Один джентльмен подал объявление о том, что ему нужен помощник в офисе перевод - Один джентльмен подал объявление о том, что ему нужен помощник в офисе английский как сказать

Один джентльмен подал объявление о

Один джентльмен подал объявление о том, что ему нужен помощник в офисе. Около 50 юношей ответили на рекламу. Джентльмен вскоре выбрал одного, остальным отказал.

Его друг спросил: “Хотел бы я знать, на каком основании ты выбрал этого юношу. Ведь у него не было ни одной рекомендации.”

“Ты ошибаешься – сказал джентльмен – их было много. Он вытер ноги, когда вошел, закрыл за собой дверь. Ясно, что он аккуратен и любит порядок. Он немедленно уступил место старому человеку, показывая, что он добр и предусмотрителен. Он снял шляпу, когда вошел, и отвечая на мои вопросы быстро и уважительно, показывая, что он вежлив. Он поднял книгу, которую я намеренно положил на пол до этого, и положил ее на стол, тогда как все остальные перешагивали через нее. Это показывает, что он очень внимателен. Он спокойно ждал своей очереди, а не расталкивал других. Это говорит о том, что он скромен. Когда я говорил с ним, я видел, что его одежда чистая, волосы причесаны, зубы белые. Когда он писал свое имя, я заметил, что у него чистые ногти. Разве ты не назовешь все эти вещи рекомендательными письмами? То что я могу увидеть собственными глазами за 10 минут, стоит больше, чем все прекрасные письма, которые ты можешь принести с собой.”

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
One gentleman filed announcement that he needed an Assistant in the Office. About 50 youths responded to the advertisement. Gentleman soon picked one, the rest refused.His friend asked, "I would like to know on what basis you chose this young man. Because he did not have any recommendations. ""You are mistaken-the gentleman said-there were a lot of them. He wiped his feet when entered, closed the door behind him. It's clear that he's loyal and loves order. He immediately gave way to old man, showing that he is good and predusmotritelen. He took off his hat, when entered, and responding to my questions quickly and respectfully, showing that he is courteous. He picked up a book that I intentionally put on the floor before this and put it on the table, while all other stepped through it. It shows that he's very considerate. He calmly waited his turn, not rastalkival others. This suggests that he is humble. When I talked to him, I saw that his clothes are clean, hair combed, teeth white. When he wrote his name, I noticed that he had a clean nails. Don't you call all these things recommendatory letters? What can I see with my own eyes for 10 minutes, is worth more than all the wonderful emails that you can bring with you. "
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One gentleman gave the announcement that he needed an assistant in the office. About 50 young men responded to the advertisement. Gentleman soon chose one, the others refused. His friend asked: "I wonder on what basis did you choose this young man. After all, he did not have any recommendations. "" You're wrong - said the gentleman - there were many. He wiped his feet when he entered, closed the door behind him. It is clear that it is accurate and likes order. He immediately gave way to an old man, showing that it is good and prudent. He took off his hat as he entered, and answering my questions quickly and respectfully, showing that he is polite. He picked up the book, I deliberately put on the floor before, and laid it on the table, while the rest of stepping over it. This shows that he is very attentive. He calmly waited their turn and not push each. This suggests that he is humble. When I spoke with him, I saw that his clothes are clean, hair combed, teeth white. When he wrote his name, I noticed that his nails clean. You do not call these things letters of recommendation? The fact that I can see with my own eyes in 10 minutes, is worth more than all the wonderful letters that you can bring with you. "

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
one gentleman's announcement that he needs an assistant in the office. about 50 men responded to the advertisement. gentleman soon picked one, the others refused.

his friend said: "i would like to knowon what basis you chose for this young man. because he didn't have any recommendations. "

" you're wrong, "said the gentleman, there were a lot of them. he wiped his feet when you came in, close the door behind you. cleari love that he's right. immediately, he gave a old man, showing that he is kind and careful. he took off the hat when he entered, and to answer my questions quickly and respectful, showinghe is polite. he picked up the book, i deliberately put down to it and put it on the table, while all other перешагивали through it. this shows that he is very attentive. he's still waiting for his turnyou have to cut and not others. this suggests that he is modest. when i talked to him, i saw his clothes clean, hair combed, teeth white. when he wrote his name, i noticed that he had a clean nails.
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