У нас большая гостиная, в которой есть ,большой диван, плазменный телевизор, на наем 1000 каналов, мощный компьютер с выходом в интернет.Кухня оснащена современной техникой (микроволновая печь, плита с духовкой и многое другое). Очень красивый вид на город с балкона, особенно осенью, когда все деревья вокруг окрашиваются в желтый и красный цвета. Летом хорошая погода, есть много мест, которые можно посетить. До метро идти 5 минут, я сам проверял.
Нам понравился ваш дом. Он отвечает нашим требованиям. Но есть несколько вопросов: Рядом с вашим домом есть качели или карусели? Есть ли в вашем доме горячая вода? улица, на которой вы живете шумная?
Результаты (
английский) 1:
We have a large living room, which features, large sofa, plasma tv, hiring 1000 channels, powerful computer with Internet access. Kitchen equipped with modern appliances (microwave, cooker with oven and much more). Very nice view of the city from the balconies, especially in autumn, when all the trees around are painted in yellow and red colors. In summer the weather is nice, there are many places that you can visit. To go 5 minutes, I tested it. We enjoyed your home. It meets our requirements. But there are a few issues: near your House or swing carousel? Is there hot water in your home? the street on which you live noisy?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
We have a large living room, which has a large sofa, a plasma TV, on the hiring of 1000 channels, a powerful computer with internet.Kuhnya equipped with modern appliances (microwave, oven and much more). Very nice view of the city from the balcony, especially in autumn, when all the trees around are painted in yellow and red colors. In summer, the weather is good, there are many places that you can visit. Metro 5 minutes to go, I'll check.
We loved your house. It meets our requirements. But there are some questions: Next to your house there is a swing or a carousel? Is there anything in your home hot water? the street where you live noisy?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
we have a big living room with a large couch, plasma tv rental 1000 channels, powerful computer with access to интернет.кухня is equipped with modern appliances (microwave oven, cooker with oven and much more). a beautiful view of the city from the balcony, especially in autumn when the trees around are colored in yellow and red colors. summer weather is good, there are many places that you can visit. go to the subway 5 minutes, i'll check.we like your house. it meets our requirements. but there are a few questions: next to your house or a swing carousel? is there in your house hot water? the street where you live too noisy?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..