I have Venus in furs! my way into the night. I tormented by insomnia a перевод - I have Venus in furs! my way into the night. I tormented by insomnia a английский как сказать

I have Venus in furs! my way into t

I have Venus in furs! my way into the night.
I tormented by insomnia and bad memory.
And I'm your sadness allay not averse,
But I don't remember whether your smell tempts me?
And I don't remember not name nor the eye color and what to touch your skin,
But I was willing to endure all this hundreds of times,
Then forget to return and live under anesthesia.

Я - Венера в мехах !моя дорога в ночь .
Меня мучает бессонница и плохая память .
И я вашу печаль развеять не прочь ,
Но я не помню, ваш ли запах меня так манит ?
И я не помню Вашего имени , ни цвета глаз и какова на ощупь Ваша кожа.
Но я готова пережить это всё сотни раз ,
Чтобы снова забыть и жить под наркозом .

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I have Venus in furs! my way into the night. I tormented by insomnia and bad memory. And I'm your sadness will allay not averse,But I don't remember whether your smell tempts me? And I don't remember not name nor the eye color and what to touch your skin, But I was willing to endure all this hundreds of times, Then forget to return and live under anesthesia. I-Venus in furs! my way into the night. I tormented by insomnia and bad memory. And I'm your sadness allay not averse,But I don't remember whether your smell tempts me? And I don't remember your name, neither eye color and what to touch your skin.But I was willing to endure all this hundreds of times, Again, forget and live under anesthesia.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

I have Venus in furs! my way into the night.
I tormented by insomnia and bad memory.
I of your'm And sadness not averse to allay,
But do not I of the remember Whether your smell tempts me?
I of do not And not the remember the name NOR eye color and what to touch, your the skin,
But I of WAS Willing to Endure the this all the hundreds of times,
Then statement to forget the live return statement and under anesthesia.

I - Venus in Furs my way into the night!.
I suffer from insomnia and poor memory.
And I'm not your sorrow to dispel away,
but I do not remember whether your scent attracts me so?
And I do not remember your name or the color of eyes and how to touch your skin.
But I'm willing to go through it all a hundred times,
to forget and to live again under general anesthesia.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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