,5. Отцу моего приятеля около семидесяти лет, но он все еще работает и перевод - ,5. Отцу моего приятеля около семидесяти лет, но он все еще работает и английский как сказать

,5. Отцу моего приятеля около семид

,5. Отцу моего приятеля около семидесяти лет, но он все еще работает и говорит, что получает большое удовольст вие от своей работы. 6. Кто-нибудь еще пойдет в музей?7. Когда вы переехали в Москву? — Примерно лет десять тому назад. 8. Если вы посмотрите новую пьесу, вы полу чите большое удовольствие от нее. Все говорят, что это одна из лучших пьес в нашем театре. 9. Вам понравился вчера фильм? — Нет. Никому из наших студентов этот фильм не понравился. 10. Вчера я встал позднее, чем обычно, и чуть не опоздал на урок. 11. Я не могу сейчас пойти с вами в магазин. Я'сделаю покупки по пути домой.12. В каком романе Лев Толстой описал свое детство? Ка кой роман Толстого самый популярный? 13. Жаль, что вы не можете дать мне их адреса. Но если вы опишете мне их дом (cottage), я, наверное, смогу его найти. 14. Как только я прочитаю этот роман, я смогу дать его вам, если хотите.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
, 5. My buddy's father about seventy years old, but it still works and said that gets great pleasures that Wier from his work. 6. Anybody else will go to the Museum? 7. When you moved to Moscow? Approximately ten years ago. 8. If you see a new piece, you Chita great pleasure from it. All say that this is one of the best plays in our theatre. 9. Did you like the movie yesterday? -No. None of our students did not like this film. 10. yesterday I got up later than usual and almost missed the lesson. 11. I can't now go with you to the store. Â'sdelaû shopping on the way home. 12. In a novel by Leo Tolstoy described his childhood? Ka Koi Tolstoy's novel is the most popular? 13. It's a pity that you can not give me their address. But if you describe me to their house (cottage), I'd probably be able to find it. 14. As soon as I read this novel, I'll be able to give it to you if you want.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

,5. Father of my friend about seventy years old, but it still works and says that gets a lot of udovolstie Vie from their work. 6. Who else would go to the museum? 7. When you moved to Moscow? - About ten years ago. 8. If you see a new play, you have the floor Chita great pleasure from it. Everyone says that this is one of the best plays in our theater. 9. Do you like the movie yesterday? - No. None of our students did not like this movie. 10. Yesterday I got up later than usual, and was almost late for class. 11. I do not have to go with you to the store. Ya'sdelayu buying on the way domoy.12. In a novel, Tolstoy described his childhood? Ka Coy Tolstoy's novel is the most popular? 13. It is a pity that you can not give me their addresses. But if you describe to me their house (cottage), I'll probably be able to find it. 14. As soon as I read this novel, I can give it to you if you want.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
5. the father of my friend around seventy years old, but he still works and said that receives a удовольст you from your work. 6. who else will go to the museum? 7. when you moved to moscow? about ten years ago. 8. if you look at the new play, you have the floor чите great pleasure from it. they say it's one of the best plays in the theatre. 9. you liked the last movie? - no. none of our students do not like this movie. 10. yesterday, i got up later than usual, and almost late for class. 11. i can't go with you to the store. i ''ll buy on the way домой.12. a novel lev tolstoy described his childhood? look for a novel (the most popular? 13. it's a pity that you can't give me their address. but if you describe to me the house (cottage), i think i can find him. 14. as soon as i read this novel, i can give it to you if you want.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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