1. Боюсь, как бы мы не опоздали к началу концерта. 2. Мне бы хотелось, перевод - 1. Боюсь, как бы мы не опоздали к началу концерта. 2. Мне бы хотелось, английский как сказать

1. Боюсь, как бы мы не опоздали к н

1. Боюсь, как бы мы не опоздали к началу концерта. 2. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты прочитала его письмо. 3. Жаль, что глава IIIбыла такой трудной. 4. Поторопись, босс требует, чтобы бумаги были принесены немедленно. 5. Мне очень жаль, что ты неверно меня понял. 6. Я настаиваю, чтобы все научились работать с компьютером. 7. Было очень скучно, и мы уже пожалели, что купили билеты на это шоу. 8. Я хочу, чтобы все чувствовали себя как дома. 9. Меня очень раздражает, что телевизор у соседей вечно включен на полную мощность. 10. Я очень рада, что вы, наконец, пришли навестить меня. 11. Кто распорядился, чтобы бригада приступила к работе так поздно? 12. Декан настаивал на том, чтобы студенты начинали писать рефераты уже на втором курсе. 13. Все согласились с тем, чтобы тесты начинались как можно раньше. 14. Жаль, что ты не прислушался к их совету. 15. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы все студенты группы прочли эту книгу. 16. По правде сказать, я очень боялась, как бы дети не потеряли деньги. 17. Жаль, что ты не мог вчера приехать. 18. Няня говорила очень тихо, опасаясь, что разбудит больного. 19. Тебя не беспокоит, что из-за этой игрушки дети могут поссориться?20. Меня очень удивило, что никто не опоздал.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. I'm afraid, how could we not late to the beginning of the concert. 2. I would like you to read his letter. 3. It's a pity that the head IIIbyla so difficult. 4. Hurry up, boss demands that the papers were brought immediately. 5. I'm sorry that you understood me wrong. 6. I insist that all learn to work with your computer. 7. it was very boring, and we have already donated, that bought tickets for this show. 8. I want everyone to feel at home. 9. I am very annoying tv neighbors forever turned on at full power. 10. I am very glad you finally came to visit me. 11. who ordered that brigade started to work so late? 12. Dean insisted that students have started to write term papers already in the second year. 13. it was agreed that the tests should start as soon as possible. 14. It's a pity that you did not heed their advice. 15. I would like to see all students group have read this book. 16. To tell the truth, I was very afraid, as though children are not lost money. 17. I'm sorry you couldn't come yesterday. 18. Nanny spoke very quietly, fearing that will awaken the patient. 19. you are not concerned about that because of this toy children can quarrel? 20. I was very surprised that nobody was late.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. I am afraid that we have not missed the beginning of the concert. 2. I would like you to read his letter. 3. It is a pity that such a difficult chapter IIIbyla. 4. Hurry up, the boss requires that the papers were brought immediately. 5. I'm sorry, you're wrong to understand me. 6. I insist that all learned to work with a computer. 7. It was very boring, and we have already regretted that bought tickets for this show. 8. I want everyone to feel at home. 9. I was very annoyed that the television is switched on at the neighbors always at full capacity. 10. I am very glad you finally came to see me. 11. Who ordered the team started to work so late? 12. Dean insisted that the students have already started to write essays on the second year. 13. It was agreed that the tests as early as possible. 14. Too bad you did not listen to their advice. 15. I would like all students to read this book group. 16. To tell the truth, I was very afraid, as if the children do not lose money. 17. It is a pity that you could not come yesterday. 18. Babysitting spoke very quietly, afraid to wake the patient. 19. You're not worried about that because of this toy, children can fall out? 20. I was surprised that no one was late.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. i'm afraid we could be late for the concert. 2. i'd like you to read his letter. 3. sorry, the IIIбыла is difficult. 4. hurry up, the boss requires that the papers were killed immediately. 5.i'm sorry that you've got me. 6. i insist that all have learned to work with the computer. 7. was very boring, and we already had that bought tickets for this show. 8. i want everyone to feel at home. 9.i am very annoyed that a neighbor's tv is always on at full power. 10. i am very glad that you finally came to visit me. 11. who ordered the brigade began to work so late? 12.dean insisted that the students began to write abstracts for the sophomore year. 13. all agreed that the tests had started as early as possible. 14. i'm sorry to hear that you don't listen to their advice. 15. i'd like toto all the students group, read this book. 16. to tell you the truth, i was really afraid, if children do not lose money. 17. i'm sorry you couldn't come yesterday. 18. the nanny was very quiet, fearing that the wake the patient. 19.doesn't it bother you that because of this toy, children can pick a fight? 20. i was very surprised that nobody was late.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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