air. a cabin. but something weird like shining in gave the basement.
what is it? there's something shiny. - i'm not going in there!
don't think that my friend is such a coward. you go, and you stand there with a flashlight and a shiver of fear. and even if there was some kind of murder, traces of blood in any where there would остались. -
you know it.girl i know my aunt also came here with her boyfriend, then they are gone. not out of the house.
nonsense! if you about julie, she's like i heard moved,
before she could come.as the door is loose. nothing. - shit. - he said he like a door вывались забальзамированный body with a cap on his head, and закаменелым face. - oh, shit! come on, jess! !!
they could not move, as the basement door banged shut, and he was standing in the back. mr. fletcher, smiling in the mouth of his green and dirty face.
guests? to me? i'm so happy!
застыв from fear as вскопанные,they couldn't make a sound. i don't need them anymore.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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