Многие виды растений, лишайников и грибов занесены в Красную книгу гор перевод - Многие виды растений, лишайников и грибов занесены в Красную книгу гор английский как сказать

Многие виды растений, лишайников и

Многие виды растений, лишайников и грибов занесены в Красную книгу города Москвы и подлежат охране, хотя являются обычными представителями среднерусской флоры. Есть и другая особенность: в то время, как другие известные Красные книги (Международного союза охраны природы, СССР, Российской Федерации, Московской области и др.) представляют животный и растительный мир целых стран или отдельных республик, краев, областей, наша – Красная книга отдельного города и призвана способствовать сохранению флоры и фауны в условиях сильнейшего антропогенного пресса. Огромный город стремительно наступает на природу, «отвоевывая» у нее все новые и новые территории, окружая оставшиеся «островки» естественной растительности жилыми массивами, автомагистралями, производственными и прочими объектами. Поэтому растительный мир Москвы очень уязвим и требует бережного к себе отношения.

На территории Москвы решением городской и областной администраций сбор и продажа дикорастущих растений были запрещены еще в 1984 г. Однако нанесение вреда растительному миру, к сожалению, продолжалось, и потребовались дополнительные законодательные решения в области охраны природы: Закон города Москвы № 17 от 05.05.99 «О защите зеленых насаждений»; Закон города Москвы № 28 от 30.06.99 «О регулировании использования редких и исчезающих диких животных и растений на территории города Москвы» (в редакции Закона города Москвы № 12 от 17 марта 2004 г.); Постановление правительства Москвы № 116 от 02.03.2004 «О мероприятиях по восстановлению естественных растительных сообществ и увеличению численности редких животных на территории Москвы».

10 июля 2001 г. было утверждено Положение о Красной книге города Москвы, которая является официальным документом Правительства Москвы. В этом издании приведены данные о распространении, численности и особенностях обитания редких видов, лимитирующих факторах, принятых мерах и необходимых мероприятиях по сохранению или восстановлению редких, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, а также уязвимых в условиях города видов диких животных и дикорастущих растений.

В эту книгу включено 102 вида сосудистых растений, 28 видов мохообразных, 8 видов водорослей, 13 видов грибов и приведены дополнительные списки видов, также нуждающихся в постоянном контроле и наблюдении. Многие из видов, включенных в дополнительные списки, встречаются не менее редко, чем занесенные в Красную книгу столицы, и, возможно, войдут в следующее ее издание (Красная книга города должна переиздаваться каждые 5 лет). Указаны также виды, исчезнувшие на территории Москвы после 1960 г., в том числе 9 видов сосудистых растений (шпажник черепитчатый, медуница узколистная, любка зеленоцветковая и некоторые другие).
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Many species of plants, lichens and fungi are brought in the Red Book of the city of Moscow and are protected, although are representatives of flora. There is another feature: while other famous Red Book (International Union for conservation of nature, the USSR, the Russian Federation, Moscow region, etc.) are the flora and fauna of entire countries or individual republics, krais, oblasts, our Red Book is a separate city and aims to contribute to the conservation of flora and fauna in the strongest anthropogenic press. Huge city rapidly comes to nature, "winning" at her new site, surrounding the remaining Islands natural vegetation residential tracts, highways, industrial and other objects. Therefore the flora of Moscow is very vulnerable and requires careful treatment.The decision on the territory of Moscow city and regional administrations of the collection and sale of wild-growing plants have been banned in 1984 however harming flora, unfortunately, continued, and required additional legislative solutions in the field of nature conservation: the law of Moscow No. 17 dated 05.05.99 "on the protection of green areas"; The law of Moscow No. 28 dated 30.06.99 "on the regulation of the use of rare and endangered wild animals and plants on the territory of the city of Moscow (as amended by law of the city of Moscow No. 12 dated March 17, 2004); Resolution of the Government of Moscow No. 116 from 02-Mar-2004 "on measures to restore the natural plant communities and increase the number of the rare animals on the territory of Moscow.July 10, 2001 was approved by the Red Book of the city of Moscow, which is an official document of the Government of Moscow. This publication provides information on the distribution, size and characteristics of rare species, limiting factors, the measures taken and the necessary arrangements for the conservation or restoration of rare, endangered, and vulnerable in terms of species of wild animals and wild plants.In this book included 102 of 28 species of vascular plants, bryophytes, 8 species of algae, 13 species of fungi and provide additional lists of species, also in need of constant monitoring and observation. Many of the species are included in the supplementary lists, are not less seldom than listed in the Red Book of the capital, and possibly will be included in the next publication (the Red Book of the city should be republished every 5 years). Also indicates the species disappeared in Moscow after 1960, g., including 9 species of vascular plants (flag čerepitčatyj, Pulmonaria angustifolia, Platanthera zelenocvetkovaâ and some others).
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Many species of plants, lichens and fungi listed as endangered in Moscow and to be protected, but are ordinary members of Central flora. There is also another feature: While other famous Red Book (International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation, Moscow Region et al.) Are flora and fauna of whole countries or individual republics, territories, regions, our - Red Book individual cities and is intended to contribute to the conservation of flora and fauna under extreme anthropogenic pressure. Huge city is rapidly coming to nature, "conquering" it has all new territories, surrounding the remaining "islands" of natural vegetation residential areas, highways, industrial and other objects. Therefore flora Moscow is very vulnerable and requires careful attitude. In Moscow the decision municipal and regional administrations collection and sale of wild plants were banned in 1984, however, harming the plant world, unfortunately, continued, and required additional legislative solutions field of nature protection: Moscow City Law number 17 of 05/05/99 "On Protection of green space"; Moscow City Law number 28 of 30.06.99 "On the regulation of the use of rare and endangered wild animals and plants in the city of Moscow" (Law of the city of Moscow № 12 dated March 17, 2004); Resolution of the Government of Moscow № 116 from 02.03.2004 "On measures to restore the natural vegetation communities and increase in the number of rare animals in Moscow." July 10, 2001 approved the Regulations on the Red Book of Moscow, which is the official document of the Government of Moscow. This publication presents data on the distribution, abundance and habitat features rare species, limiting factors, the measures taken and the necessary measures to maintain or restore rare, endangered and vulnerable species in the urban environment of wild animals and plants. In this book included 102 species of vascular plants, 28 species of bryophytes, 8 species of algae, 13 species of fungi and provides additional lists of species, and in need of constant monitoring and supervision. Many of the species included in the supplementary lists, there are no less rare than listed in the Red Data Book of the capital, and may enter in the next edition of its (Red Book of the city should be republished every 5 years). Listed as species extinct in Moscow after 1960, including 9 species of vascular plants (gladiolus imbricated, Pulmonaria angustifolia, Lyubka green flowering and some others).

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Many types of plants, lichens and mushrooms are entered in the Red book and the city of Moscow to be the protection, while the representatives of the grateful are normal flora. There is another special feature: at the time,As well as other well-known Red book (International Union for Conservation of Nature, the USSR, the Russian Federation, Moscow area, etc. ) are animal and plant life of entire countries or of individual republics, edges,Areas, our - the Red book a separate city and is intended to contribute to the conservation flora and fauna in the strongest man-made press. A great city is rapidly occurs in nature,"интернет both" it all new and new territories, surrounding it with the remaining "islands" natural vegetation residential arrays, highways, manufacturing, sales, and other objects.Therefore, crop world Moscow is very vulnerable and requires gentle to a relationship.The lord of the territory of Moscow city and the region's administration collection and selling wild plants have been banned even in 1984.However, harm flora world, unfortunately, has continued, and required additional legislative solutions in the field of nature protection: the city No. 17 of 05.05.99 "on the protection of green";The city No. 28 of 06.30.99 "on the regulation of the use rare and endangered wild animals and plants on the territory of Moscow City" (in the wording of Act No. 12 of Moscow 17 March 2004 Mr.. );The Moscow City Government No. 116 of 03.02.2004 "On the activities to restore natural plant communities and increase the number of rare animals on the territory of Moscow" .lord on 10 July 2001.It was approved by the position of the Red book the city of Moscow, which is an official document the Government of Moscow. In this publication provides data on the distribution,The strength and features rare species habitats, sunset factors, measures taken and the necessary activities to maintain or restore rare, endangered species,As well as vulnerable in terms of species of wild animals and wild plants.lord in this book included 102 type of vascular plants, 28 species of invertebrates, 8 species of algae,13 types of mushrooms and provides additional lists of species, as well as in need constant monitoring and observation. Many of the species included in lists of the names of additional, there are not less than rarely,It may be stored in the Red book the capital, and, perhaps, will be composed in the following its publication (the red book of town should be republished every 5 years). Listed as the types, disappeared on the territory of Moscow after 1960 g.,Including 9 species of vascular plants (шпажник черепитчатыи, international innovative center "Archimedes" узколистная, любка зеленоцветковая and some of the other).
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