Аквапарк Tropical IslandВ Берлине можно проснуться в любой самый холод перевод - Аквапарк Tropical IslandВ Берлине можно проснуться в любой самый холод английский как сказать

Аквапарк Tropical IslandВ Берлине м

Аквапарк Tropical Island
В Берлине можно проснуться в любой самый холодный день и часа через полтора оказаться в тропиках. Для этого не нужно никуда лететь. Всего в 70 км от столицы Германии расположился самый большой на планете аквапарк Tropical Island, где температура воздуха круглый год +25 °C, а воды — +28 °C.
Огромное здание аквапарка изначально было предназначено для строительства дирижаблей.
Парк открыт круглосуточно.

«Октоберфест» — это, пожалуй, самый известный и масштабный в мире праздник, сопровождаемый шумными народными гуляниями. Проводящийся каждый год на лугу Терезы в столице Баварии Мюнхене «Октоберфест» за две недели умудряются посетить приблизительно 6 миллионов человек. Луг Терезы— это огромный луг площадью 42 гектара в центре Мюнхена недалеко от Главного городского вокзала, где, начиная с 1810 года, ежегодно проходит главный пивной фестиваль планеты. Праздник проходит во второй половине сентября — начале октября.
Первый праздник состоялся 2 века назад, причем инициатором его был даже не король Баварии, а один унтер-офицер, предложивший устроить на лугу в окрестностях Мюнхена скачки. Посвящено это было свадьбе Людвига Баварского (будущего короля Баварии Людвига I) и принцессы Терезы Саксонской-Хильдбургхаузской, в честь которой, собственно, и был назван луг. С тех пор Октоберфест проводился каждый год, за исключением тех лет, когда страна была втянута в различные войны.
На протяжении всей своей истории Октоберфест неустанно модернизировали и добавляли различных удобств, так, к примеру, в 1881 году открылась первая жаровня курочек, а с 1892 года пиво стали подавать в стеклянных кружках. Из пивных палаток выносились на улицу все аттракционы, чтобы посетителям внутри было больше свободного места. Электрификация «Октоберфеста» состоялась в 1886 году, причем электричество проводила фирма отца Альберта Эйнштейна.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Tropical Island WaterparkIn Berlin you can wake up at any of the coldest day and half hours later be in the tropics. You do not need to fly anywhere. Only 70 km from the capital of Germany is located the biggest on the planet water park Tropical Island, where temperatures all year +25° c and +28° c water.A huge Aqua Park building was originally designed for airship construction.The Park is open 24 hours a day."Oktoberfest" is, perhaps, the most famous and large-scale celebration in the world, accompanied by noisy folk celebrations. Held each year in a meadow in the Bavarian capital Munich, Teresa "Oktoberfest" manage to visit for two weeks approximately 6 million people. Theresienwiese is a huge meadow area of 42 hectares in the Centre of Munich close to the main station, where, starting from 1810 onwards, the main Beer Festival takes place each year on the planet. Celebration takes place during the second half of September and early October. The first celebration took place 2 years ago, and the initiator of it wasn't even the King of Bavaria, and one non-commissioned officer, offered to arrange on a meadow near Munich. It was dedicated to the wedding of Ludwig of Bavaria (the future King Ludwig I) and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hil′dburghauzskoj, in honor of which, in fact, was named meadow. Since then, the Oktoberfest has been held every year except in those years when the country was embroiled in a different war. Throughout its history, Oktoberfest relentlessly modernised and added various amenities, so, for example, in the year 1881, opened the first roaster chickens, and from 1892 onwards began to submit in glass beer mugs. From beer tents were brought to the street all attractions to visitors inside was more space. Electrification "Oktoberfest" took place in 1886 year electricity held firm the father of Albert Einstein.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Tropical Island Water Park
in Berlin, you can wake up at any coldest day and hour and a half to be in the tropics. You do not have anywhere to go. Just 70 km from the capital of Germany is the largest water park in the world Tropical Island, where the air temperature all year round +25 ° C, and the water - +28 ° C.
The huge building the water park was originally designed for the construction of airships.
The park is open around the clock. "Oktoberfest "- this is probably the most famous and large-scale celebration in the world, followed by noisy festivities. Conductive each year on the Theresienwiese meadow in the Bavarian capital Munich "Oktoberfest" in two weeks manage to visit approximately 6 million people. Meadow Terezy- a huge meadow area of 42 hectares in the heart of Munich, near the city's main train station, where, since 1810, annually hosts the main beer festival of the world. Festival held in late September - early October. The first event took place two centuries ago, and its initiator was not even the King of Bavaria, and one non-commissioned officer, who offered to arrange a meadow near Munich jumps. Dedicated to this was the wedding of Ludwig of Bavaria (the future King of Bavaria Ludwig I) and Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghauzskoy, after which, in fact, has been named the meadow. Since Oktoberfest is held every year except in those years when the country was embroiled in various wars. Throughout its history, the Oktoberfest constantly upgraded and added a variety of amenities, as, for example, in 1881, opened the first roaster chickens, and since 1892 , the beer was served in glass mugs. Because of beer tents were passed on the street all the attractions to visitors inside was more space. Electrification "Oktoberfest" held in 1886, the company conducted electricity father Albert Einstein.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the water park, tropical island
in berlin, you wake up in a very cold day, and one and a half hours to be in the tropics. it doesn't have anywhere to go.only 70 km from the capital city of germany is the biggest in the world water park, tropical island, where the temperature of the air and the water all the year round 25 degrees, 28 degrees.a large building park was initially intended for the construction of the airship. "the park is open 24 hours a day.

" октоберфест» is, perhaps, the most famous and largest in the world, aaccompanied by loud popular гуляниями. which happens every year on the meadow in the capital of bavaria munich. "октоберфест» two weeks manage to visit about 6 million people.theresienwiese is a meadow area of 42 hectares in the heart of munich, not far from the city station, where, beginning in 1810, the annual beer festival takes place in the world.celebration takes place in the second half of september and early october.
the first festival took place 2 years ago, and it was not the king of bavaria, and one non commissioned officerand invited to the field in the vicinity of munich jumps. on it was the wedding of ludwig the bavarian (future king ludwig i of bavaria and princess theresa saxon - хильдбургхаузской, after which,as a matter of fact, and was named the meadow. since then, the oktoberfest was held every year except for those years when the country was involved in various wars.
throughout its history, can be continuously modified and added various features, so, for example, in 1881, was the first жаровня chickens, and in 1892 the beer are served in glass mugs.of the beer tents to be outside all the attractions to visitors in more free space. "октоберфеста» electrification took place in 1886.the electricity was the father of albert einstein.
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