1. неважно когда ты зайдешь за нами. мы будем ждать тебя в гостиной. с перевод - 1. неважно когда ты зайдешь за нами. мы будем ждать тебя в гостиной. с английский как сказать

1. неважно когда ты зайдешь за нами

1. неважно когда ты зайдешь за нами. мы будем ждать тебя в гостиной. с тобой что нибудь случилось? это не шуточное дело!
2. если бы ты делала зарядку , это принесло бы тебе пользу. если бы ты следила за фигурой , ты бы носила более элегантные платья.
3. мне мне предложили очень интересную работу , которая должна быть закончена через 2 недели. я бы уже давно бросила такую работу.
4. Я заметил как ваша младшая дочь сначала улыбнулась Джону , а потом толкнула его и начала огрызаться . Не годится так вести себя!Тебе следует научиться тер попеть критику.
5. неважно, будешь ты за ним следить или нет. Я всегда буду поблизости.
6. жаль, что она не похожа на брата. Вчера я слышала, как она огрызается.
7. Я чувствую , что он говорит мне неправду . Жаль, что он не женился по любви. Она видела , что Джон очень хочет уйти. Он не привык сдерживать порывы.
8. Она не привыкла пользоваться косметикой , не так ли? Почему она не следит за фигурой ? Интересно , она полностью осознаёт всю серьёзность ситуации?
9. Мне все ровно , куда она поедет. ему все ровно, зайдешь ты к нему или нет. я ей не верю, чтобы она не сказала.
10. Я слышала , её младший сын боится темноты. Вчера я видела , как Джон застал его врасплох и вдруг почувствовала непреодолимое желание сбежать.
Источник: -
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. it doesn't matter when you enter the us. We will be waiting for you in the living room. with you something happened? This is not a comic thing!2. If you do charge, this would be of benefit to you. If you followed the figure you would be more elegant dresses.3. me offered me a very interesting work that must be finished in 2 weeks. I'd long ago abandoned such work.4. I noticed your younger daughter first smiled at John, and then pushed him and began snapping. No good so behave! you should learn to TER sing criticism.5. it doesn't matter, you will follow him or not. I will always be nearby. 6. it's a pity that it is not like a brother. Yesterday I heard she Snarls.7. I feel that he is telling me the truth. It is a pity that he did not marry for love. She saw that John really wants to leave. He's not used to constrain.8. She's not accustomed to use makeup, right? Why it has not monitored the figure? Interestingly, it is fully aware of all the earnest situation?9. I don't exactly where it will go. It all exactly, enter you to it or not. I don't believe that she didn't say.10. I heard her youngest son is afraid of the dark. Yesterday I saw John caught him off guard and suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to escape.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. it does not matter when you you come after us. We will wait for you in the living room. with you that something happened? it's not a laughing matter!
2. if you do exercises, it would be of benefit to you. if you follow the figure, you would wear a more elegant dress.
3. Me, I was offered a very interesting work that should be completed in 2 weeks. I would have already abandoned such work.
4. I noticed how your younger daughter first John smiled, and then pushed him and began to snap. It would not do so behave! You should learn to sing ter criticism.
5. it does not matter, will you follow him or not. I'll always be around.
6. pity that it is not like his brother. Yesterday I heard she snarls.
7. I feel that he is telling me the truth. It is a pity that he did not marry for love. She saw that John really wants to leave. He was not used to restrain impulses.
8. She was not used to use makeup, do not you? Why did not she follow the figure? I wonder if she is fully aware of the seriousness of the situation?
9. I do not exactly where she was going. it all straight, you come to it you or not. I do not believe her, so she did not.
10. I heard her youngest son afraid of the dark. Yesterday I saw John caught him off guard and suddenly felt an overwhelming desire to flee.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. no matter when you come to us. we'll be waiting for you in the living room. you something happened? this is no laughing matter.
2. if you do some exercise, it would be to your advantage. if you followed.would you wear a elegant dresses.
3. i had a very interesting work which should be completed in two weeks. i would have quit the job.
4.i saw your little daughter first smiled at john, and then pushed him and began to growl. don't do this to yourself! you should learn to sing "criticism.
5. no matter you are watching or not.i'll always be around.
6. sorry, she is not like a brother. yesterday, i heard her pants.
7. i feel that he is telling me the truth. sorry, he's not married for love. she saw that john really wants to leave.he's not used to constrain.
8. she's not used to use make-up, isn't it? why didn't she monitors the figure? i wonder if she is fully aware of the gravity of the situation?
9. i don't care where she goes.it's all right, you go for it or not. i don't believe her, so she doesn't say. - 10. i heard her younger son is afraid of the dark. yesterday, i saw john caught him by surprise, and i suddenly felt an irresistible desire to run away. "
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