Опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе ?1. Его опыт вожд перевод - Опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе ?1. Его опыт вожд английский как сказать

Опыт вождения машины пригодится ему

Опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе ?
1. Его опыт вождения машины пригодится ему в будущей работе. 2. Он никогда не мог свыкнуться с мыслью, что ему придется пробыть там еще полгода. 3. В такое время года есть только одна возможность добраться туда — это самолетом. 4. Он очень обрадовался перспективе поработать несколько лет под руководством такого известного ученого. 5. Представьте себе их восторг, когда они узнали, что он получил первую премию за свой проект. 6. Он пытался найти удобный предлог, чтобы уйти пораньше. 7. Истинная причина столь поспешного возвращения миссис Чивли из Лондона заключалась в ее личной заинтересованности в том, чтобы сэр Роберт снял свой доклад в парламенте. Она понимала, что только страх быть разоблаченным может заставить его согласиться на это. 8. Метод обучения мистера Броклхерста убивал у детей всякую инициативу и желание учиться. 9. Когда Мейсон получил возможность разобраться в деле Клайда, у него были все основания потребовать для Клайда смертного приговора по обвинению в убийстве Роберты. 10. У нас есть все основания полагать, что у вас была привычка навещать их по вечерам. 11. Какие у вас основания разговаривать с нами таким тоном? 12. Он был счастлив при мысли о том, что скоро опять увидит своих друзей. 13. После завтрака я объявила о своем намерении пойти на прогулку. 14. Есть ли какая-нибудь на­дежда застать их дома сейчас? 15. У меня не было времени подумать, как ответить на ваш вопрос. 16. Мне редко представляется случай по­видать их всех вместе.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Experience driving cars will be useful to him in the future?1. his experience driving cars will be useful to him in his future work. 2. He never could get used to the idea that he would have to stay there for another six months. 3. In this time of year there is only one opportunity to get there is by plane. 4. He was very happy to run to work a few years under the leadership of such a famous scientist. 5. Imagine their delight when they found out that he won first prize for his project. 6. He was trying to find a convenient excuse to leave early. 7. The real reason such hasty return Mrs Cheveley from London was her personal interest in Sir Robert withdrew his report in Parliament. She knew that only the fear of being discovered can get him to agree to it. 8. Teaching method of Mr Broklhersta kill children all initiative and willingness to learn. 9. When Mason got a chance to look into the Clyde, he had every reason to demand for Clyde's death sentence on charges of murdering Roberta. 10. We have every reason to believe that you have a habit to visit them in the evenings. 11. What are your reasons to talk to us in such a tone? 12. He was happy at the thought that soon will see his friends again. 13. After breakfast I announced his intention to go for a walk. 14. Is there any hope to catch them at home now? 15. I have not had time to think about how to answer your question. 16. I rarely seems to be the case see them all together.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The experience of driving the car it will come in handy in the future work?
1. His experience of driving the car it will come in handy in the future work. 2. He could never get used to the idea that he would have to stay there for another six months. 3. At this time of year there is only one opportunity to get there - it's a plane. 4. He was very happy to work for several years run under the guidance of the famous scientist. 5. Imagine their delight when they found out that he won the first prize for his project. 6. He was trying to find a convenient excuse to leave early. 7. The real reason for such a hasty return of Mrs. Cheveley from London was her personal interest to Sir Robert made ​​his report in parliament. She knew that only the fear of being exposed can get him to agree to this. 8. The method of teaching Mr. Brocklehurst kill children every initiative and willingness to learn. 9. When Mason got the opportunity to understand the reality of Clyde, he had every reason to demand for Clyde death sentence for the murder of Robert. 10. We have every reason to believe that you had a habit of visiting them in the evenings. 11. What are your reasons to talk to us in such a tone? 12. He was happy at the thought that soon see their friends again. 13. After breakfast, I announced my intention to go for a walk. 14. Is there any hope to catch them at home now? 15. I have not had time to think about how to answer your question. 16. I rarely see a case submitted them all together.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the experience of driving cars need it in future work.
1. his experience in driving cars need it in future work. 2. he could never get used to the fact that he will be there for another six months. 3.at this time of year, there is only one way to get there is by air. 4. he's very happy future work several years, under the leadership of a famous scientist. 5. imagine their delightwhen they learned that he got the first prize for my project. 6. he tried to find an excuse to leave early. 7.the reason for such a hasty return to mrs. чивли from london was in her personal interest in, to sir robert made his report to parliament. she knewonly the fear of being exposed and can get him to agree to this. 8. learning method of mr броклхерста kill children all initiative and willingness to learn. 9.when mason was able to figure out in clyde, he had every reason to demand for clyde's death sentence for the murder of roberta. 10. we have every reason to believeyou have a habit of visiting them in the evening. 11. what grounds do you have to talk to us like that? 12. he was happy at the thought that it will soon be seeing your friends. 13.after breakfast i had announced its intention to go for a walk. 14. is there any на­дежда take them home now? 15. i didn't have time to think how to answer your question. 16.i rarely appears to be the case по­видать them all together.
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