Электромагнитная энергия Во многих случаях электрическая и магнитная э перевод - Электромагнитная энергия Во многих случаях электрическая и магнитная э английский как сказать

Электромагнитная энергия Во многих

Электромагнитная энергия
Во многих случаях электрическая и магнитная энергии тесно связаны друг с другом, каждую из них можно рассматривать как «оборотную сторону» другой. Переменные токи создаются переменными электрическими полями и образуют вокруг себя переменные магнитные поля. Во время радиопередачи в антенне создаются переменные токи, которые порождают электрические и магнитные поля, обладающие электрической и магнитной энергией, или, как мы предпочитаем говорить, электромагнитной энергией. Но эти поля не просто пульсируют около антенны. Часть их отрывается и улетает в виде потока электромагнитных волн, которые, двигаясь со скоростью света, уносят с собой электромагнитную энергию.
Таким образом, мы представляем себе электромагнитные волны в виде движущихся полей, переносящих энергию. Когда они достигают принимающей антенны, то наводят в ней слабые переменные токи с электрическими и магнитными полями, которые в конечном итоге превращают большую часть энергии волн в слабый нагрев проводов приемника.
При поглощении света происходит нагревание, поэтому мы говорим, что свет тоже переносит энергию. Известно, что и невидимый свет — как инфракрасное излучение, так и ультрафиолетовые лучи — представляет собой потоки электромагнитных волн. Вместе с радиоволнами мы объединяем их под общим названием излучение. Излучение переносит энергию в форме энергии электромагнитной волны. Когда излучение поглощается, энергия излучения преобразуется в другие формы, чаще всего в теплоту.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]

Electromagnetic energy, in many cases, electric and magnetic energy are closely related to each other, each can be thought of as "the other side". Alternating currents are alternating electric fields and form a variable magnetic field. During radio transmission the antenna creates alternating currents, that generate electric and magnetic fields with electric and magnetic energy, or, as we prefer to say, electromagnetic energy. But those fields are not just about will blink. Part of them comes off and flies away as a stream of electromagnetic waves moving at the speed of light, with an electromagnetic energy.
so We imagine electromagnetic waves in the form of moving boxes, moving energy. When they reach the receiving antenna, it suggests the weak alternating currents of electric and magnetic fields, that ultimately makes the most of the energy of the waves in a weak heating wire receiver.
when it absorbs light is heat, so we say that light also shifts the energy. You Know, the invisible light, infrared and ultraviolet rays — is a stream of electromagnetic waves. However, radio waves, we combine them under the general title radiation. Radiation transfers energy in the form of energy of electromagnetic waves. When radiation is absorbed, the energy of the radiation is converted into other forms, most often in the

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Electromagnetic energy
in many cases, the electric and magnetic energy are closely linked with each other, each of them can be regarded as a "flip side" of another. Alternating currents are alternating electric fields around themselves and form alternating magnetic fields. During the broadcast antenna are alternating currents, which generate electric and magnetic fields, which have electric and magnetic energy, or, as we prefer to say, electromagnetic energy. But these fields are not just about pulsing antenna. Part of them comes off and flies in a stream of electromagnetic waves moving at the speed of light, carry off electromagnetic energy.
Thus, we imagine electromagnetic waves as moving fields, carrying energy. When they reach the receiving antenna, then suggest it weak alternating currents from electric and magnetic fields, which eventually converted most of the wave energy in low heating wires receiver.
When light is absorbed is heated, so we say that the light also carries energy. It is known that non-visible light - infrared light as well as ultraviolet light - is a flow of electromagnetic waves. Together with radio waves, we combine them collectively as radiation. The radiation transfers energy in the form of electromagnetic wave energy. When radiation is absorbed, the radiation energy is converted into other forms, often in the heat.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The electromagnetic energy
in many cases, electrical and magnetic energy are closely linked to each other, each of them can be considered as a "back" to the other.Variables currents are created variables electrical fields and form around a variable magnetic field. During the radio antenna are created variables currents,Which generate electric and magnetic fields, nuclear electric and magnetic energy, or, as we prefer to say, electromagnetic energy. But these fields are not simply pulsing close to the antenna.Part of their breaks and rejuvenating break in the form of a flow electromagnetic waves, which, while moving at the speed of light, take a heavy toll on the electromagnetic energy.
thus,We are introducing a electromagnetic waves in the form of a moving fields, shifting energy. When they reach the receiving antenna, it suggests the weak variables currents with electrical and magnetic fields,Which will eventually render much of the energy waves in low heat receiver harness.
when acquisitions beam is heat, therefore, we say that the light is also transports energy. It is known,That and an invisible light - as infrared radiation, and ultraviolet rays - represents a flow electromagnetic waves. However, the RF we are combining them under the general title radiation.Radiation carries energy in the form of energy electromagnetic waves. When radiation is absorbed, energy radiation is converted to other forms, most often in warmth.

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