Королевский парк Виктории в Бате примечателен не столько какими-то осо перевод - Королевский парк Виктории в Бате примечателен не столько какими-то осо английский как сказать

Королевский парк Виктории в Бате пр

Королевский парк Виктории в Бате примечателен не столько какими-то особо яркими достопримечательностями, сколько высочайшей чистотой и качеством — он получил статус Зеленый флаг. В Британии это очень существенная вещь, стандарты для общественных парков тут жесткие.
Это очень чистое и зеленое место, а точнее — общественный парк, заложенный в 1830 г. и открытый совсем тогда еще маленькой принцессой Викторией. Парк занимает довольно большую площадь — почти 23 гектара. Создавался он для отдыха горожан, поэтому большая часть парка — это красивые аллеи, газоны и клумбы, самые разные. Есть и удобные скамейки, и детские игровые площадки.
Довольно большую часть парка занимают спортивные площадки. Тут есть зона для игры в мини-гольф, теннисные корты, площадки для боулинга и устройства для скейтбордистов. Как и положено викторианскому парку, тут есть и пруд — можно арендовать лодку и поплавать на ней.
Часть парка занимает ботанический сад. Здесь собрано несколько интересных коллекций, в том числе — лучшее в стране собрание песчаниковых растений и обширная коллекция кипарисов. Сад большой — он занимает примерно шестую часть пространства.
Среди клумб и аллей возведены постройки в викторианском стиле. Тут обычно не бывает сильно шумно, поэтому для дня отдыха — это то, что нужно. В парке проводится много мероприятий, особенно для детей. Также сюда стоит сходить любителям викторианской романтики — для них тут найдется много всего интересного. В парке есть сцена для концертов под открытым небом, летом тут довольно неплохая программа — от классики до рок-фестивалей, есть спектакли и кинофильмы
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Royal Victoria Park in bath is remarkable not so much any particularly bright sights, how many of the highest purity and quality — he received the green flag status. In Britain, this is a very significant thing, standards for public parks here hard.It's very clean and green place, to be exact — public park, founded in 1830, and then completely open the little Princess Victoria. The park covers quite a large area — almost 23 acres. It was created for the rest of the townspeople, so most of the Park is beautiful with gardens, lawns and flowerbeds, variety. There are comfortable benches, and playgrounds for children.Quite a large part of the Park hold sportsgrounds. There is a zone for playing mini golf, tennis courts, bowling alley, and skateboarders. As befits a Victorian Park, there are pond-you can rent a boat and go for a swim in it.Part of the Park takes a botanical garden. Here collected some interesting collections, including the best from sandstone collection plants and extensive collection of cypress trees. Garden big — it takes roughly a sixth of the space. Among the flowerbeds and alleys built built in Victorian style. There is usually no strongly noisy, so for a day of relaxation is what you need. In the park there are many activities, especially for children. Also, this is a go to fans of Victorian romance-for them there are many interesting things here. In the park there is a stage for outdoor concerts, summer program is pretty good here, from classical to rock festivals, there are performances and films
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Royal Victoria Park in Bath is notable not only some very colorful sights as the highest purity and quality - he received a Green Flag status. In Britain, it is a very significant thing, the standards for public parks here hard.
This is a very clean and green place - or rather, a public park, founded in 1830, and then open quite yet little princess Victoria. The park covers quite a large area - about 23 hectares. It was created for the rest of the townspeople, so much of the park - it's beautiful alleys, lawns and flower beds, very different. There are comfortable benches and playgrounds.
Quite a large part of the park occupied by sports grounds. Here there is an area for mini-golf, tennis courts, bowling and equipment for skateboarders. As befits a Victorian park, and there is a pond - you can rent a boat and go for a swim in it.
Part of the park is a botanical garden. It collected some interesting collections, including - the country's best collection of sandstone plants and an extensive collection of cypresses. The garden is big - it takes approximately one sixth of the space.
Among the flower beds and alleys built buildings in the Victorian style. There is not usually much noisy, so the rest of the day - this is what you need. The park held a lot of activities, especially for children. Also here is to go to fans of Victorian romance - there will be a lot of interesting things for them. The park has a stage for outdoor concerts in the summer there is quite a good program - from classical to rock festivals, there are performances and movies
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
royal victoria park in bath is not so much what is particularly spectacular sights as the highest purity and quality, it was granted the status of a green flag. in britain it is a very significant thing, standards for public parks is rigid.this is a very clean and green place, in a public park, established in 1830. and then open all the little princess victoria. the park occupies a large area of about 23 hectares. was it for the rest of the townspeople, however, most of the park is a beautiful alley, lawns and flowerbeds, a variety of. there are benches, and children"s playgrounds.quite a large part of the park are the playgrounds. there"s a game of mini golf, tennis courts, bowling site and device for skateboards. as it викторианскому park, there is a pond, you can rent a boat and swim in it.part of the garden is a botanical garden. here collected some interesting collections, including the best in the country. песчаниковых plants and extensive collection of cypress trees. garden big - it takes approximately one sixth of the space.among клумб and paths are built in the victorian style. it usually doesn"t happen much noisy, however on the day of rest is what you need. in the park has many activities, especially for children. it also should go to a victorian romance for them there is a lot of interesting things. in the park have a stage for concerts in the open air, summer is a good program - from classical to rock festivals, shows and movies
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