Соединенные Штаты сумели снизить число смертей от СПИДа — потому что э перевод - Соединенные Штаты сумели снизить число смертей от СПИДа — потому что э английский как сказать

Соединенные Штаты сумели снизить чи

Соединенные Штаты сумели снизить число смертей от СПИДа — потому что это богатая страна и потому что у этой страны был человеческий капитал, необходимый для решения такой проблемы. Но несмотря на то, что необходимые технологии уже существуют и, в теории, доступны во всем мире, улучшения такого рода в Центральной Африке еще ждут своей очереди, поскольку население африканских стран не может позволить себе оплатить стоимость лечения, если оно только не субсидируется правительственными, благотворительными или даже промышленными организациями более богатых стран. И действительно, именно на такие субсидии рассчитывают международные силы, ведущие борьбу со СПИДом. Это яркая иллюстрация тезиса о том, что чем больше экономических ресурсов, тем выше вероятность не только создания новых технологий, но и, что не менее важно, реального их применения. Пока технологии не используются, они будут стоять на полке, как красивые безделушки, не приносящие человечеству никакой пользы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The United States have managed to reduce the number of deaths from AIDS because it is a rich country and because this country was the human capital needed to solve such problems. But despite the fact that the necessary technology already exists and, in theory, are available throughout the world, improvement of its kind in Central Africa, still waiting for their turn, as the population of African countries cannot afford to pay for treatment if it is not subsidized by the Government, charitable or even commercial organizations in richer countries. Indeed, it is on such subsidies are international forces engaged in the fight against AIDS. This is a vivid illustration of the thesis that the more economic resources, the greater the chance of not only the generation of new technologies but also, equally importantly, real. While the technologies are not used, they will stand on the shelf, how beautiful baubles, not bringing any benefit to mankind.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The United States managed to reduce the number of deaths from AIDS - because it is a rich country and because of this country was the human capital necessary to solve such problems. But despite the fact that the necessary technologies already exist and, in theory, available worldwide, improve its kind in Central Africa, waiting in line, as the population of African countries can not afford the cost of treatment, only if it is not subsidized by government, charitable organizations or even richer industrial countries. And indeed, it is on such subsidies expect international forces engaged in the fight against AIDS. This is a vivid illustration of the thesis that the more economic resources, the more likely not only to create new technologies, but, just as importantly, their actual application. While the technology is not used, they will stand on a shelf as interesting trinkets that do not bring any benefit to mankind.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The United States has managed to reduce the number of deaths from AIDS - because that it is a wealthy country, and because that the country was human capital necessary to address such a problem. But in spite of the fact thatThat the necessary technology already exist and, in theory, are available throughout the world, the advancement of its kind in Central Africa is still waiting for their turn in the queue,Since the population African countries could not afford to pay for the cost of treatment, if it is not subsidized by government,Charitable or even industry organizations more than rich countries. Indeed, it is precisely in such subsidies are counting international forces, leading fight against AIDS. This is a vivid illustration of the thesis that,That the more economic resources, the greater the likelihood that not only create a new technology, but also that it is no less important, real-their application. As long as technology is not being used, they will not stand on the shelf,As beautiful trinkets, non-revenue-humanity no benefit.
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