, Многие друзья и родственники спрашивают меня, почему я стремлюсь иметь дело с животными, а не с людьми. На такой вопрос я отвечаю, что люди могут помочь себе сами, и каждый раз, когда они болеют, они могут обратиться к врачу и высказать свои жалобы. Животные, наоборот, не могу сказать вам, где болит, и лечить их – нелегкая задача.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Many friends and relatives ask me why I want to deal with animals, not people. On this question I answer, that people can help themselves, and every time they get sick, they can see a doctor and voice their complaints. Animals, by contrast, can't tell you where it hurts, and treat them is not an easy task.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
, Many friends and relatives ask me why I am eager to deal with animals, not people. On this question I reply that people can help themselves, and every time they get sick, they can see a doctor and express their complaints. Animals, on the contrary, I can not tell you where it hurts, and to treat them - not an easy task.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
, Many friends and relatives ask me, why do I want to have the case with the animals, and not with the people. The question I am that people can help themselves, and each time, when they were sick,They can see a doctor and to express their complaints. Animals, on the contrary, I cannot tell you where it hurts, and treat them - not an easy task.
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