Третий и завершающий этап – период становления экологии не только как  перевод - Третий и завершающий этап – период становления экологии не только как  английский как сказать

Третий и завершающий этап – период

Третий и завершающий этап – период становления экологии не только как собственной науки, но и как ««значительный цикл знания, вобрав в себя разде¬лы географии, геологии, химии, физики, социологии, теории культуры, экономики...» (Реймерс, 1994). Именно в этом периоде возникают такие понятия как «охрана природы и окружающей человека среды». Для ученных это не удивительно, так как этот период можно назвать связью природа-человек или иначе жертва-губитель. Во многом я согласна со вторым значением, потому что ту систему, которая наша Земля путем эволюционного движения создавала на протяжения триллионов лет, мы люди в последние 2 века губим с каждым днем все сильней и сильней. Так же этот период связан со множеством современных ученых таких как Ю. Одум, Дж. М. Андерсен, Э. Пианка и многих других. Большинство ученных третьего этапа развития заняты не открытиями в науке и изучении природы , а решении глобальных проблем которые касаются каждого из нас.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The third and final phase is the period of formation of ecology not only as a private science but also as a "significant knowledge cycle, having incorporated Division ¬ LY geography, geology, chemistry, physics, sociology, cultural theory, economics ...» (Reimers, 1994). It is in this period arise concepts such as "protection of nature and the human environment." For scientists this is not surprising since this period can be called link nature-man or another victim-the destroyer. In many ways I agree with the second value because the system that our Earth by evolutionary movement created to stretch trillion years, we people in the last 2 century ruin every day stronger and stronger. Just as this period is associated with many modern scholars such as j. Odum, j. M. Andersen, e. Pianka and many others. Most scientists of the third phase of development occupied not discoveries in science and nature study, and addressing global problems that concern all of us.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The third and final stage - the period of formation of ecology not only as its own science, but as a "" significant cycle of knowledge, absorbing razde¬ly geography, geology, chemistry, physics, sociology, theory of culture, economy ... "(Reimers, 1994). It is in this period, there are concepts such as "the protection of nature and the human environment." For scientists, it is not surprising, since this period can be called the man-nature relationship, or otherwise victim-destroyer. In many respects, I agree with the second value, because the system that our Earth by evolutionary movement created over trillions of years, we have people in the past 2 centuries ruin every day more and more. As this period is associated with an array of contemporary scientists such as Yu Odum, John. M. Andersen, E. Pianka and others. Most scholars of the third stage of development not busy discoveries in science and the study of nature and the solution of global problems that concern all of us.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The third and final phase - the period of the birth environment not only as their own science, but also as a ""significant cycle knowledge, reassemble the division¬yes he/she geography, geology, chemistry, physics, sociology, theory of culture,Economy ... " (Реимерс, 1994). It is precisely in this period there are such concepts as "the protection of nature and the human environment". For Greek scholars this is not surprising,As this period can be described as two-way nature of people or else the victim and devoured them. In many ways i agree with the second value, because the system,Which our land through an evolutionary movement created the length trillion years, we people in the past 2 century Voltaire proclaimed by the day worse and worse.As this period is associated with many contemporary scientists such as Yu. Одум, j. M. Andersen, E. Пианка and many others. Most Greek scholars third stage of development are not discoveries in science and the study of nature ,The solutions to global problems that relate to each of us.
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