ия человек не может жить. Да, иногда хочется побыть в одиночестве, иногда надоедает большое количество людей. Но одинокий человек – это несчастливый человек. Общение с другими людьми обогащает человека. Мы смотрим на мир не только своими глазами, но и глазами наших друзей, родных, знакомых. В общении человек раскрывает себя. Дмитрий Лихачев утверждал, что «важнейший способ узнать человека, его умственное развитие, его моральный облик, его характер – прислушаться к тому, что он говорит». А если еще обратить внимание на то, как незнакомый человек говорит, то, пообщавшись совсем немного, можно сделать о человеке определенные выводы. Общение – это то, без чего человек не может жить. В наше время нередко можно услышать от взрослых, постоянно занятых своими проблемами, работой, что им даже пообщаться времени нет.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
IYA man cannot live. Yes, sometimes you want to be alone, sometimes annoys a lot of people. But the lone man is an unhappy man. Connecting with others enriches people. We see the world not only with their own eyes, but through the eyes of our friends, relatives, acquaintances. The man reveals himself. Dmitry Likhachev argued that "an essential way to know a person, his mental development, his background, his character is to listen to what he says." If we also pay attention to how the stranger said something, talking quite a bit, you can make certain conclusions about the person. Communication is something without which man cannot live. Nowadays, one can often hear from adults, their permanent employees, the work that they even talk time.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Ia man can not live. Yes, sometimes you want to be alone, sometimes bothers a lot of people. But the lonely man - is an unhappy man. Communication with others enriches man. We see the world not only with his own eyes, but the eyes of our friends, relatives, and acquaintances. In communicating man reveals himself. Dmitry Likhachev claimed that "the most important way to know a person, his mental development, his moral character, his character - to listen to what he says." And if we pay attention to how the stranger says, is communicated very little can be done about the man some conclusions. Communication - is something without which man can not live. Nowadays, one can often hear from adults, constantly busy with their problems, the work that they even talk no.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Ns people cannot live. Yes, sometimes you don't want miss alone, sometimes are bored with a large number of people. But lone person - this inauspicious people. Communicate with other people enriches human rights.We look for peace, not only with our eyes, but eyes and our friends, relatives, friends. In the communication people reveal themselves. Bob William Owens claimed that "the most important way to learn about human rights, his mental development,His moral character, his nature is to listen to what he said". And if you have yet to draw attention to the fact, as someone said, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside a little, you can make a man certain conclusions.Communication - this is, without which people cannot live. In our time is often can be heard from the adults, is constantly busy with their own concerns, the work that they even talk time.
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