«Что за существо ходит на четырех ногах утром, на двух днем и на трех  перевод - «Что за существо ходит на четырех ногах утром, на двух днем и на трех  английский как сказать

«Что за существо ходит на четырех н

«Что за существо ходит на четырех ногах утром, на двух днем и на трех вечером?»
Это была самая первая в мире загадка. Она была придумана Сфинксом, который обитал в окрестностях города Фивы в Древней Греции. У него была голова женщины, туловище льва, крылья орла и хвост змеи. В Фивы вела только одна дорога, и никто не мог попасть в город в обход Сфинкса. Уничтожить мечом или стрелами Сфинкса было невозможно. Некоторые люди пытались разгадать загадку, но ничего не получалось, и они умирали. В конце концов ситуация ухудшилась настолько, что царь решил, что ему стоит самому принять какие-то меры. Однако, царь Лай был сам виноват в появлении Сфинкса. Этим его наказала Гера, царица богов. Позже на дороге царь встречает юношу, направлявшегося в Фивы сразиться со Сфинксом. Но они поругались. . Юношу звали Эдип. Лай проехал своей колесницей по ноге Эдипа. А Эдип вонзил свой клинок в живот царя. Эдип очень хотел стать героем. И когда он встретился со Сфинксом, он разгадал загадку. Позже он стал царем Фив и женился на царице Иокасте. Но он и не знал, что Царь Лай был его отцом, а царица Иокаста его матерью.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
"That creature walks on four legs in the morning, two day and three in the evening?"It was the world's first puzzle. It was designed by the Sphinx, who lived in the vicinity of the city of Thebes in ancient Greece. He had a woman's head, torso of a lion, the wings of an eagle and a snake's tail. In Thebes led only one road, and no one could get into the city, bypassing the Sphinx. Destroy a sword or arrow of the Sphinx was impossible. Some people have tried to solve the Riddle, but nothing worked, and they died. In the end, the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that the King decided that he should himself take any measures. However, King Lai was himself to blame for the emergence of the Sphinx. It punished Hera, Queen of the gods. Later on the Road King meets a young man, en route to Thebes to battle with Sphinx. But they had a spat. . A young man named Oedipus. Lai rode his chariot on foot of Oedipus. And Oedipus thrust his blade into the belly of the King. Oedipus really wanted to become a hero. And when he met with Sphinx, it solved the riddle. He later became King of Thebes and married Queen Iocaste. But he didn't know that King Lai was his father and Queen Jocasta of his mother.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
"What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two day and three at night?"
It was the world's first mystery. It was invented by the Sphinx, who lived in the vicinity of the city of Thebes in ancient Greece. He was the head of a woman, the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle and a serpent's tail. In Thebes led only one way, and no one could get into the city to bypass the Sphinx. Drop the sword or arrow Sphinx was impossible. Some people have tried to unravel the mystery, but nothing worked, and they died. In the end, the situation has deteriorated so much that the king decided that he is to take some action. However, Lai King himself was to blame for the appearance of the Sphinx. In this he was punished Hera, queen of the gods. Later, the king of the road meets a young man bound for Thebes to fight with the Sphinx. But they quarreled. . The young man named Oedipus. Lai rode his chariot leg Oedipus. And Oedipus plunged his sword in the belly of the king. Oedipus really wanted to be a hero. And when he met with the Sphinx, he solved the riddle. Later, he became king of Thebes and married the queen Jocasta. But he did not know that King Laius was his father, and his mother the queen Jocasta.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
"That the creature runs on four legs this morning, at the two day and three in the evening? "
this was the very first in the world mystery. It was imperial rescript Kahlili, which God Himself dwelt in the outskirts of the city of Thebes in Ancient Greece.It has been the head women, torso lion, eagle wings and tail snakes. In Thebes had only one road, and no one could get into the city to bypass Sphinx. To destroy sword or booms Sphinx was impossible.Some people have tried to guess puzzle, but did not occur, and they were dying. In the end the situation has deteriorated to such an extent that the king has decided that it is itself take any measures. However,The king Lai was is to blame for Sphinx appears. It became more illiberal Gera, Pauline gods. Later on the road; the king meets honestly, ninety in Thebes battle with Kahlili. But they поругались. . Honestly called Montoya.Lai has driven its Alexandra Fyodorovna on leg Oedipus. And Montoya haft its haft in the stomach king. He would like very much to become a hero. And when he met with Kahlili, he riddle puzzle.Later, it became king Oedipus ask and got married to disentangle Иокасте. But he did not know that the King Lai was his father, and his mother Pauline humble impostor.
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